Part 24

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Y/N Pov
I'm on the plane now, heading back to Seoul, I'm too excited to get to meet him soon, my heart is pounding, can't wait to meet him.
"are you happy baby?" my mom asked.
I didn't expect my mom to know about my feelings. But I think maybe I'm showing too much about how happy I am.
But suddenly the memory of that night came back, when my dad come to me, tortured me, try to raped me.
"mom, that night before i was hospitalize, dad was coming to me and..."
"ssshhh just forget it, and he's not your dad, he's not a humans, he's a monster" she cut my words, before i finished my words.
"you know that? What he did to me?" i asked
"Jungkook told me everything, i'm sorry baby that i'm not by your side when you need me" she said, i see her eyes getting wet, i hug her.
"it's ok mom, you don't have to apologize, i love you" i hug her tightly I heard she sobbing on my shoulder.
"mom, i remember all, everything" i broke the hug and holding her hands.
"i know baby, you don't have to tell me" she replied and smile.
"but how? I never told you before that I got my memory back" i replied, frowned.
"you are my daughter, I am the one who raised you, I know very well all about you" she smile and caressing my cheek.
"you are the best" i smile and give her a peck on her cheek.

After I was on the plane for 9 hours, the plane finally landed, I got off the plane, boarded a taxi and headed to his house.

During the way to his house, my heart was pounding fast, my body could not stay still, I always moving by the nervous.
"relax baby, why are you so nervous?" my mom asked.
"i don't know mom, i'm just... " i can continue my words.
"just miss him, just love him and can't wait to see him, am i right?" she chuckled, she really know me.

At Jungkook House
Not long after, finally we reached his house.
I look into the house, i really miss this house
I walked inside, passed the gate, then the yard.
I can't control my heart beat, it was too fast.
We were already in front of his door, my mother tried to knock on the door several times.
Finally someone open the door, I saw Aunty Jeon who opened the door.
"omg min ah!!" she shouted, hugging my mom.
"how are you, long time no see" she broke the hug and holding my mom's hands.
"i'm fine, and i guess you too" my mom replied and smile to her.

She turned her head to see me, and she looking at me with a wide eyes, she seems didn't believe that i'm standing in front of her now.
"y/n??? Is it you?? Really you" she blinked so many times.
"hi Aunty Jeon, long time no see" i replied and smile to her.
I saw her eyes getting wet, she walking toward me slowly, she cupped my face, looking around my face.
"am i dreaming now??" she said with a low tone.
"no, you are not dreaming, it's me!! Real me" i replied confidently.
"omg, i can't believe this, you are fine now, you are back, thanks god" she hugging me and cry.

I rubbing her back, try to make her calm.
"oh i'm sorry, i just feel so happy to see you both, let's go inside, i want to know all the story" she broke the hug, wiped her tears and we get inside the house.

We sat on the couch in the living room, i told her all the story that happens to me
"so, you got your memories back?" she asked in curious.
"yes completely" i replied.
I keep looking around the house, I hope i can see him somewhere.
"he's not here" Aunty Jeon said.
"huh?" i shocked.
"i know you looking for Jungkook, but he's not coming back yet" she replied.

It's so embarrassing, she caught me that i was looking for him.
"where is he? Is he fine?" i said with my burning cheek.
"he's fine baby, maybe he still in the office, and do you know, he changed a lot, I think that I've found my real son, thanks to you, because of you, finally i got my real son back" she said and holding my hand.

But i'm just curious, to heard that he was still in the office.
"is he working now?" i asked.
"yes y/n, he started working at our company, and he did his job very well" she said.
I'm so happy to heard that. I just can't wait to see him.
"he will be here in an hour" she said and i nodded.
"but aunty, i'm a bit mad to him" i pouted.
Suddenly i feel a bit mad to him, how can he didn't see me even once while i was hospitalize.
"why?" she replied.
"how can he never visit me when i was hospitalize, i'll punished him, I will pretend not to remember him" i said with a bit anger.
"then what if we prank jungkook about that? you just pretend you don't remember him at all" Aunty Jeon said, he offered to team up to prank Jungkook, and i found that to be interesting.
Then we agreed to run the plan.
"Jungkook, you will get your punishment" i smirked. My mom and Aunty Jeon burst into laugh.
"why are you laughing?? It's there something funny?" i pouted.
"you are so cute" she said and pinched my cheek.
"Do as you want baby, but don't punish him too long, he must be suffered enough to keep waiting for you all the time, he loves you very much, and i know you love him too" she said and caressing my cheek.
"I hope from now on, you both will live happily together, love each other forever" she said and hugging me, I feel so happy that I have someone who care about me and love me.

One hour later
While i was chatting with my mom and Aunty Jeon, i heard a car sound in front of the house.
"that's must be Jungkook" Aunty Jeon said.

My heart beating like crazy when i heard that he finally here.
She walk toward the door and open it.
I saw him walking inside, he look so handsome with formal clothes, his wide shoulder, his muscular chest, he look perfect.
"just relax baby, don't be so nervous, you should be happy, because finally you can meet your lovely prince" My mom whisper to my ear, she happy for teasing me.
"mom!!!" i said in low voice, i didn't want him to hear this. it's so embarrassing.

I saw Aunty Jeon whispering something to him, make him pointing his eyes to me:
Our eyes meet, he widened his eyes at the moment he notice me that i was already inside his house.
He put on a face of disbelief.

Aunty Jeon holding his hand and walking closer to me. He just froze, standing in front of me without saying anything. We just staring each other for a while, then i turned my eyes to see Aunty Jeon, she winked to me, and i realize about my plan to give him a punishment, I almost forgot about my plan because I was too fascinated with him but thanks to Aunty Jeon, she helped me to run my plan, now the game's started.

Jungkook Pov
I reached my home, i feel so tired, i have so much to do at my Mom's company. She already know that i arrived, she open the door and we walking inside.

She whispering something to me.
"y/n is here, she woke up from her coma, she's fine now but, she lost all her memories" she said on my ears.

I was shocked to heard that she's here, i feel like i'm dreaming, I turned my eyes, and my mom was right, i see her sat on the couch, I couldn't believe about what i see.

She is here, she woke up from her coma, she's came back to me. My heat beating so fast, i miss her so much, i just want to run and pulled her to my arms but i can't, because my mom said that she lost all her memories. Then there's nothing I can do but pretend that i don't know her.

I walk closer to her, i was froze, i don't know what should i say to her, i want to tell her, how much i miss her, how much i love her but the words that come out of my mouth is...
"hi!! i'm Jungkook nice to meet you"

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