Chapter 41

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"And then, the surgeon started kissing her girlfriend with so much love while she begun to make love to her soulmate."

After a wonderful sex session, the couple returned inside the house, hand in hand and really happy.

Daniela, Vicenzo and specially Salvatore were relieved for seeing the couple was really good. Stephanie and Connor were also happy to see that Danielle and Stefania were more than okay.

"So, my daughter, tell me everything about LA." Vicenzo asked really proud.

Now it was Danielle's turn to get really proud. Her eyes lit up and she smiled huge. So, she looked at Stefania and said proudly:

"Tell them, love."

Then, the Ob/Gyn told them everything. Since when Danielle first knew she was an Ob/Gyn and she was trying to find a new job in the USA and told her dad about it, till her interview with Randy and her hiring even on vacation.

"At first Stefania thought I influenced my dad because we are dating. But I told her it was all on her merits, because my dad really does all our wishes, but not when it comes to the hospital. He is extremely strict with the medical team. Even Steph and I, to reach our leadership positions, we had to prove that we deserved it and that we were up to the task. Then no, I didn't ask him for anything because I knew it wouldn't do any good. So what I did was tell him  that my beautiful girlfriend is an obstetrician. The rest was all her. My princess is very competent and managed to get the position of head of obstetrics on her own!" Said a really proud Danielle peaking her girlfriend's lips.
"Cazzo sorellina! Sei la migliore! Sono molto orgoglioso di te!" (Fuck little sister! You're the best! I'm very proud of you!) Salvatore said.

Daniela was also very proud of her sister.

"Mama sarebbe così orgogliosa di te, sorellina. Ma so che sta vendendo il suo successo e si prende cura di tutti noi, dal cielo!" (Mom would be so proud of you, little sister. But I know she is seeing your success and taking care of all of us, from heaven!)
"My sister-in-law is amazing! Los Angeles, get ready for the millions of babies that will come into the world by the hands of this great doctor! So, let's toast to that! To Stefania!" Stephanie said.

Everyone toasted happily. Vicenzo couldn't be happier and prouder of his daughter.  Nor Danielle.

"And where do you intend to live, my daughter?"

This time the cardiologist didn't make room for stefania to reply. Looking straight into the italian's eyes, with the most passionated look that someone can throw, the blonde said:

"Con me, papa!" (With me, dad!) And caressed the hazel-eyed girl's face smiling in love.

Stefania chocked. Stephanie smiled huge.

"W-what b-bambina?" She was surprised.
"My love, seeing you first thing in the morning is all I ask for. Being able to hug you, is a bonus God will give me. You're the one and only I need to turn my day perfect. Stef, I din't love you just for the sake of loving, but because you have given me tranquility on days where I have given up on myself! So yes, I want you to move on with me. Nothing could make me happier!"

Then, the blue-eyed girl knelt in front of her girlfriend and asked:

"Viene a vivere con me, principessa?" (Come live with me, princess?)

The Ob/Gyn couldn't hold her tears anymore.

"B-but b-bambina, are you sure?"
"Ha, if I am sure? Is the sky blue? Do humans need oxigen to live? Is the earth round? Just as the answer to all these questions is too obvious, my answer to your question is even more obvious: of course I do! Love, I've never been so sure of anything in my life as I am that you are the woman of my life, my happiness! So yes, I am a hundred per cent sure, my love. I love you! Move on with me, baby?"

All attention was focused on the brunette, who was completely oblivious to everyone around her, except fot a certain blonde with ocean-colored eyes that put a spell on her. The lack of response, the suspense were killing the cardiologist. The Ob/Gyn didn't say anything. She just looked deep into those beautiful eyes as she softly caressed the face of the woman she loved so much.

That moment was unique  they were in a bubble of their own. Nothing and no one crossed that bubble. No words being expressed but so many things being said... with them it was always like this, just one look for their hearts to understand each other, their souls to connect. So many caresses exchanged. A whole universe in their eyes...

"Bambina, all I know is I'll never find anyone better than you. Sometimes souls instantly click. Whether you're lovers, best friends, soulmates or something so special that words can't quite explain it. And you accept this person for everything they are and they would never let you be anything other than your beautiful, imperfect self. Those are the souls that you encounter and just know in the very first moment that you were supposed to cross paths. This is us! Bambina, your presence make me feel safe and calm, like I'm home wherever I am with you. You are, without a doubt, the most special person I've had the privilege to love - no distance, time or person could come between the bond we share. Your kindness, softness, sincerity and unconditional love makes me feel like a better person, because life is simply better with you in it! You are my happy place, my comfort, my sunshine, my everything and I genuinely couldn't imagine life without you in it!"

Danielle was already shedding tears...

"There is nothing in this world that can make me happier than moving in with you, my love. But before I say yes, I want to talk to you. Alone. I need to tell you a part of my life that I haven't told you yet, because I don't talk about it. It hurts me too much, but if I want to start a life with you, I need to tell you this, so we can start without any secrets." The taller woman said.

Actually, Danielle already knew what Stefania was going to say, so she was a little calmer.

"My love, if this hurts you, we don't need to talk about that. It's in the past and..."
"No amore mio. I want to tell you. I need this."
"Okay. But I want you to know that nothing you say will change how I feel about you and not even the fact that I want to share a house and a lifetime with you. But if you need it, come on, princess. I love you."

And hand in hand, they headed to Stefania's old room once again, this time not to fix any missunderstandment, but to start a new journey towards happiness.

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