Part 12

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Y/N's Pov
He took me into his embrace, hug me tightly, i buried my face on his chest, sobbing there.
He broke the hug, cupped my face and wiped my tears.
" don't bother your head by thinking of such useless things, you should eat now " he said softly, and i nodded.
He fed me, he's so sweet, treat me well.
I looked into his eyes, our eyes met, and my heart pounding, the way he looking at me, with a such of soft and warm and deep gaze, i always felt something inside my heart, i can not control my heart beat, it can not beat normally.
And I heard the monitor beeping, indicating an increase of my heartbeat.
" gosh! What now?? are you ok? " he frowned, looking at the monitor.
" i'm ok, it just... " i replied, i can't finish my sentence, it will be embarrassing if he know, that he is the cause, that makes my heart race.
" why are you so red? Do you get fever? " he asked, while palming my forehead.
I feel my cheek burning by his touch.
" it looks like you have no fever " he said while giving me an interrogating gaze.
" are you blushing? " he smirked.
I just froze, he know that i'm blushed.
" yahh!! I'm not " i replied in embarrassment.
" if you not, then why your cheeks become so red like that " he chuckled.
" stop it, or I won't eat that again " i pouted,
" ok ok, i'll stop, just eat " he replied, but he can't stop laughing.
" what?? Is this funny?? do you enjoy for teasing me? " i shouted.
" you are so cute, " he said, pinched my cheek slightly.

I lowered my head, avoiding his eyes, i'm so embarrassing.
He put his hand on my chin, lifted it up to face him back.
" don't mad, i'm sorry " he said while caressing my lower lip.
" jungkook " i said.
" yes? " he replied.
" i want to go home " i said.
" ok, i'll talk to doctor, does he allow you to go home, are you ok being here alone while i meet the doctor? " he asked and i nodded.
" but don't take too long " i said, he nodded and left.

While i was waiting for him, then i saw someone entering my room.
My eyes widened to see who has come.
" L?? " i said in disbelief.
" y/n are you okay? How did you get into the hospital? What happen to you " he asked in worry, take a seat next to my bed.
" i'm fine L, i'm just feel a bit dizzy " i replied with a smile.
" but why you are here? How did you know if I was hospitalized? " i asked in confusion.
" i'm coming to your home but your aunty said if you are hospitalize, so i come here to see you, why you didn't tell me if you are sick? " he said while holding my hands.
" i'm sorry L " i replied.
" it's ok, but promise me, from now on if anything bad happen to you, you have to tell me, do you know how worried i am when i heard you are hospitalize? " he said, with a soft tone.
" you are worried at me? " i asked.
" of course!! You know that i care about you, i love you y/n, please don't be sick "
he said and kiss my forehead.

Jungkook's Pov
I finished talking to the doctor, tell him if her wants to go home, the doctor says he will check her condition first, then he can make a best decision for her, he want to make sure, if he can let her to go home or not.
He will come to checked her condition in an hour, so i decide to come back to her room and waiting for the doctor there.
I walk towards her room, but before i step inside her room, i see a guy who's sitting next to her.
That guy is the same guy which I saw when he drove her home.
I lean my body against the door, hiding behind it, i don't know why but i clenched my fist, i'm angry to see their proximity.
I heard all their conversation, I heard that he loved her.
I peeked through the door, and see him who's giving a kiss on her forehead.
I'm so angry, how dare he kiss her, the girl I love.

Y/N's Pov
I notice, there was someone behind the door,
I'm sure it's Jungkook, did he heard our conversation? did he see when L kissed my forehead?
I was questioning myself.
I don't want to make him misunderstanding about the kisses because i'm sure that he see it.
" Jungkook, is it you? " i said, calling him.
He cleared his throats and stepped inside, He looked at me coldly.
" He is my friend L, and L he is Jungkook, he is my aunty's son " I introduce them to each other.
" oh hi, i'm L, nice to see you " L said, bowing
" i'm jungkook " he replied with a cold tone.
" I'm sorry for disturbing you guys, just continue your conversation, I'll wait outside, I do not want to ruin your sweet moment " Jungkook smirked, he glanced at me, he gave a cynical gaze, and i don't why, he was so fine earlier, sweet and warm to me, but now, i don't know but.. he just cold.
" does he mad at me? But why? did I make mistake? " i asked myself. Then he turned his body, walking away.
" Jungkook stop " i said before he took another steps.
" don't leave please, just wait here, don't leave me " i said.
He turned back, still looking at me with a cold gaze, then he sat on the couch at the corner of the room.
" doctor will come here to checked your condition " he said and take his phone out of his pocket and playing with it.
" ok jungkook, thank you " i replied, looking at him but he didn't look at me back, he just playing with his phone.
Then i just chatting with L while waiting for the doctor.
L always cheer me up, make me laugh, I'm feel so lucky to have a good friend like him.
occasionally I took a glance towards Jungkook while I chatted with L, but he didn't even look at me back, he just focused with his phone.

I just wondering, what he was thinking as he saw me with L.
Once again i looked at him, and i found him, his eyes glued to L, he looking at L with a death gaze, then finally the doctor come.
" ok y/n, do you want to go home? But let me checked you first " the doctor said.
" your condition is improving, your heart rate and blood pressure are stable, I'll let you go home but on condition, make sure you take your medicine on time, do not think too much, just make your mind relax, and now you can go home " the doctor said, then i nodded, i'm so happy.
" thank you doctor " i replied, then he walk toward jungkook.
He whispering something to jungkook and then just left afterwards
" that's good, then let me drive you home " L said, smiling at me.
" thanks L, but you don't have to do that, just go to your home and rest, i'll go home with jungkook " i said.
" then fine, but promise me, let me know if something happen to you, you should call me okay? " he smile to me.
" i will, don't worry, jungkook will take care of me " i replied.
" good, then i'll go now, and jungkook please take care of her " L said.
" don't worry " he replied, then left.
Jungkook walking towards me, help me to get up from the bed but without a words, he's so quite, I try to walk, but my legs are limp.
I was about to fall, but jungkook hold me.
Then he lifted me up with a bride style and went out, i'm so surprise by his sudden act, but i like it.
I put my hand around his neck, but he still remain silent, he didn't say anything.

Jungkook's Pov
My heart aching to see you laughing, talking and flirting with him, I know i'm the one who want this, i'm so selfish, i want you to hate me, i want you to forget me, but i don't want to see you with another guy, i can't, i want you to be mine, only mine.
" oh god, it's hurt "

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