Part 20

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Jungkook Pov
I sat with my mom on the couch, my mom kept trying to call her, but she still turned her phone off.
"Jungkook, are you sure that she's not at her home?" she asked.
"Yeah, i'm sure, the gate was locked, and her house has no lights, i'm sure there's no one there" i replied.
"then i'm relieve, i hope she really wasn't there" she said.
I just confused by her word.
"But why mom? You said you're relieved if she's not there but why your face look so worried?" i asked in confusion.
"listen Jubgkook, You know that her father is her stepfather, not her biological father right?" she said.
"Yeah i know, then why?" i replied, still confuse.
"When she grew up, her father changed, he became rough, temperamental, he always tortured her mother and herself, he always drunk, and the worse thing is..he tried to rape her, raped her daughter" she explain.
I feel thrown down by her explanation.
"what?? Her father try to rape her?" I was shocked to heard that, how can he try to rape his daughter.
"yes Jungkook, that's why her mother asked me to take care of y/n, if she let her doughter lived alone at home, she was scared that her stepfather will looking for her there and do something rude to her" she added.

As i heard all my mom explanation, i don't know my worries are getting bigger, i felt more guilty for her.
She has a hard life on the past, and now I just adding another wounds to her, I make her suffer.
"Mom, i have to find her, i'm going" i said, i can't stay still and waiting. I take my car key and rushed to looking for her.

I keep looking and searching, it's almost afternoon but I can't find her yet.

Y/N Pov
I sat on the bed, hugging my knees, the day getting dark, I turned on a small lamp on the table near to the bed.
I keep trying to force my mind to forget him, I don't want to remember him.
"i hate you Jungkook" I mumble, I said that i hate him, but my heart can't lie, in fact I miss him, so much.

The time passes, the night become darker, and colder, i'm just stay still with all my loneliness.
Then suddenly I heard an object fall, the sounds loud enough to make me startled.

I wanted to make sure what the sound was, but I was too scared to get out of my room, I just pulled the blanket to cover my whole body, and I hid myself there.

Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, the sounds getting closer and closer, my body start to tremble, my heart beating so fast, I was too scared.

When I was frightened, the voice suddenly disappeared, I lowered my blanket, I looked toward the door under the blanket then suddenly someone slammed the door of my room so hard, i scream out loud the door was open now, i fell my body more trembling.
"I know you are here, long time no see baby.." i heard a man voice, i know who's the owner of the voice really well.
I lifted my head up, to see him.
"dad!!!!" I said, i'm shaking, I have difficulty breathing, I am so scared to see him in front of me now.
He walk closer to me.
"you look more beautiful from the last time we meet" he said, he climb to the bed.
He grab my hair, pulled it so hard, that's so hurting me.

He pinned me on the bed, he touch my ear down to my neck then to my chest. He kiss my neck, sucking it but i kick his stomach, he fall down the bed then I try to run, but he grab my legs, make me fall on the floor. He slapped me very hard on face.
"how dare you kick your father huh? Are you want me to do it rough?" he lift me up then threw me into the bed.
"Do you want me to fuck you hard huh?" he slapped me again.

My cheeks were sore because he slapped me so hard, my tears began to fall.
He kiss me roughly, he tore off my shirt, made my chest open, he massaged my breasts while he rubbed his leght in my feminine area, i keep pushed him away, i try to escape, but his grip was me too strong for me.
"please stop it, please" i said between my tears, i feel disgusting by his touch.

Jungkook Pov
It's already midnight, i feel so frustrated because i still can't find her.
"y/n, where are you, do you hear me? How much i calling your name? Please, let me see you, let me found you" i mumbled, i keep looking around while driving.

This is useless, I still can not find her, so I decided to go back home.

When I'm on my way to my home, then suddenly I want to go to her house, I don't know why I want to go there, even I know if she's not there, but my heart guided me there.

When I got there, my eyes widened, I saw the gate has open, i got out the car and run inside.
I saw the door already open as well, but the house was dark, no light.

I keep looking all over her house, but i can't see her.
I stepped in the house, in hope if she's here.
I called her name so many times, but no answer.
I walked to the upstairs.
"y/n, are you here, please answer me" i said.
Then i heard a voice, the i follow the voice from where it's come from.

I keep walking, the voice became clear.
It is the voice of a man's moans.
Suddenly my worry increased.
I saw one of the rooms are open, I run toward the room, and finally i found her.
She's crying, with a man on top of her body.
"you bastard, what are you doing?" i pulled him and landed my punch on his face again and again
"you such a bastard, how dare you doing this to your daughter?" i keep punch him so many times.
"get out of my face now, or i'll kill you" i pushed him so hard, he fall on the floor then he runs out.

I saw her crying, hugging her knees, I ran towards her, I saw her cheeks bruised, the corner of her lips bleeding, her shirt was torn.
"it's ok, i'm here" i pulled her to my embrace.
I can feel her tremble body
"i'm sorry y/n, this is my fault"

Y/N Pov
He found me at the right time, he hugs me, i just crying on his embrace. He caressing my back, try to make me calm.
Then suddenly, something popping into my head, my memories with him appear one by one inside my head, it all feels so clear now, that's a beautiful memories, i'm so happy, finally i can remember him.

While i keep remembering those beautiful memories, suddenly i feel my head in pain, my heart beating so fast, it was so difficult to breath.

Jungkook Pov
She cry on my arm, i hugging her tightly, caressing her, try to calm her, but she stopped crying, I felt her breath getting heavy, her body became cold, I broke the hug to see her face, and I was shocked, I saw a lot of blood coming out of her nose, her face so pale, she was very difficult to breath.
"y/n..are you ok" i asked in worried.
"jung..kook..i.. i.." she said, she looks helpless.
"don't say anything, i'll take you to the hospital, hold on y/n, try to stay awake, stay with me"

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