Part 30

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Y/N Pov
It's already morning, i opened my eyes, i woke up with the happy feeling, I saw my husband who was still fast asleep with his arms around my waist, he hugged me all night long, I smiled while looking at his face.
This is the first time I've seen his face this close, I didn't realize he had such a handsome face.

I looked at his bare chest, we're still naked, we didn't get to wear clothes last night, we're too tired after sex and just fell asleep.
I started thinking about last night, it was the most beautiful night I've ever experienced, I lost my virginity, and I am very grateful because the person who has taken my virginity is him, the person I love.

He moved his body, hugged me tighter, while he began to open his eyes, he looked at me with his deadly eyes that could make me weak instantly "morning babe" he said with a deep voice.
"morning Jungkook" i replied with shyly face.

I hide my face under the blanket, i still feel embarrassed with him, thinking about what we have done last night.
"why you hide your face me?" he chuckled and pulled down the blanket.
"don't be shy babe" he lifted my chin up and give me a peck on my cheek.
"ok i'll try, but stop staring at me like that" i replied while i cover my face with my hands.
"you are so cute when you blushed" he laughed and pulled my hand down.
"don't cover your face, i want to see my beatiful wife" he added, caressing my bottom lips with his thumb.

His words make me blushed, i feel my cheek so hot now.
"You're a real playboy Jungkook, aren't you?
you really know how to make a girl crazy about you, tell me how many girls have you flirted with?" i asked.
"that's all my past, you don't have to ask about that, what matters is the future, and my future is you" he explained, give me a lovely gaze.

His words touched me, somehow I felt relief.
"I want to lock you in here, I won't let you go anywhere, I'm going to fuck you all day" he said while staring at me with a gaze that ready to pounce on me at any second.
"just stop it Jungkook, you can't do that to me" i said, punched his chest.
"why?? you are my wife!!" he frowned.
"ok fine, but now, i should clear my body, i need shower" i pinched his nose.

I get up from the bed fully naked in front of him, I don't dare to look at him, it would be embarrassing if I knew he was looking at my naked body.
"it's the most beautiful view i've ever seen in the morning" he said.

I turned my face, looking at him, he licked his bottom lips while he keep staring at my naked body from head to toe.
"yahhh you naughty" i shouted, i was too shy, and i ran towards the bathroom.

After i finish showering, i get out from the bathroom only with a towel covering my body from chest to thigh. I saw him sitting on the bed, crossing his hand while his eyes keep staring at me. The way he staring at me, always make me weak. I walked closer to him.
"Don't you want are you to clear your body?" i asked.
"later" he replied, still staring at me.
"Fine, so do you want to eat first?" i asked again, and i walked closer to him.
"later babe" he replied, his his gaze changed, like he was ready to eat me.
I don't know why he looking at me like that.
"Don't you hungry?? because now, i'm so starving" i replied, with my pounding heart.
"then eat me" he said, then he pulled me.
I was sitting on his lap.
"are you trying to seduce me? you know how to make me hard, make me addicted to you" he added and landed his lips on mine.

He kiss me roughly, i love his lips, i love the way he kiss me, the way he touch me, his touch just make me crazy, i want him more.

He pulled down the towel on my body and threw it to the floor, we don't need foreplay, I'm too wet, and he's too smoldering.
He thrusts his hard member, i always gasped everytime his member entering mine, it is still a bit hurts when the first moment he put his member inside me.

He keep thrusting deep and deeper, moving slowly first but then became faster and faster.
He groaned, i moans, he gives me a lot of pleasure.

After the several time our body was unite then we release our climax.
He laid his body next to me, he's sweating a lot.
"This is amazing, having sex in the morning, i never do this before" he smile and kiss my forehead.
"you should control your hormone" i punched his chest.
"but you like it right?" he teased me.
"Stop it, just go clear your body perv boy, i'll make a breakfast" i pinched his cheek, he nodded and go to the bathroom. I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make a breakfast.

I make an omelette and coffee for him and suddenly he backhugging me while i prepare the dish on the table.
"you finish?" i turned my body to facing him.

I saw his wet hair, he was a half naked, he only wear a shorts without a shirt.
I can smell his masculine scent, and i don't know, i want him.

He kiss my neck, licking my ear, and i know his.
"Jungkook stop, we just did it earlier" i said, looking to his eyes, i can see his eyes was full of lust.
"why? I can do this all the time" he said, he keeps kissing my neck.
"We won't do it here, right?" i said.
"i don't care" he replied while his hand moving to unbuttoning my shirt."
"Gosh, your really!!" i said, i give up.
"this is your fault, why do you wear a sexy clothes that showing your beautiful breast and beautiful thigh, you're the one who seduce me" he said.
I just realize, i wear a transparent white shirt
"you perv" i bite his bottom lips, he let out his moans.
"you the one who make me like this, now you have to be punished" he said then he slide his hand inside my panties.
He put his finger inside mine.
I arched back, feeling so much pleasure by what he did.
I didn't expect him to do this to me in the kitchen, but it was so good.

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