Part 3

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Jungkook decides to return to Seoul, since he has finished his study, he packs all his things, he will fly to Seoul tonight so he can get to Seoul in the morning.

( meanwhile )
I wake up, stretch my body, i don't know why but i feel comfortable in this room, like I've been here for a long time, like I was in my own room, and not feeling awkward at all.
I go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Jungkook Time:
Jungkook arrives in Seoul, he took a taxi and headed to his house, not long after he got home, he walked to the door, looked for the house key inside his bag, he opened the door, he went inside, his house was very quiet since it was too early in the morning.

Jungkook thought maybe his mom was still asleep, so he decided to go straight to his room
he didn't want to wake her up.
He walked up, carrying his suitcase, he felt very tired since he took 8 hours in the airplane, he wanted to lie down in his bed.

( meanwhile )
I finished showering, I wrapped my body in a towel, covered my body from chest to thigh, I came out of the bathroom, dried my hair with another towel.

(Jungkook opened the door of his room, he walked in and frowned as he see a girl who was drying her hair and she only wears a towel, he stares at her open shoulders, her open legs till her thighs, he sees you from head to toe, he sees your bare skin.)

I turned my body, and I was shocked as i see a guy in front of me, he's looking at me sharply.
"who are you? and why you are here? You should knocked the door first before you get inside someone's room" i yelled, try to cover my body. It's so embarrassing to stand in front of a stranger only with a towel covering my body.
I see him chuckled, he walk closer to me, he staring at me with a death gaze.
"Why did I have to knock on my own door?" he said with heavy voice.
My eyes widened, while my brain processing all this, to make all the things clear.
"sorry, so are you jungkook?" i asked while frowned.
"yes, and I'm the owner of this room, then how can you be in my room?" He grinned.
"who the hell are you?" he shouted, he looks very angry.

My body trembled, looking at his dark and scary gaze.
"!!! " he yelled, calling his mother Aunty Jeon rushed to the direction where the voice came from, she came into the room.
I can see her eyes getting wet to see her son standing in front of her.
She hugs her son, and crying.
"you are here Jungkook, i miss you so much" she buried her face on his chest.
Jungkook just stunned, no expression on his face, he broke his mother's embrace
"don't act too much mom" he said with a cold tone.
"i'm sorry Jungkook, i'm just too happy to see you" she wiped her tears.
"How can you let someone live in my room?" He raised his tone, he looks even more angry.
"i'm sorry, she is the daughter of my best friend, she will stay here because her mother have to go far" she explained.
"whatever, but how could you let her sleep on my room" he shouted.
"i have no choice, the guest room is being repaired, so I let her sleep in your room, because i never thought you will come back" she said.
"She can sleep in the maid's room" he said pointing his finger to me.
"What??? Maid's room?? Do i look like a maid for him" i talk to my self, my angriness build up.
"don't say that Jungkook, she's the guest in our house, she's like my own daughter, and how can i let her to take the maid's room" she said.
"i don't want to hear any explanation, i don't care, just leave now, get out of my room" he shouted.
"Why are you yelling at your mother?? Can't you respect your mother? Don't you think of her feelings?? you hurting her Jungkook" i yelled, i'm so angry to see him, he's so selfish and temperamental.
"I don't care, don't lecture me, you don't know anything" he replied with a cold tone.
"just leave..NOW" he shouted.
His voice makes me scared, he looks very angry to me and auntie Jeon decided to get out of his room
"you see, he has changed, I lost my son" she said with a shaky voice.
"i'm sorry y/n, I'm sorry for my son's attitude" she said with the tears running down.
"it's ok, you don't have to apologize" i said and rubbing her hands.
She smile at me and leave me.
I tried to calm down, thinking of him making my head hurt, making me very upset and very angry, how could someone like him exist, how could he speak rudely to his mother.
I leaned my body against his door, my body trembling, why I feel so cold, I hug my body, place my hand to my shoulder and i feel my bare skin
I look at my self, and i realize, I was still wearing a towel.
" oh shit, my clothes are still at his room " I banged my head against the wall
" What should i do? I need my clothes, but I don't want to see him, I don't want to see his face " i mumble
" Ok y/n you can do it, you just need to take all your clothes and go " i cheer my self.
I took a deep breath before i knock on his door
" i'm sorry, can i come in? " i said after knocked his door.
Jungkook heard your voice outside, he walk to the door and open it.
" what do you need? " he said, place his hand inside his pocket, I realize, i can see his face clearly now, It turns out he got the look. He's beautiful.
" hello, i'm asking you, what do you need? " he shouted.
His voice make me back to reality.
" i'm sorry, i have to take my clothes inside " i said lifted down my face
" come in, take all quickly and leave " he replied with a cold tone.
He walk inside and laid his body in the bed
I stepped in, and picked all my clothes
I close my eyes, try to calm my heart beat.
I finish packed my clothes, carrying my suitcase and walk out from his room.

I walked slowly, with my tremble body, my body freezing.
" you know, you have a great body " he said before i step out from his room.
I turned my head to see him, and i saw him staring at me while licking his lower lips.
I feel my cheek was burning, red like a tomatoes, it's so embarrassing.
I closed the door and rushed go to the downstair with my pounding heart.

Jungkook sits on the bed, he saw the photo on the table next to his bed, he took the photo and looked at it deeply.
" You grow well y/n, how can you grow into a charming girl like now, you are more beautiful than i was imagine, look, my heart is always beating fast whenever you are around me, this feeling has not changed until now " he said, touching the photo of you.
Jungkook knows you, his old friend.
You are the one who always in his heart, he couldn't believe that finally he saw you by his own eyes.
" i miss you y/n,,so much "

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