Part 8

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I walked into the house, opened the door and saw auntie jeon sitting in the living room.
" you're here? " She said.
" yes " i replied.
" did you get here by yourself? " She asked.
" no, my friend drove me to got home " i replied
I can't take off a smile on my lips.
" and your friend is a boy, am i right? " she said and smiling at me.
" how did you know that was a boy? " i replied, lifted up my eyebrow.
" of course i know, your eyes, your expressions reveal everything, I'm so glad to see you like this, you look so happy " she said while holding my hands.

I'm so relieved, I have a great auntie, she was not my family but she was so kind to me, loved me like her own daughter.
" but auntie, are you going to go out? your clothes look very neat and formal " i asked, while i saw her outfit.
" yes baby, I'm going to attend my friend's wedding anniversary, I'll probably be home in the next morning, so you'll be alone with Jungkook tonight, are you ok? " she said.
" i'll be fine, don't worry about me, just enjoy the party " i replied.
" thank you y/n, then i'll go now, and once again, tonight you don't have to stay at the maid's room, you should sleep in the guest room, beside Jungkook's room, and I've done to moved your stuff over there " she said and i nodded.
" thank you auntie " i said while giving her a hug, she hugging me back then leave.

I was like crazy, I kept smiling to remembering L, remembering his sweet words, remembering his face, make me blushing. i'm so happy to know him.

I walked toward the guest room I walked up the stairs while smiling continuously.
When I reached the upstair, I saw Jungkook standing, lean his body to his door, my smile suddenly disappeared as i saw him staring at me with a dark and scary gaze, he looks like, he was ready to pounce me, but I tried to ignore him and just walked past him without looking at him.

I opened the door of the guest room, stepped inside and closed the door but before the door closed, suddenly jungkook get into the room, he closed the door and locked it.
" yahhh!!! what are you doing? " i shouted, i feel shocked by his act.
He didn't say anything, he just staring at me, then I realized, if he was too close to me, my body almost sticking to him.
My heart beating so fast to see his gaze.
" get out of my room, now " i yelled while i pushed his body to keep a distance between us, but suddenly he locked me in a corner, my body leaning against the wall, he pinned my body between his arms.

My eyes widened, looking into his eyes, my body was trembling, I could not breathe normally while my heart was beating like crazy.
He moved his hand, he started touching my cheek and down to my chin, he lifted my chin up making my lips almost touching him.
" just once..just for once..let me do it " he said, he moved his face closer to me while his other hand was on my waist.
I can't control my heart beat, my heart was going to exploded, I just froze by his act.
His touch make me weak, the way he touched me was so different with L had touched me before.

My blood was boiling up by his touch, his warm hands touched my skin gently, i felt that was an electricity running through my veins.
He move his head closer and closer again to me, but I move my head back.
" don't move " he said with a husky voice, his warm breath brushing my cheek.
He started to move his head again, closer and closer.
I tried to stay still, just looking into his eyes deeply
then he landed his lips on mine.
His warm lips touching mine gently.
I closed my eyes, his lips tasted so good.
He pulled his lips away and landed it again, pulled it and landed again, he did it for a few seconds, leaving butterflies.
Now he starts kissing me passionately, he caressing my lips in a gentle way, he gave me a lot of pleasure, he pulled my body closer to him, make my body stuck to him, while his other hand move to my neck, for deepens the kiss.
His kiss started to get hot and wild, he kissed me roughly, but didn't make me pain at all, he slide his tongue into my mouth, i bite his tongue lightly, then he let out of moans, he sucked my tongue, exploring my whole mouth.

I places my hand on his chest, clutching his shirt, I do not know why he kissed me, I just stunned, just letting him to do what he want, I don't want to think anything, i just hear his breath are merging with mine, for that moment, for the first time I feel that I want him.
But suddenly he broke the kiss, he put his forehead on mine, he sighed, then he looked into my eyes with a soft gaze, he caressing my bottom lips with his thumbs.
" you tasted so good " he said between his panting breath, his deep voice make my body shiver, he looked into my eyes, then lowered his sight, looked into my lips and gave me a long kiss, put his lips on mine for a few moments, his kisses was so soft but full of passion.
He broke the kiss, letting his hands off of me and left me without a word.

My body felt cold instantly at the moment he left me, I was froze while my hand was touching my lips.
I closed my eyes and I can still feel his lips, somehow, I felt like, i want to keep his lips on mine, i want him to touch me again.

Jungkook POV
I left her, I felt very empty when I realized she was not by my side, I walked into my room, closed the door and leaned my body on the door.
She tasted so good, i want her, want her more, want her whole body to be mine, only mine I've never felt like this before, it felt so different, when I kissed another girl, the taste was good but no passion.
But when i kissed her, i'm just drowning by her softness, her lips was so perfect, i feel blessed by every touch of her.
I was so happy and so scared at the same time, i'm afraid, if she gets his memory back, remembers everything later, remember if I've broken my promise, I'm the one who left her, I'm the one who has given her a painful ones, I hurt her
I'm not ready to be hated by her.
I can't bear to saw her with another guy.
" i love you y/n,, so much...i want you to be mine, only mine "

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