Part 17

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Already 5 days I didn't talk to him, my life felt empty, we just stared for a moment and ignored each other afterwards.

Every day L always come to see me, he who always get rid of my loneliness, he who always make me smile, make me survive through my hard days.

I feel Jungkook getting away from me, I can't reach him anymore, he doesn't care about me, he never came to see me or talk to me, he just had fun with himself, he always leave a home, and back to home at midnight and drunk also brings different girls every night.

My heart is really hurts, every night I always hear the sound of their moans I felt stabbed by thousands of knives in my heart.
I've had too many tears for him.
But instead, L who always makes my days better, he heals me from all my wounds.

Tonight I sat on the couch, watched tv until late at night, and yes as usual, Jungkook has not come home yet, he may be looking for another girl and will take her to his room.

My eyes feel heavy, I feel sleepy, but I hear the car coming in front of the house, my eyes instantly wide open, i know it, that's must be Jungkook.

The door of the house opens, and I see him walking in with a girl on his arms I clenched my fist, saw them kissing roughly, I was disgusted to see it.

He notice me, He stopped the kiss, stared at me with a cold gaze.
My eyes began to wet, instantly tears trickled down my cheeks.
"you such a jerk Jungkook, i hate you" i said wiped my tears and run to my room.
I locked the door, jumped to the bed, and sobbing on there.

Jungkoo's Pov
I saw her sitting on the couch, She saw me kissing with another girl, I saw something glittering down her cheeks, it was a tears, she cried, I made her cry, my heart falling apart to see her crying, she said that she hate me, she runs to her room, i saw her back slowly away from my sight and disappear.
"i'm sorry y/n, i'm sorry, just forget me, just hate me" i talk to myself

Next day

As usual L came to see me, I talked with him in the living room, he always made me laugh, we watch tv, eating snack.
"thank you L, you always make my day happy, I almost forgot all my pain when I was with you" i said, he looking at me softly.
"my pleasure, I will always be here for you, I will heal all your pain" he said while he caressing my cheek.
"L... is your offer still valid?" i asked
"what kind of offer?" he replied, he look so confused by my words.
"Your offer to let me stay in your house" i replied and smile to him.
"I can't stay here any longer, I'm fine when you are here with me, but when you leave me, i feel lonely, I always cry, my heart hurts because of him, i'm tired for crying, i'm tired to pretend if I'm okay, but in fact I feel crushed" i lowered my head, my eyes getting wet.
"I have told you before, you should leave from here and stay with me" he said while he caressing my back.
"so..when you will be moving to my House?" he release his arms, his face looks very happy.
"tonight" i replied quickly.
"you know y/n, i'm so happy to hear that, i'm so happy if you want to stay with me" he said, hugging me again.
"Please, don't leave me, i don't know what to do if you were not here by my side, i'm almost crazy to holding all this pain" i hug him tightly.
"i won't, i promise i'll always by your side, i won't leave you" he said.

I am very relieved to have L by my side, but at the same time, I feel my heart broke into pieces, i must leaving this house, I can't see him anymore, but if I stay here, I feel like i'm going crazy, I can't stand to see him always bring different girls every night, I can't stand to hear them having sex every night, I decided to leave, to start my new life with L, I hope L can make me to forget him, to forget Jungkook.

He broke the hug, cupped my face
"i love you" he said and he landed his lips on mine
He kissed me gently, i kiss him back, his lips caressing mine sofly, his kiss was so sweet.

Jungkook Pov
I walk to downstair, when i stepped down, i saw her kissing with that guy, I clenched my fist, my anger build up I feel my head burning, My blood began to boil up.
I run toward them, and unknowingly i punch him, he fell on the floor.

Y/N Pov
"what are you doing in my house" he yelled
He punched L
I feel so angry with Jungkook, my eyes widened to see him.
"what the hell are you doing?? Are you crazy?? Why do you hit him??" i shouted, with anger, I approached L who fell on the floor.
"are you ok?" i asked to L
"i'm fine, it's ok" he replied, touching the corner of his bloody mouth.
"you are bleeding" i said, and wiped his blood.
"You make my house dirty, how dare you are kissing in my house, what would you do after kissing? Are you going to have sex with him? so disgusting" Jungkook said, he raise his tone, he was so angry, i can see that.
I stood up, approached him, I stared at him with all my overwhelming emotions, my heart was very hurt to hear his words.
"You are the one who made your house dirty, why are you so upset to see me kissing with him? We just kiss Jungkook, but you, you always bring a different girl every night, had a sex with them, I can hear you enjoy it very much every night, don't you think about me then? don't you care about my feelings? how hurt i am to see you like that?" i yelled, my tears suddenly dropped down.
"this is my house, i can do whatever i want, but you, you are nobody here, you are just a daughter from my mom's friend who lives here" he shouted.
My tears are falling harder, I didn't expect he can say that words, the words that hurt me so much, I'm nobody for him.
"I know now, I realize now, I'm nobody here, i'm nobody for you, thank you for helping me to realize my position" i said, wiped my tears.
I turn my body, stepped closer toward L
"come on L, i have to packed all my stuff, i'll leaving this house now" i said, helping him to stand up, place his hand on my shoulder and go to the upstair, to my room.

Jungkook Pov
I was so angry, I could not control my emotions, I didn't expect, I say a rude words to her, now she must hate me very much, I'm hurting her too deep.
And her words make my body froze.
My heart seemed to stop beating, I can't feel my breathe, my heart was devastated.
She says if she will leave, she will leave me, I feel my world was destroyed instantly, my world turns dark and frightening to finds out if she won't come back.

I don't know what to do, I don't know how my world would be if she left me.
"don't go y/n, please, forgive me!! Don't leave"

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