Chapter 75

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"Not today... and left leaving the ocean-eyed girl stucked, hurt and really in shock behind, thinking about what would she do if the love of her life left her."

Danielle was desperate. She wondered and wondered what she had done wrong. Okay,  she had forgotten to lock the door, but that's no reason to break up with her... so the blonde took out her cell phone to call Jaina,  but when she was about to make the call, her friend's name appeared on the screen.

"Hi Jai..." said a devastated Danielle.
"Dani? Are you okay?"
"No!" And she couldn't hold her tears back anymore.
"What is going on? I knew Stefania was a little nervous because of a woman. "
"Is she okay?"
"I don't know..."
"What do you mean you don't know?"

Amid many tears and sobbs, the blue-eyed girl told her friend and ended by saying:

"She's gonna break up on me, Jai..."
"Hey, nobody is gonna break up, D!"
"Did you listen to me? She called me Danielle, not bambina, not amore mio or bella. It was Danielle.  She always calls me like this (in an affectionated way) no matter what happens. She barely exchanged 10 words with me since all this shit happened. Not to mention she didn't want to  take a shower with me. We always shower together, Jai. No matter what happens. But today she simply said "not today" and left, alone towards the bathroom. But she took with her my peace, my smile and desappeared. It was at that time I sat here, like a fool and without any reaction. I don't know what am I going to do with my life without her, Jai. I am no longer me without her!"

There was so much pain in those words, so much suffering that the pediatrician couldn't avoid a few tears from falling down her face too.

"Hey, listen to me. You don't know what is going on. I highly doubt that Stefania will break up with you, this woman loves you the most! You're her entire world! So stop suffering in advance. Talk to her, clarify things. You will see that everything will be fine."
"I'm scared, Jai!"
"Of what?"
"And if she says she's leaving me?"
"I'm pretty sure she won't do that."
"But what if?"
"Well, if she does, then we'll drown our sorrows, okay? But I know that won't happen."
"Good. Now, try to calm down."
"Where is Stef?"
"Still in the shower..."
"Right. Wait for her and talk to her. Then, if you need me you can call me. I'll be here for you!"
"Okay Jai. Thank you."
"There is nothing to thank me. I love you! See you later."
"I love you too! Laters."so the blonde stayed there for who knows how long, absorbed on her fears... suddenly,  she heard footsteps on the stairs and a voice saying:

"Can we talk?"

At that moment the ocean-eyed girl's heart missed several beats and she could only nod in agreement.

As the hazel-eyed girl approached,  she saw how devastated her girlfriend was.

"Oh my God bambina. What is going on, amore mio?" Why are you like this?" She asked genuinely concerned.

And that made Danielle breake into a compulsive cry. She sobbed, her whole body shook and she could barely speak.

The italian immediately knelt down in front of her and hugger her girlfriend as tightly as she could, whispering loving words in the cardiologist's ear. Little by little. The blue-eyed girl calmed down, surrending to the caresses, the smell and the words of love that Stefania tirelesly repeated.

"Hey amore mio. Don't cry. Tell me, what's up?"
"Stef, are you going to break up with me? Will you leave me?"
"What? No!!!! Of course not, bambina! Where did you get that from?" Now it was the brunette's turn to be despaired.
"Y-you called m-me Danielle a-and you n-never call me that. Y-you said you needed t-to get the c-courage... not to mention, y-you didn't want me to t-take a s-shower with you..." The blonde started sobbing again. "You barely talked to me. "
"No, amore mio, I'm not leaving you. Much less breaking up with you, bambina! I'm sorry I made you cry, bella. It was a huge mistake if mine. Forgive me! I was in shock, bambina!"
"I know baby, I screwed up when I forgot to lock the door..."
"Hey, I don't care for this! My love, I want the world to testify how much I love you! That wasn't the problem, bella."
"N-no? What was it then?"

Stefania took a deep breath and said:

"Actually, I was like that because I didn't know how to tell you this. I was afraid of your reaction, amore mio. That's why I closed myself off and said I needed to get the courage. But breaking up with you, my angel, that never crossed my mind, I swear!"
"Really?" Danielle asked relieved.
"Sure bambina!. Look, bella, I need you to know that I have no idea of how that monster found me. I need you to believe me,  bambina, because I swear for my mama, I've never spoken to that damn one again." Now it was the Ob/Gyn who was crying.
"Okay baby, calm down. Shhhhh, don't cry. I'm here for you.  Just tell me princess, who is that woman?"
"It's Catarina..."
"Wait, your ex?"
"Sì." The italian replied almost unaudible.

Danielle felt her blood boiling.

"Fuck! Now everything makes sence! Of course, that's why you were so upset..."
"Bambina, listen to me. I have no idea of how this piece of shit found me. I don't even know what the hell was she doing at the hospital. You must believe me, amore mio! Please, don't get angry at me!"
"Hey, my love, stop it. Look at me, please. I'm not angry at you, babe, and I believe in you blindely, Stef."

The brunette was relieved.

"Bambina, I was so scared! You've already gone through hell, you saw doctor Grey cheating on you, but I swear, I didn't..."
"Hey, don't you dare to compare yourself to that bastard! You're much better than him, do you understand me?"
"Good. Now tell me babe, do you miss her?"
"Who? Catarina?" No! Of course not! Bambina, her presence just brought me back the bad moments memories. She represents the pain, for my mama's loss, for the way she treated me... I was afraid of you don't understand me..."
"Baby, I don't care how bad or good your past was. When I said "yes" to you, I accepted all your scars and insecurities with pride. Life isn't easy, my love. But every day we get the chance to make different, to make a difference. I'm thankful for what we already have and I work hard for the things we want, because every breath you take with me, every single moment with you is a blessing! This shitty woman is part of your past, and as much as I desire to be able to change that, there is nothing I can do about it, so, I don't care. What really matters is that you are mine now."
"All yours, bambina! Oh my God, when I chose you I didn't do that because of ulterior intentions not out of interest. I chose you because I saw in your eyes that you could make me happy someday, and well... lately I'm having a happiness by your side that I can't explain, it's a very complex feeling to be said in words, but I confess that this feeling made me feel what it is to have true happiness. You warm my heart. You're the most important person in my life and you will always be, regardless of anything.  Bambina, I want you to know that my love for you goes far beyong anything."
"I love you, Stef!"
"I love you more, D!"
"That's impossible."
"Mmm, I don't know... hahahahaha."
"You scared the hell of me today, you know that, my love?"
"I'm sorry, bambina! I didn't mean to do that."
"I know, baby. It's okay."
Damme un bacio, amore mio!" (Kiss me, my love!)

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