Part 29

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Y/N Pov
The wedding party was over and Jungkook took me to a place for honeymoon, there was curiosity in my heart, where would he take me, and I froze at the moment we reached our destination.

I was amazed at how beautiful this place is, there was a house located not far from the beach, a house with a unique design.
My eyes widened to see how pretty the scenery here.

I walked into the house, and my eyes can't stop looking around.
"Do you like it?" he asked and backhugging me.
"i love it, it's so beautiful" i replied while my eyes keep looking around the house.
"this is the gift from my mom" he said.
I am so grateful to have mother-in-law like his mom, she loves me very much like her own daughter.
"Do you want to see the room?" he said asked.
I turned my body to facing him and we walked towards the room.

As we reached the room, and again, I was amazed by the view, i can see the whole of beach from the room.
While I was enjoying the view from the room, he whispered something in my ear.
"should we start?"
I was made chills by the sensation when his lips touched my ear along with the words that came out of his mouth.
"Can i take a shower first? my body feels sticky" i said, i'm looking for excuses to stall, i'm not ready, i'm too nervous to do that now.
He chuckled, I think he knew I was nervous.
"Go ahead, I'll catch up with you to the bathroom in a bit" he said with a smile.

My heart beating so fast as i heard he will come to me to the bathroom, i can't imagine what he will going to do there.

I go to the bathroom first, i filled the bathtub with a warm water, and yeah, i still dressed, i don't want him to see me naked when he come, it's so embarrassing for me.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub, while my hand touching the warm water, not long after i heard the door opened, i stood up and looking at him who was walking closer to me.

He put his hand on my waist, pulled me closer, make my body stuck on him.
He caressing my bottom lips, looking at me with a lovely gaze. I'm shivering by his touch and his gaze make my legs weak.
"I've been waiting so long for this, but now you are mine, only mine" he said with a husky voice, then he brushed his lips on mine, kiss me passionately, he slide his tongue and exploring the whole of my mouth.

He took of my shirt, revealing my chest, he unbuttoned his shirt without breaking the kiss.
He palced my hand on his bare chest, i can feel his muscular chest, then my hand moved of its own accord, palming his upper body, stroking his abs, he has a great body.

Then he move his head, kissing my neck, my breath began heavily by his kiss.
He sucking my neck while his hand moving to take off my bra, my upper body was naked now, he cupped my breast, massaging it, rubbing my nipples, i couldn't help but just moans softly.

He took of his pants, leaving only his underpants.
He lifted me, put my legs on his waist, i wrap my hands around his neck, he carrying me to the bed without broke the kiss.

He laid me on the bed, he climbed to the bed, hovering me, pinned me between his muscular hands.
He look at me, his gaze was full of lust.
His warm breath touching my cheek, then he kiss me again, the kiss was different than before, his kiss became roughly, makes me wants him more.

He move his head down, kiss my collar bone, then he kiss my breast, he licked my nipples, it was feeling so great, i never felt this before, he sucking my nipples, i couldn't hold my moans anymore, he makes me wet.
Then he move down again, kiss my stomach while his hand took off my panties.

I'm fully naked now in front of him.
He open my legs wide, and suddenly he kiss me right there, licked my clit, i gasped by his act, he sucking my clit, i bite my bottom lips, he gave me a lot of pleasure.
"Wet already babe?" he said, looking to my eyes. He move up, back to sucking my nipples before he landed his lips on mine. He kiss me again, while he take off his underware.

Then i feel his hard member touching my entrance
He rubbing his member on mine, i moans in pleasure.
"are you ready?" he said between the kiss.
"it is my first time for me, i feel a bit scared" i replied.
"just hug me tight, i won't hurt you" he said and thrust his member into mine.

He groaned, i bite my bottom lips, it feel hurts.
"it's hurt" i said.
"just hug me, the pain will over soon" he replied, and follow his order, i hug him.

Then he start moving his member, in and out
He keep kissing me, trying to divert my pain, and he was right, after some thrusts and moving for a while, the pain was replaced by pleasure.

He know now, that i enjoying this, he move faster, thrusts his member even deeply, i arced back, let out my moans, full of pleasure.
He hit my gspot again and again.
"Jungkook, i..can't.." i gasped.
"let it out babe" he replied with his heavy breath, he thrusts his member once time in deep, i reached the climax.

Then he lifted me up, he carried me to the bathroom, he turned on the shower, let the warm water soaked our bodies.
He kiss me passionately.
I already reached the climax but apparently it wasn't enough for him.

He turned my body unfacing him, then he thrusts his member again inside me.
It was a different feeling, he fuckin me this way, at the back.

I felt his member was even harder, he sucking my neck while he move his member.
"you taste so good" he said on my ears, bitting my ears lightly.

Then he lifted me, carried me to the bathtub, he join me in the bathtub and put me on his lap.
He gripped my butt, i sucked his neck, down to his chest, licking his nipples, he moans freely, i was so happy that he enjoying what i did.

I go down, put his member inside my mouth.
"fuck, you know how to make me weak" he groaned.
I move my head,up and down, he laid his head back.
I licking his sensitive part with my tongue.
He moans even loud, i sucking his ball, he arched back while he grab my hair.

Then he pinned me down, kissed me roughly, he was on fire now, he thrust his member harder, moving faster and faster.
The bathroom was full of our moans. And i feel something tightening inside, it was a good feeling, so much pleasure, i reached my second climax.
"i'm coming" he groaned, thrusts his member one more time, he reached the climax as well.

He laid his head on my forehead.
"you are amazing babe" he said.
"i love you" i replied.
He kiss my forehead.
"i love you more"

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