Part 7

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I went to a cafe in the middle of town and I saw my friend already there waiting for me, he is my friend Mark he sat with his girlfriend Irene, I know them well, I wave to them with a smile, and they waving back to me.
I walk toward them, hugging Irene and Mark and sat beside Irene.
" i miss you, long time no see " i said to them.
" i miss you too y/n why you not come to see me often? " she replied while she holding my hand.
" i'm sorry Irene, but from now, i'll come to see you guys,,often " i smile.
" wahh y/n, you look so different, become more beautiful than the last time we met " Mark said.
Irene staring at Mark with a death gaze and pinches his waist.
" aww...calm down baby, you are the prettiest woman in my life, don't be jealous " he replied and pinched irene cheek.
I smile to see their affection, they are very sweet and loving each other.
" i'm so jealous with you two " i pouted.
" then find a guy who can accompany you, hug you and kiss you like this " Mark said while he hugging Irene and give her a peck on her cheek, he look so enjoy for teasing me.
" yahh stop it, i'm here ok " i shouted and slapped Mark on his arms, and they are burst into laugh.
" I'm so hungry, can I start eating? " i said while i move my hand to picked a french fries.
" no y/n, move your hands away, we have to wait for one more person " Irene slapped my hand.
" one more person? Who?? " i said and frowned.
" My friend, you'll find out later " Mark said with a smile and i nodded.
I try to stay still, staring at the food that was in front of me, I felt the food looked more delicious when I was hungry, but i hold my hungriness and wait for who will come.

10 minutes later
" L Here " i heard Mark shouted and waving his hand to someone.
I turned my head toward the cafe entrance and saw a guy waving at us and steps closer to us.
" i'm sorry, i'm late " he said while he hugging Mark and Irene.
" it's ok, oh and this is my friend " Mark said, introducing me to him.
" hi, i'm kim myung so but just call me L " he said.

I lifted my eyes to look into his face, and I saw a handsome guy standing in front of me.

I lifted my eyes to look into his face, and I saw a handsome guy standing in front of me

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Kim Myungsoo ( L )

I was stunned to see his beautiful smile.
" oh..hi..i'm y/n " i replied and smile.
" nice to see you " he said and we both shaking hands.
He looked at me deeply, he didn't let go of his hands from me, we stared at each other for a while then i heard Mark clears his throat, and instantly we release our hands, and blushing.

He sat beside me, and i'm just lowered my face, it's so embarrassing.
" why your face getting red y/n? " Mark notice me, he teased me.
" yahh!! " i shouted and give him a death gaze.
" it's ok, you look so cute with your red cheek " L said, staring at me.
" don't looking at me like that " i pouted, i feel my cheek burning to see the way he staring at me.
Mark and Irene laughing to see me they are really enjoying the moment for teasing me.
We started to eating lunch, while talking to each other, laughing together.
I'm so happy to meet my friend also my new friend " L "
While they were chatting, suddenly I wanted to pee.
" i'm sorry, I have to go to the restroom " i said and they are nodded then i walk toward restroom.

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