Chapter 80

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"I love you more!"

The days went by. Brenda was getting better and so was the baby. Stefania became very close to her new patient, who didn't know what else to do to show her gratitude for all the efforts made by the italian woman and her girlfriend to save her life and her daughter's too.

"Doctor Spampinato..."
"Please, Brenda, call me Stefania."
"Oh, ok, Stefania. I found out that my little one will be discharged today from the ICU."
"Sì, doctor Ortiz told me that your little bambina will be soon right by tour side! I'm really happy for that!" The brunette doctor said genuinely happy.
"Yes, I can't wait for this! You know doctor, my husband died 3 months ago, he had a sudden illness while travelling for work and he couldn't resist..." The woman started to tell Stefania her life story.
"Dio Santo... I'm so sorry for that Brenda."
"Thank you doctor. So, I'm really grateful for what you and doctor Savre did for me, because otherwise, my little daughter  would grow up without a father or a mother. My family didn't like Trevor,cand since I insisted on keeping with him, they cut off ties with me a long time ago. I don't know if they would accept to take care of my daughter if I died... so, I'd like to ask you a favor..."

The italian's heart squeezed in her chest. That poor woman squeezed in her chest. That poor woman had been through a lot and once again the hazel-eyed girl thanked god for having managed to save those 2 lives.

"Sure, Brenda.  Tell me what is it " The Ob/Gyn replied softly.
"Could you ask doctor Savre to join us for a little moment? I promise I won't take too much time. I know that both of you are really husy, vut I'd love to talk to you quickly, if it's possible."
"Of course. Give me a minute, please."

So the italian called Danielle.

"Hi my love, is everything okay?"
"Hi bambina. Yes. Everything is fine. Listen, I came to see Brenda and she asked me to call you and ask if you can come over here for a bit now."
"Sure! Is she All right?"
"Yes, amore mio, she's perfect."
"Oh, okay.  Better this way. Just tell her I'm on my way."
"Great. We're waiting for you. "
"Okay. See you, my love. I love you!"
"See you bella. I love you too."

As soon as she hung up, Stefania said Danielle was on her way and Brenda was overjoyed to know they were a couple.

"Oh my God, are you a couple?" The woman asked really happy.
"Yes 🥰. She's the love of my life, Brenda!"
"Jesus, I'm really happy for you! You both really deserve to be happy. And to be honest, I think you were meant to be!"
"Thank you so much, bella 😊!"
"Don't thank me, doctor. I'm honest. Good, kind people, who care about and never give up on others like you, deserve all the happiness in the world." The 27 years old patient stated.
"Grazzie bella!" (Thank you bella!)
"For what?" Danielle asked smiling while entering the room.

Stefania's eyes immediately lit up.

"Hi baby " The cardiologist said softly, winking at her girlfriend.
"I was saying that you and doctor Spampinato deserve to be happy."
"Brenda, I've already told you, call me Stefania."

The patient blushed..

"Hey, don't you get embarassed! Call us Stefania and Danielle, please." The cardiologist said amused, side hugging her girlfriend.
"Okay..." Brenda replied smiling shy.
"Are you okay, sweetie? Why did you ask me to come up here? Is anything wrong with your heart?" Danielle asked genuinely concerned.
"No. Absolutely not. Don't worry. I'm sorry for this, doctor..."

Danielle just looked at her raising her eyebrows.

"I mean, Danielle. "

The blue-eyed girl smiled saying:

"Good. It's much better this way!"

Brenda smiled and continued:

"I wished you both were here because I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna name my little girl Stefania Danielle Prior..."
"Oh my god, Brenda!" Both doctors spoke at the same time really emotionals.
"Yes, I want her to know that she was named after two wonderful doctors who didn't give up on both of us. And I also hope that someday she can be as wonderful and talented as the both of you!"
"Brenda, I'm pretty sure she will be an incredible girl! Her mom is a worrior and fought a lot to bring her into this crazy - but wonderful world." Stefania said with tearing eyes.
"We're really honored and moved by this beautiful tribute like that. I know you'll be an amazing mom." Danielle stated wiping away a tear that kept running down her face.
"Thank you very much! For everything! You guys, were true angels who appeared in my life, and in my daughter's too."
"There is nothing to be thankful for. We love out job, and saving lives is our greatest joys." Damielle said.

They talked a bit more. But the doctors had to go after their patiens. Then, they said their goodbyes and left together.

"Amore mio, I'm so happy  we managed to save Brenda's life. Otherwise, little Stefania  Danielle would grow up alone..."
"What do you mean, baby?"

The Ob/Gyn told her girlfriend everything their patient had told her and Danielle was really relieved that they managed to do it.

"Poor Brenda... she's so young and had already gone through so much..."
"Sì, I can't even imagine a situation like this..."
"And you don't need to. I'm not going anywhere without you, my love!" The blonde said it hugging her girlfriend and pecking her lips with love.
"I know bambina! But it's very difficult not to empathize with her story."
"Yeah, you're right... but let's forget about the bad things and focus only on the good ones. Baby, are you ready to go shopping for our house?" So we can move over the weekend?" The ocean-eyed girl asked all softly while smiling in love.
"I'm so ready, amore mio!"
"Great! So we can meet after work and head straight to wall mart, okay?"
"Okay.  I can't wait,  bambina!"
"Me neither! Now go bringing some more bambinos into this crazy world. I'll meet you later. I love you!"
"And you go to make sure that hearts keep beating rhytmically, saving the lives of all this people and making me even more proud than ever of the love of my life. Anch'io ti amo, principessa." (I love you too, princess).

And both doctors returned to their offices eager for the day to come to an end, so they could begin the rest of their lives.

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