Part 23

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Y/N Pov
I felt that I was in an unfamiliar condition, It was like in a narrow and dark alley, no one here, the place was so quiet, like there was no life, there was only the sound of my footsteps and my breath that could be heard.
It felt so strange, I couldn't even tell if this was a dream or real.
"Where am i?" i asked myself.
I kept walking down this alley, hoping to find a way out soon.

After I walked for a while, my body was tired, I felt I was walking far enough, but still didn't find the way out. My body was sweating a lot, my legs felt weak.
"anybody here?" i shouted, wishing there was someone here who would help me out of this creepy place, but no one show up.
And the fear began to haunt me.

My body began to tremble, my eyes began to wet, I was frightened, this place was creepy.
"please help me" i shouted, with the tears falling down my cheek. I sat, hugging my knees and crying.

While i was crying, then I saw a small light at the corner of my eyes, I turned my head to see the light, the light was so small, I kept staring on it, and gradually the light was enlarge became bigger and bigger, I wiped my tears to clarify my vision.

The light slowly pierced my eyes, I covered my eyes, then a shadow appeared along with the light that was getting closer.
It was like a human shadow, I blinked my eyes repeatedly, and see the shadow walking toward me.

I tried to look into the face, but it was too dark here, I can't see the face clearly. That person was standing in front of me.
"let's come back home" i heard the voice, that's the voice of a guy and I really know who's the owner of those voice.
"Jungkook?? Is that you??" i asked, but no answer. He just silent, then he offered his hand.

Now he was visibly exposed by the light, I look into his face, widened my eyes, I couldn't believe that i can see him here, he standing in front of me.

I held his hand, and he pulled me, helped me up "let's go home" he said and give me a smile.

We are holding hands each other, i follow him from behind, he brings me walk into the light slowly and then we are disappear by the light.

Suddenly i felt like I've been awakened from a dream.
I opened my eyes, I was laying in bed with a lot of tools attached to my body, I looked around and I saw my mother sitting next to me, she looked at me deeply, I saw her eyes getting wet and finally tears falling down on her cheeks.
"" she said in disbelief.
"hi mom, long time no see, i miss you" i replied with a smile.
"omg, you awake, thanks god, she's back" she hugging me tightly while crying hard.
"where's Jungkook" i asked I really miss him so much.
"wait, i'll call the doctor first, we can talk about this later" she wiped her tears and left.

The doctor coming and my eyes widened to see the doctor is not Korean, he started to checked my body, he took off all the medical devices that stuck on my body.
"This is a miracle, you can survive and wake up from your coma, now your condition is good, everything is well" he explained.
"what?? Coma??" i asked.
"Yes, you laying here unconscious for almost a year" he replied. I got a shocked by his word, i couldn't believe it, I was in a coma for quite a while, because i'm just feel i was sleeping for a day.

I saw my mom who still crying, while the doctor doing his job to checked my condition.
"ok, i'll give you a medicine, don't forget to take it, then excuse me" he said and leave.

My mom walking toward me, she hugging me and still crying.
"mom, just stop crying" i said.
"I'm sorry, I'm just too happy, to see you, to talk to you again" she broke the hug and wiped her tears.
"so mom, where are we know, i'm sure we are not in Korea right?" i asked.
"yes baby, I'm taking you to the US, because you have to get the best treatment from the better Doctor" she said and i nodded.
"so, Jungkook..he's not here?" i said, i feel so sad to find that i'm too far from him.
"I'm sorry baby, i have to take you away from him, this is for your best, but he always call me on the phone, he always asking your condition, he miss you so much" she said.
I'm happy to hear that he didn't forget me while i was in coma.
"mom, let's go back to Korea" i said and holding her hand.
"of course, we will back to Korea" she replied.

One week later
My condition is getting better every day, the doctor always come to my room everyday to checks my condition, and he says if I can get out of the hospital tomorrow, I'm very happy to hear it.

Today, i'm so happy, i sat on the bed, looking to the beautiful sky while my mom packed all my stuff, because i'll come back to Korea.
"i can't wait to see you Jungkook"

Jungkook Pov
I have not seen her for a year, but aunty Min always tells me about her condition, and until now, she has not shown any improvement but i'll never tired waiting for her, waiting her to open her eyes, I didn't know why but i have strong feelings, I'm sure she'll come back to me.

My life was so hard at the beginning when she left, I am like a living corpse, leaving only my body that can still move, while my heart, my thoughts and my feelings seem to die.

One night, she came into my dream, she hugged me, she said if she would come back to me, she told me to wait for her, at the moment I felt my soul come back to life.

After I dreamed her, I started living my life normally even though it was difficult for me but i always try to make it better.

I started looking for ways to stop me from worrying about her, I started working at my mom's company, I worked till late at night, i always make myself busy I always hangout with my friends on weekend, sometimes I go to club and get drunk.
"i can't wait for any longer, i miss her so much" i said, then i decide to visit her tomorrow.

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