Part 5

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I run toward my room, i locked the door and leaning my back on it.
I laughed because I managed to taunt him, it's all as I expected, I made it.
I was breathing so hard because i run to fast,
I try to catch my breath, breath in breath out,
I closed my eyes and suddenly some thing popped in my head, it was a scene where he was so close to me, a scene where his lips almost touched mine,
I open my eyes instantly, i place my hand on my chest, and i feel my heart was beating so fast.
" omg, what is this, why i remember that scene? Arrgghh " I jumped to the bed, buried my face on the pillow.
" i can't be like this, i have to clear my mind " i sit on the bed and went to the bathroom for showering.
I filled up the bath tube with a warm water, i took off all my clothes and soaking my body in there. Taking bath is the most appropriate way to calm my mind.
After i finish showering, i wrapped my body with a towel and dry all my body then i picked some clothes, i decide to wear a comfy clothes, when i dressed up, i heard someone knocked the door of my room.
i opened it and saw aunty jeon stand in front of me, she frowned while she crossed her hand
" why you take a maid's room? " she said, i can see disappointed in her eyes because i take the maid's room.
" look sweetheart, you can't stay in the maid's room, you are my guest and you are my daughter, i don't want you to sleep in this room, just packed your stuff and bring it to my room, you'll sleep with me " her eyes softened.
" it's ok auntie, this room are clean, and the bed is comfortable, I'm fine here, please let me stay here " i replied, begging to her.
" then ok, for now you'll sleep here, but tomorrow you will take a guest room ok? I'll asked people to fixed the guest room quickly, i don't want you stay in the maid's room " she said, with a little smile on her lips, i nodded then she leave.

Jungkook just sitting on the bench, remembering his past with you, remembering your smile, your tears, your cuteness, just thinking of that make his mood raised instantly.
He smile for remembering how happy he is used to be with you, he's so happy, he's world feel so perfect with you.

Jungkook POV
My world was perfect when I was with you a long time ago, until that night, the night when my father came home with a girl, he said something i didn't want to hear, his words hurt me so much, and also my mom, after that night I felt my world was destroyed, my happiness are replaced with miserable.
He turned me into a different person, being cold and tempramental, I started to say rude words to my mom, hurt her, make her cry.
And what makes me more hurts is, I broke my promise to you, the promise where I will always taking care of you and always be there for you, but in fact, i leave you, I leave you because of my disappointment to my father, he ruined everything, he has taken all my happiness and plunged a deep wounds into my heart.
" i'm sorry y/n, i broke my promise, i was so selfish, only think of my self, i'm sorry " i said with a tears, i feel so hurt when i think of my fault,
I stood up and back to my room, i went to the bathroom to take a bath.

It's already night, I came out of my room and smelled something very delicious, I walked into the kitchen and saw auntie jeon cooking dinner, the smells makes me hungry.
" need some help? " I said and walked closer to her.
" Of course, come, you can make a drink for us, and put the food on the table " she smiled and I nodded.
I make a lemon tea and bring all the dish to the table.
After we finished everything, we sat at the dining table and waiting for Jungkook to come.
Not long after, i saw him walking down the stairs slowly, my eyes widened to see him, he was dressed very neat and so handsome.
I thought that he came not for having dinner with us, he looks like going to go out.
" Are you gonna go? " I asked him but he didn't answer my question, he looked at me with dark eyes and went past us.
"Hey!! where are you going, you should eat your dinner, Do you know how hard your mother and I prepared all this for you? " I yelled at him, my annoyance build up.

He turned his body, walking closer to me with a dark gaze.
He moved his face close to mine, his gaze makes me quiver.
" it's none of your business, and I don't want to have a dinner with you and her " he pointed to his mother while he grinned and he left the house.
" i'm sorry y/n, i have to go to my room, you can eat your dinner alone, just enjoy it " she said with a smile, but i know it was a fake smile, i can see her eyes getting red and wet, i know she hurts by her own son
She stood up and walking toward her room.
" that jerk, how can he doing this to his mother, look jungkook, i'll make you pay all this " i clenched my grip, i'm so angry to him.
After I finished eating, I sat on the couch on the living room and watched dvd, I looked at the clock, it was 2 am and Jungkook still not back.
" where is he? What he was doing, why he doesn't come yet? " i mumble.
15 minute later i heard someone unlocked the door, i moved my gaze towards the door, and saw jungkook walking inside.
" yahh, you jerk, why are you coming back home so late " i shouted, i walked closer to him and I smell the sting things, the smell of alcohol.
" are you drunk? " i yelled
He stepped past me, he could not walk properly, he held his head and fell, I ran toward him, helped him to stand up.
I put his hand on my shoulder while i place my hand on his waist, i helped him to reached his room.
I open the door, walk toward his bed and laid him on bed.
" Why you drink so much, you are troublesome " i mumble.
he is very heavy, make me tired enough.
" wait here, I'll make a drink for you for decrease your drunkenness " i said and turned my body and started walking out of his room
but suddenly he grab my wrist and pulled me into bed, he laid me down put his head on my neck and place his hand around my waist.
I kept wriggling, trying to release myself from his body.
" don't leave " he said with a husky voice.
I shocked by his words, made me stop wriggling.
" just stay, just stay like this for tonight, don't leave " he said and hugging me even thight.
His voice sounds weak and shaky, suddenly, i felt something cold fall on my neck, I do not know what it is, until I heard a sobbing, made me realize if something that fell on my neck is his tears, he cried, I do not know why he crying, i don't know why my heart feel so hurts to see him like this,
I hugged him tightly, stroked his hair, while my other hand caressing his back, trying to comforting him.
I was thinking, he must be very hurts to go back to this house, I know it's not easy for him to be able to return to this house the house that holds all the beautiful memories and also give the most painful memories for him.
Tonight, just for tonight, i want to stay by his side, just like this.

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