Part 14

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Next day
The sunlight that pierced through my face, make me woke up from my sleep, I opened my eyes slowly, as i remembered I was sleeping on his arms last night but now I don't see him beside me. My head was not dizzy like yesterday, i walked to the bathroom to clean my face, when i get inside the bathroom then i heard someone calling my name.
" y/n baby, where are you" i heard aunty voice
" i'm here " i replied and step out from the bathroom.
" how you feeling now? " she asked
" i'm fine aunty thanks for caring me " i replied
" here, eat first and take the medicine " she said while she give me some food.
I start eating, she sat beside me
" aunty, where's Jungkook? " i asked I'm so curious where is he, last night he was by my side but in the morning, he's gone.
" i don't know, He said if he had some business, he left an hour ago " she replied then i nodded. When i finish eating, i take the medicine.
Whatever comes into my mouth all tastes bitter, but I force it, I want to recover, I don't want to be in bed all the time
" ok, then take a rest now, i'll be downstair, call me if you need anything " she said and caressing my head, i nodded I laid my body on bed, i try to sleep but i can't, I always thinking of him.

Jungkook POV
I left the house and went to the department store, i want to buy something I want to give her a gift, I want to buy something for her, that can make her mind calm and relax.
I found a shop that sells aromatherapy candles, the candle is so pretty and has a nice fragrance, I bought some for her, I also buy a light sleeper , I'll put it in her room.
I decided to go home after buying it, but when I walked suddenly there was a shop that caught my eye, I went into the store and looked inside, they sold the necklace, the necklaces looks beautiful, I see there is a necklace with a star-shaped pendant, I feel the necklace will be very pretty sticking to her neck, so I bought it for her. I walked into the parking lot, and got into the car, before I started driving, I pulled out a small pink box inside my pocket, I opened it and saw the necklace I bought for her, I hope she will like it.
I closed the box, put it back on my pocket and start driving.

I kept staring at the clock, it was late at afternoon but Jungkook not coming back yet, my heart is restless, i decided to take a shower, I filled the bath tub with warm water and soak my body there, so relaxing.

Jungkook POV
I walked into the house directly to upstairs, to her room, but her room door are open, I peeked making sure that she was sleeping or not, but I didn't see her, I started to worry because she was not in her room, I ran inside, looking on each side of the room, and I heard the sound of the water tap burning, my heart began to be relieved, it turns out she was taking a shower.
I took the opportunity to start installing lights sleeper in her room, put an aroma therapy candles in every corner of her room, I want to surprise her. Now everything is perfect, the room looks pretty filled with candle fragrance.

But there was one thing that suddenly made my heart pounding, the necklace, I don't know where to start, I don't know what to say when I give the necklace to her
" ok jungkook, just wait her until she finish  showering and just give the necklace to her, that's it!! " said to myself, trying to calming my heart beat
" shit, but why my heart beating so fast "
I mumble, then i decide to go to my room and take a  shower I hope after showering my heart wil be calm and my mind will be clear, so I can give this necklace to her easily.

" omg, that's so beautiful " i said, fascinated with the view of my room. It was so beautiful, with the light from the light sleeper that surround my bed, and I smell the fragrance of the candles stored in each Corner of  my room
" Jungkook!! are you doing this all ?? Changing my room to be beautiful like this? " i said, my eyes glued seeing the beautifulness of my room.
I started to dress, I wanted to ask him, is he who  had done all this I walked into his room, knocked his room but no answer, I twisted the door knob and the door was open, the door was not locked, I went into his room, but I didn't see him inside " jungkook where are you? " I said.
calling his name, but no answer I walk to the bathroom.
" jungkook, are you inside? " i yelled and knocked the door
"yes, i'm here,why? " he replied.
"oh nothing, just finish it, i'll wait you outside " i said.
" ok " he shouted I sat on his bed, waiting for him to finish bathing. I turned my head, looked around of his room, I tried to remember my memories in this room, but no results. I stood up, walked toward the table next to his wardrobe, the desk was very messy, the books were scattered, his laptop still on.
I turned off his laptop and closed it, I tidied up his books, and I saw a book with a black cover, there were pictures of stars in the top corner of the book, the book was thick, for some reason I was curious about the book I pulled the book off the book case, I put the book on the table, and started to open it, when I opened it, I saw some photos, a picture of my aunty holding a baby, the baby must be Jungkook , and I realized, it was not a book, but photo album I opened another page, saw the baby grow, he smile, showing his two front teeth, which looked like a rabbit's teeth.
" you are so cute Jungkook " i said, while i kept smiling.
I open another page, and I frowned when I see the little girl who always pops up in my memory lately, and yes, it was me when I was little.
I saw myself in the photo, and I looked very happy, Then i saw another photo, in the picture, I was in the playground, I was playing a swing, while jungkook was keeping me behind I keep going through the pages, and see how happy I am by him side, I always smile, laugh, while jungkook always take care of me, he holds my hand, hugs me, i realized if I had a special relationship with him,I felt I had a strong bond with him.

My eyes kept looking at the whole photo stuck on the album my head started dizzy, I forced to re-member all those memories with him, I want to remember him, so much, so bad I keep pushing, keep going  page after page, I want to see whole the photo till the last page, I saw myself in a beautiful white dress, I was blowing a candle and Jungkook was beside me, while he held my hand, it was my birthday, I saw my  name written on the cake and I see a note beside the photo, Written over there :

"My world, My happiness, My everything I Love you y/n " (J.K)

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