Part 6

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Jungkook woke up from his sleep, clutching his head, still feeling dizzy.
He feels something stuck on his chest, he lowered his head and saw you sleeping on his chest.

Jungkook POV
" What have i done, how can she sleeps on my chest " i frowned, try to remember everything.
Then i remember, i was drunk last night, she help me to reached my room.
I remember all the scene, i remember all my words, i asked her to stay, i cried on her neck while hugging her, and she hugging me back, she stroke my hair gently and caressing my back.

Her body feels so warm, her neck smells so good and so soft.
i feel so happy to see her sleep by my side.
" thank you y/n, for stay with me last night " i said and released my body slowly, i didn't want to wake her up.
I went to the bathroom for showering while she was sleeping on my bed.

I woke up, stretched my body then take sit position, i open my eyes, and i dropped my jawline.
" how can i sleep on jungkook's room? " i said with a low tone.
I ruffle my hair, suddenly i remember about last night.
" that's jerk, why he asked me to stay with him, and why i'm so stupid by following his order " i said and pulled the blanket to cover my face, this feel so embarrassing because he saw me sleeping next to him.

I heard the door open, then heard the sound of someone steps.
I pulled down the blanket to see who that person,
I widened my eyes, blinking so many time to see that person in front of me.
Jungkook standing in front of me, only with a towel around his waist.
I saw him from head to toe, I saw his wet hair, then to his bare chest, then his abs, then his tight, he has a great body.
Seeing him like this, make my cheek burning, my heart was beating so fast but i enjoy by the view.
" what? Do you enjoy when your eyes traveling to whole of my body? " he smirked
" How can he know if i enjoy it? " i talked to myself.
" yahh, what are you doing to me last night? " i shouted, trying to divert the conversation, because I don't want him to know that I really enjoy this view.
" I'm had no time to do it last night, because I was drunk, so should i do it now " he said while he walk closer to me.
He stare at me with a seduce gaze, his gaze make me blushing.
He lowered his face, move his face closer to me, our eyes meet while i feel his warm breath brushing my cheek, my heart going crazy.
" are you ready? I have to do something that i haven't done yet last night " he said on my ears.
His lips touching my ears lightly while he spells his words, giving me goosebumps.
" yaah you perv " i shouted and run out from his room as fast as i can.
Jungkook laughing to see your act.
" you are so cute if you start blushing " he said and got dressed.

i ran to reach my room, locked the door and laid on the bed.
" omg, why he always teasing me? Make me blushing " i said buried my face on pillow, but he looks so hot only with a towel on his waist, suddenly i was smiling like crazy to remember his bare body.

Few hours later I got a message from my friend, he asked me to go out and i agreed.
I got dressed and ready to go , I walked to my aunty's room, i knocked on her door and she open it.
" auntie, i'll hangout with my friend " i said
" then go baby, have fun with your friend but don't come back too late " she replied with a smile.
" i promise i won't come back late " i said and give her a hug.
" take care, call me if you need a ride, i'll pick you up " she hugging me back and i nodded
I waving to her and left.

Jungkook POV
I walked toward the kitchen to take a lunch, i was so starving.
I saw my mom preparing the dish for lunch, I walked closer to her and sat on the dining table, My mom take a sit in front of me.
" let's eat " she said and smile to me.
" where's y/n? She's not eating lunch with us? " i asked while i put a full spoon of food inside my mouth.
" she's not home, she asked my permission to go out with his friend, and I allow her " she replied and i nodded.
But i'm so worried about her, i want to know where she was going and with witch friend.
But I try to calm down and just waiting for her to come back.
Then me and my mom eating silently, without a word, i feel so awkward to eat with my mom, i decide to eating fast so i can go back to my room
" i'm full " i said then i drink the water and go back to my room.

Before i went up the stairs, i heard the house phone rang, i walked into the living room and picked up the phone.
" hello " i said
" hello, can i speak with y/n? " i heard a woman voice on the phone.
" of course, but i'm sorry, she's not at home now " i replied
" oh then ok, i'll call again later " she said
" But who was talking? so i can tell y/n if you looking for her " i said before she hung up
" i'm her mom, but sorry, who i speaking to? " she replied.
I'm shocked to know who's on the phone now
" auntie min? " i said
" oh.. do you know me? Who are you? " she asked.
" long time no see, i'm Jungkook " i replied
" omg, Jungkook!! You went back to Seoul? when you arrived? " she said.
" yes, i'm back, i'm arrived at Seoul last day " i replied.
" omg, i can't belive this, i miss you Jungkook " she said excitedly.
I could felt her feeling, her voice sound happy.
" i miss you too " i replied with a smile.
" ok then, i have to end the call, because i have to meet with my client, i can't wait to meet with you, bye" she said.
" wait " i shouted before she end the call
" yes, what is it? " she replied
" can i asked you something? " i said.
I do not know where to start, I just want to know why y/n can not remember me.
" anything jungkook, just asked me " she replied with a soft voice.
" Did something happen with y/n? " i asked.
" what do you mean? " she replied.
I know she must be confused by my question.
" I just wanted to know what happened to her, because she didn't remember and recognize me at all " i said.
" so you realize it? That she didn't remember you? " she replied.
" yes, please tell me " i said
" ok, i'll tell you everything " she replied
I don't know why my heart beating so fast to wait her explanation.

" So this is the story, it's a summer, me and y/n will visit your family as usual, she's so happy because she will meet you. She was packing her stuff in the suitcase while hugging your photo and suddenly i have a call from your mom.
She tells me everything, if her husband want to divorce with her and marry with another woman. She also said that you went to US last night, i know the reason why you decided to go to US, because of your father, i understand your feeling, i just didn't know what should i say to y/n, if i tell her the truth, if i say that you leaving her, she would be very hurt, but i thought if I have to say it, it would be better for her, she have to know, because sooner or later she will surely know it, so I tell her if we couldn't go to visit you because you're not there, then she cried very hard, keep calling your name, begging you not to leave her, she said that she wants to catch you there, she ran down the stairs while crying, I tried to stop her but she ran very fast, and she slipped, his head hit the corner of the stairs and bleeding so bad "
she explain everything, I just stay still, and listen to her.
" so what happen after that " i asked
" i take her to the hospital, and doctor said, if her head bleeding so bad, severe, doctor said if she will lost her memory, that's why she couldn't remember you Jungkook " she replied
I just silent, to heard her explanation, my heart's so hurt to find the fact that she is become like this because of me, i hurt her, i make her suffer, i felt my heart plugged by thousands of knives.
" Jungkook are you there? " i can heard her voice But I can't get the word out of my mouth.
" ok Jungkook, you know everything now, you can see how much she loves you, how much she misses you, i hope you can take care of her, and make her to remember you again, you the one who can make her happy, then i'll end the call now, bye " she said and hung up the phone.

I can't believe it, how can i make her happy while i already give her a deep wounds.
My legs are weak, i can't hold my tears.
" i'm sorry y/n, i'm sorry to make you suffer, for hurting you, you don't have to remember me, you don't have to love me, you deserve a better guy than me, please don't forgive me, it's my fault, i'm so stupid to make you cry, for leaving you, don't even try to remember me, just forget me, i'll make you to hate me "

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