Part 25

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"hi!! I'm jungkook,nice to meet you"

Y/N Pov
He greeted me like this was the first time he saw me, and it seemed my plan was going well.
I tried to hold back from laughing, it was so fun, he didn't know that i was playing with him.
"hi!! I'm y/n, and nice to meet you too Jungkook" i smile to him and shake his hand.
But suddenly someone else walking inside the house, i saw a girl, she's so cute.
She ran towards me, then she linked his hand to Jungkook's hand as soon as he reached him.
"oppa come on, let's go to your room" she act in a cute way.
"so jin ah~~ you are here too?" Aunty Jeon greet her.

I'm just shocked, anger started to rise, my heart feel burning. How dare he takes another girl in front of me, and what!! Aunty Jeon also know her, does she coming here often? she looks closer to him and his mom

I'm just smirked, i could't believe that he playing with a girl, and took her to his room when i wasn't here. He looks fine without me, he looks like he didn't care about me.
"ok Jungkook, so this is your reason, this is why you never visit me when i was coma, you have another girl now, you forget me so easily" i talked to myself

I can't hold my angriness, but i have to hold it, i have to keep running the plan, pretending that i didn't remember him.
"excuse me, can i get a room for rest?" i asked.
"Sure, you can take a guest room in upstair, you must be tired, then just take a rest now" Aunty Jeon replied.
"then, i'll go to the room, good night everyone" i said, i turned my eyes to see him before i walking to upstair, smile to him and walking to the guest room.

I stepped inside the room, and i didn't believe it, The room was still the same as the last time I used it, the light sleeper was still beautifully installed on the bed I'm so mesmerized, he didn't change it.
I sat on the bed, it was so comfortable here.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Can i come in?" It was Jungkook's voice.

I'm shocked, how he asked me to coming in, but i try to act normal
"yes, just come in" i replied, he open the door and walking inside.

He stare at me, his gaze make my body weak, i'm mad to him, but i miss him too much.
"what do you need?" i asked with a cold tone.
"um..i'm sorry for disturbing you, but i want to make sure that you are fine" he replied, he looks so nervous, he was so cute, i just want to hug him now, but i should hold it, he must get the punishment.
"i'm fine, absolutely fine, so?" i replied still with a cold tone.
"nothing, then if you're really fine now, i can sleep well, i didn't have a good sleep for almost a years" he said and smiling awkward.
"why?? Do you have a problem? That's why you can't sleep well for almost a year" i asked in curious.
"no, i'm just waiting for someone" he said.
"who?? Your girlfriend? Or your wife?" i asked, i'm curious to hear what he is going to answer.
"the one i loved" he replied with a soft voice, he stare at me, our eyes meet, his word make me flutter, suddenly my angriness gone.
"i'm sorry, i talk to much, you must be tired, take a rest now, have a good sleep" he said and walking out my room.

I can't hold it for any longer, I miss him so much, I want to end this prank and run towards him, hug him tightly.
"you jerk" i shouted before he stepped out my room.
He turn his head, facing me
"what?" he frowned.
"yeah, you such a jerk Jungkook" i give him a death gaze.
"Did you enjoy your day without me so far?? You look so happy with that girl you brought tonight, who is she? your girlfriend? how can you do this to me, did you have fun with her while I was suffering in the hospital, keep thinking about you all the time, wishing you to come to see me" i couldn't control my emotion.
"If I knew it would be like this, It would be better not to wake up from my coma" I choked, I almost cried, I don't know why I became emotional like this.

He just stunned, staring at me without a word, then suddenly he ran toward me. He lifted me up and landed his lips on mine. He kiss me gently and passionately, I miss his lips, i miss his scent, He feels so good.
He put me down, placing his hand around my waist.
"Do you remember me?" he asked.
"yes, completely, everything, all of you" i pouted. He pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly.
"i'm so happy now, i miss you so much" he said, he broke the hug and staring at my eyes.
"i miss you too Jungkook, i love you" i said, i feel so shy to say it. I can't believe that i'm saying that words first.
"i love you more" he replied and brushed his lips again to me.

His lips felt so good, i'm going crazy for this. He pushed me, leaving me laying on the bed, he hovered me without breaking the kiss.

The kiss became rough and full of lust, he slide his tongue inside my mouth, i sucked his tongue, make he moans softly, i want him more.

I started unbuttoning my shirt but he held my hand.
"stop" he broke the kiss.
I feel so cold when he pulled off his lips, it's hurting me.
"i'm sorry, i thought you want it too" i started buttoning my shirt. I move back to make a distance. i lowered my head, i don't know but this hurt me so much, i just wondering that he didn't love me, that's why he didn't want to do it with me. This rejection is so painful.
"trust me, i want it too, i want to do that with you" he lift my chin up to facing him.
"then why? Why you stopped me?" i asked.
"I won't do it before I ask your mom permission" he said and he stood up.
"and ask you, can you accept my honor to be my wife, I promise i will always love you and make you happy forever" he kneel down.

He pulled out something on his pocket, a little red box, he open the box, and i saw a ring, what a beautiful ring.
"i bought it yesterday, i have a plan to visit you tomorrow and give this ring to you, but you already here now" he smile to me.
"so y/n, will you marry me?" he said with soft tone.

I was so mesmerized by him, his words is the most beautiful words i've ever heard.
My eyes getting wet, I can't believe he proposes me, I'm so happy now.
"yes" and i replied confidently.

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