Find the key

113 2 4

!Trigger warning! Blood, gore, death, angst
You have been warned

Future pov

Your pov

"Y/N!" I turn around and shoot the bot behind me. I hear a group of footsteps near me from behind.

I swing around and make my hands into blasters. I point them at the hoard. "Woah!" Casey puts his hands up.

I sigh in pain and lower my weapons. They phase away, and I hold my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I push his hand off me. "I'm fine. Just focus on the fight."

He seemed to be hurt by what I said. But I didn't have any time. There was no time. I unsheathed Usagi's katana and hold it out to my side.

"Where's Leo and Mikey?" I ask and begin walking. He runs and flips his mask up. "They're on the front lines with the rest of the mystic and combat team. Master Leonardo sent me to come and get you."

I cut open an enemy ship and look inside. I strip away the control panel and shove it into my pocket. "I'll be there in a sec. You head back." I pushed.

He pulled on my arm and turned me around. "Y/n, wake up. This is the fucking apocalypse! We aren't winning by that much in this fight and you can't be alone!"

I rip my hand away from him and stand strong. "Fine." I push past him and open a portal. I grab him by his Cape and drag him through with me.

The light closed behind us and I let him go. "Y/n! Casey!" We both turn and see Leo running to us.

He paused and looked at my shoulder and then at me. "Y/n... we should radio a medic." He pulled out his communicator. "What? No. In fine."

I look at my shoulder and have to double back. My uniform was drenched in blood and my skin looked like it had been blown up.

I put a hand over it and look back at Leo. "I'm okay." He stops his call and looked at me and my wound.

"Y/n, you look like the literal color red, your shoulder is missing most of its muscle and skin, and your body is shaking like a fucking maraca."

I smile and shake my head. I crack a small laugh and Leo puts a hand on his hip. "Y/n, I'm serious-"

*Fweeeewwwww Bang*

We duck and look behind Leo. Another giant scrap bot. I groan and roll my remaining shoulder.

I walk forward only to be stopped by a metal arm. I look at the turtle with narrowed eyes. "You can't protect everyone. You have to lay off-" "I have to try."

I phase through his arm and quickly run. "I-wha? Y/N!" I squeeze the hilt of the katana and slip on the dirt, through the legs of the metal beast.

I slice through its foot and bring myself to my knee. I watch the bot limp and fall forward.

I carefully put Usagi's weapon away and climb onto the fallen body. I squat down and open a small hatch in its system.

I pull off a bomb from my belt, pull the pin with my teeth, and drop it in. I close the compartment and flip off back onto the ground.

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