Part 21

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Jungkook Pov
I took her to the car, and went to the hospital along the way, I keep holding her hand while driving, I was so scared that she couldn't survive, I drive my car on speed, to get the hospital quickly .
"Jungkook, my head hurt like hell, i can't hold it!!" she said, with a weak voice.
"hold on little more, just little more, please y/n stay with me" i gripped her hand tightly.
I do not know what to do, I'm so worried, I can't think clearly, what's on my mind right now is I have to hurry to the hospital.

When i reach the hospital, i get out the car and lifted her, i run inside the hospital.
I see a doctor on the hallway, i run toward him.
"Doctor, please save her" i said.
My legs are weak to see her who began to lose the consciousness.
"Take her to the ICU" the doctor said.

She was lying on the hospital bed, the doctor began to check her condition.
"The bleeding inside her head was so bad, I had to do the surgery to her head to stop the bleeding" he said.
"do the best for her doctor, please save her" i said while i keep holding her hand.
"then i'll prepare the operation" he said and go to prepare the surgical equipment.
"Jungkook" she whisper.
"im' here y/n" i replied and caressing her cheek.
"Thank you for everything, and i'm sorry" she said with a husky voice.
"ssshhh don't say anything." i replied, give her a kiss on her hand and rubbing it.
"I know now, why are you telling me to forget you, telling me not to remember you, not to remember all our memories, this is your reason right? if I start remembering our past, if I force myself to remember you, I'll end up like this, I'll die" she said.
The worried took over all of my consciousness as she said that.

The tears dropped down her cheek, it was too hurt to see her like this.
"You'll be fine, you won't die, please don't say that" i kiss her forehead.
"i didn't want too, i don't want to die, but I don't have any strength to survive, i'm tired" she said, her tears fall so hard.
"don't say that kind of thing, please, stay with me, you can do it, i know you are strong enough to survive" i wiped his tears, she smile between the tears.
"Jungkook, do you know, if i have to die to remember you completely, if in this way i can remember you, then i will be fine, i would love to remember you completely than i have to live without remember anything about you" she said.

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth, even though there was so much I wanted to say to her,
but by looking at her being this fragile, I can't afford to think.
"Jungkook, i want you to know" she said, but i cut her words.
"please y/n, don't say anything, just strengthen yourself to survive" i said, i hugging her tightly.
"I love you Jungkook" she said on my ears while i hugging her.
Her words sounded very clear on my ears, I hugged her more tight.

I want to say that I love her more, but too late, I feel her body getting colder, her heartbeat getting weak, I release my arms and look into her face, her eyes were already closed, she stopped breathing.

I burst into tears, my body trembles, I have no strength left. I fell down the floor.
Then a nurse helped me up, while the doctor checked her condition, the nurse took me out of the ICU, place me in the waiting room.
"wait here sir, the patients will start on surgery" she said and left.

My mind was empty, only fear that overwhelms me. I'm too afraid of the worst thing that might happen.
I don't want to lose her, what would my world be without her, i'm not ready to lose her.
I've told my mom if y/n's condition very bad, she said that she will come to the hospital soon.
Not long after my mom came, I hugged her, I cried on her embrace.
"What should i do mom? How if she can't survive??" i sobbing on her shoulder.
"Just pray, the doctor will do the best to save her" she said, rubbing my back.
"I've told her mother, she's on the flight tonight" she said.

The operation has been running for 8 hours but still unfinished, I sat in the waiting room with an empty feelings, I feel hopeless, I just thought about the worst things that would happened to her.
How if the operation fails? How if the doctor can't save her? my heart is torn apart when i thinking about that.

I feel my mom patted my shoulder while i was crying.
"Strengthen yourself son, pray for her, hopefully there is a miracle that can bring her back to us" she said.

Not long after, the doctor came out of the operating room.
I immediately approached him to asked how she was.
"she could barely survive because the bleeding in her head was too risky, but fortunately we were able to overcome that, the surgery went well, but her condition was still too weak. we have to take care of her intensively, you can visit her afterwards, then excuse me " the doctor said and he left.

That glimmer of hope reappeared after i heard his explanation, although there are still have other risks that might occur, but at least I can breathe a sigh of relief to found that she was able to survive.

I saw her lying helpless with many medical machines stuck on her body, it was too hurting me to see her like this, i sat next to her bed, i holding her hands.
"y/n open your eyes, I'm here, I promise I'll never hurt you again, I won't leave you" i kiss her hand.
"I didn't have time to tell you this, i know it was too late, but I'm sure you can hear me" i rubbing her hands.
"i love much" i give a kiss on her forehead.

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