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Your pov
"Well, obviously. He was in the sewers abandoned. He was bound to get infested with no one to take care of him." I looked back at Donnie with an unimpressed look.

I rolled my eyes and opened the cupboard below the sink and started looking for dish soap. "Hey, Mikey? Do you have any dish soap?" He knelt next to me. "No. Today is supposed to be our grocery run."

I closed the door and stood up. "Then..." I tapped my chin. "April and I will go." I pointed to her. She crossed her arms. "It's 4 in the morning, Y/n. No stores will be open." I shrugged. "So? I wanna have a look around anyway."

Raph walks in with an empty water bottle. "You finished sulking, you big baby?" He whined and said something under his breath. I picked up my bag from the floor and swung it on my shoulder. "O'Neil and I are heading out. We'll be back later."

I grabbed her hand and dragged her out. "What? You're heading out again?!" He ran and stood in front of us. "Nu-uh. Raph says no." I groaned. "I'm human. So is April. We both blend in. It's better than wearing stupid disguises and walking around like dorks."

I shouldn't have said that.

Twenty minutes later we were sitting in the "turtle tank", what Donnie calls it, sorting through clothes. April sighed. "Seriously, Raph! Let the girl out! She hasn't seen the daylight in like..." she turned to me. "9ish years." I whisper to her. "9ish years! We can handle ourselves."

Raph came out wearing sweatpants and a ripped singlet hoodie. He slapped a cap on his head and turned it backwards. "We need to get stuff too. We'll just tag along." Donnie walked out with a purple hoodie. "I hate to admit it, but my big dumb brother is right."

He started typing something on his phone before turning it off to look at me. "Besides, the city is full of yokai and mutants that want the mystic energy that you have. It's safer if we come." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

An idea popped up in my head. "But Gypsy! We can't leave him alone. And..." I side-eye April as a call for help. "Aaaaand we can't take him with us. It's too crowded." She continued off.

Raph's eyebrow muscles stitched together. "The poor guy... okay! New plan! Donnie and Leo go with you two while me and Micheal stay back with Gypsy." I sighed and looked at April again.

She shrugged and smiled. "Hey, it's something." Her smile was contagious. I managed to pull one and nod. "Whatever. I just wanna take a look around. And maybe buy some stuff." Leo and Mikey came strutting out. Mike was wearing an orange hoodie while Leo... "What are you wearing?"

He looked down at himself. It looked like he was a hobo trying to pull off basketball clothes. He wore a navy blue hoodie with a game jersey over the top, and instead of a mask, he wore these stupid glasses. "What? It's my fit."

April and I shook our heads. "Absolutely not!" April yelled. She pushed him back to the clothes rack and pulled me with them. We stopped. "Find something else. Y/n and I will help." I looked over at her. "We will?" She looked back. "We will." Her voice was stern.

I shot my look back at the rack and started searching. We pulled out a few options but they soon got turned down by each other. I pulled out a large blue and yellow jacket. "Hey! How bout' this?" Leo looked over and gasped.

He snatched it off the hanger and slipped it on. He zipped it up and flipped the yellow hood over. He struck a pose with his signature smirk. "How do I look, cosas calientes?" I crossed my arms still holding the coat hanger in hand. "What do you want me to say? Perfect?" He looked me up and down. "That wouldn't be too bad." I rolled my eyes and dropped the hanger.

I walked over to the orange seat that I left my bag on and picked it up. "Let's go then." I looked around for Raph and Miguel but didn't see them. The four of up hopped out of the tank and walked to the exit.

As we walked I saw Mikey and Raph sitting in front of Gypsy watching him eat. I smiled and caught up with the others.

April's pov
I held Leo's arm and he guided us down the sewer system. I looked around to find Y/ns shadow and saw that they were looking straight forward. "Y/n, gurl. How can you see?" She looked at me. I could see their shoulders lift and drop. Her hands shook beside their face. "Magic."

I rolled my eyes and laugh. "Haha, you're so funny." She didn't laugh. I paused. "Wait you're serious?" Her head moved up and down. "Here." I felt a hand on mine. Instantly I could see everything around me. Donnie kicking a small stone. Leo smiled as he continued to walk. And Y/n grinning as she let go.

I laughed as I let go of Leo's arm. I held my hands in front of me. I could see them. I could hear Leo snicker. I elbowed him in the side. "Shut it. I didn't know they could do that." Y/n looked at me with a questioning face. "What exactly did they tell you?"

I start to sweat. I look over at Donnie who had torn his attention to look at me. Leo was trying to hold in a laugh. "I... uh... they told me you had powers, just didn't say what kind."

She shrugged and put their hands behind their head. "Anything you can think of." Leo stepped in front of Y/n and started to walk backwards. "Whoa, woah, woah. You're telling me that this whole time you could do anything?" She put her hands down to their side. "Uhhh. Yes?"

Word count: 1017
A/n: Hello there. I've decided that if I can't verify fucked writing an A/n for you I will replace it with a meme or image of some kind. Thank you and goodbye.

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