Part 28

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Y/N Pov
Finally the day has come, the day I've been waiting for and the day I most dreamed of.
Today I will swear before God to be his wife.

I was ready, dressed in beautifuly, and my hair was styled in such a way.
I sat in the waiting room, the guests came in turn to congrate me, and i saw Irene and Mark came.
"omg you look gorgeous" Irene shouted, she runs to me and hugs me.
"i can't believe you will married today" Mark said and give a hugs for me too.
"thank you for coming, i'm so happy to see you guys" i replied and smile to them.

While i was talking with Irene and Mark, then i saw someone came. I saw L walking inside.
"hi, long time no see, and congratulation for your wedding" he said.
"L.. thank you for coming" i said and held his hand.
"you look beautiful y/n" he said, he staring at me from head to toe.
"thank you for everything L, i hope you will find someone who love you and make you happy" i said and hug him.
"i hope so, but I feel I can't love another girl, my whole heart is taken by you, this is very hard for me, but if this can make you happy, then I will be happy for you too, I hope both of you will live happily ever after" he said. He looks sad.
"i'm sorry L that i'm hurting you" i said.
"no y/n, don't say that, i'm fine, really" he broke the hug and held my hand.

I know it's hard for him, but I'm relieved that he can accept this even though he has to accept the pain.
"miss y/n, the groom is waiting, the wedding ceremony will start, you have to came out" i saw a handsome guys walking toward me.
"hi, i'm Jimin, i'm Jungkook's friend, we have to get out soon, your husband is waiting at the altar, so are you ready?" He held out his hand, asking me to hold that, and i place my hand on him.

I walked out of the waiting room, walking slowly to the altar, I was so nervous, I've never felt this nervous in my entire life. I take a deep breath and held Jimin's hands even tight.
"you look so nervous, just breath y/n" Jimin said, he notice my nervousness.
"I don't know why, but my heart was beating so fast, i feel my legs weak" i replied, and he chuckled.
"i know, if i were you, i'll be nervous too, but now, just hold my hand tightly, i won't let you fall" he smile to me, He's a nice guy.

I gripped his hand, I walked slowly, trying to keep my balance, then I see the altar was beautifully setting.

I saw jungkook already waiting for me, he looks very handsome with the suit, he smiles at me, looks at me deeply.

I keep walking, I feel like I'm in a fairy tale, everything was very beautiful, it's like a dream.
Jimin give my hand to him, he holds my hand tight, staring at me with a soft gaze.

Then our marriage begins, we say promise, to always love each other, always take care of each other in times of illness or health, when hard or happy, we promise to make each other happy forever.
"Now I declare you officially to be husband and wife, and you can kiss your wife" headman said.
"i love you, so much" he said.
"i love you too" i replied.
Then he pulls me closer, place his hand on my neck and landed his lips on mine, I heard all the guests shouting, clapping.

I can't imagine to be this happy, he is officially my husband now, who will be my home when I get lost, who will be an encouragement when I'm down, who will be a healer when I am sick, he fixed me, he will be the only one who make me happy.

The wedding was end, I sat in the dressing room, untied my hair, then suddenly someone backhugging me, i already know, that's must be my husband.
"you smell good" he wrap his hand around my waist, kissing my neck.
"yahh, we can't do this here, so many people here, they will see us" i turned my body to facing him.
"why? you are my wife now, i can kiss you as much as i want" he keep kissing my neck.
"stop it Jungkook, it's so ticklish" i writhing.

Then suddenly he brushed his lips on mine, i closed my eyes, feel his warm lips moving gently.
He try to unzipped my dress but then someone come in.
"shit, why do i have to see this" a guy voice said.
I'm trying to fix my dress, I lowered my head, feeling embarrassed.
"yah Jeon Jungkook, don't tell me you're gonna do that here, just hold it bro" other guys coming.
Jungkook sighed.

I saw 6 handsome guy, staring at me and
"You guys ruined everything" Jungkook said.
"babe, they are my friends" he said and inteoducing his friends one by one.
"you have a beautiful wife Jungkook, i'm a bit jealous" Jin said, he looks at me with with a gaze with hidden intention.
"How dare you to look at my wife like that, she's mine, just find someone else" Jungkook shouted, pulled me closer to him.
They burst into laugh.
"I have something for you" RM said and he gave a  paper bag to Jungkook.
"what is it?" he replied.
"just open it" Rm said, then Jungkook take out the things inside the bag.

I widened my eyes as i see the items that are now in Jungkook's hands.
It was a black lingerie.
"ouhh, you are the best, i like it, i can't wait to see you to wear this babe" Jungkook said.
"yahh you!!!" i shouted, punches his chest.
It's so embarrassing, I'm sure my cheek was so red now.

Then they all follow RM, they gave a gifts to me and Jungkook. I was shocked to see the item that they had given to us.
There was a bikini, transparent panties, lingerie again, underwear again, i don't know why they give that things, make me so embarrassed.
"yaaahh bro, i love this, thanks" he said, he smile wide and hugs his friends.
"just make a lot of child" Suga said, they are laughing.
"ok, congratulation for you both, live happily together, love each other forever" Jhope said and hugs Jungkook.
"thanks" Jungkook said.
"let's get out of here, shall we?" V said.
"Yeah, I guess they will continue to do what they didn't finish before" Jimin said, they are burst into laugh, waving to me and Jungkook then leave.
"shall we go home babe? i want you so bad" he said with a lustful eyes.

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