Part 10

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Y/N Pov
I took a deep breath, to lowered my anger but then I heard the girl's voice then she was moaning mess.
"what the fuck!! are they having sex while I was here next to his room!!" I yelled, my anger build up.

She was moaning so loud, and my heart were ached by hearing it.

I clutched my chest, it felt so hurt inside, my head was dizzy then suddenly there was something popped out inside my head.

I saw little girl, she was crying in the corner of the room while hugging her knees, and then there was a boy that running towards her, wiping her tears, hugging her then giving her a piggyback.
I heard the boy saying something to her.
"i'm here, don't cry, i'll protect you, I won't leave you alone, I promise"

Next Day
I woke up
"damn it" i grimaced in pain, my head were ached and dizzy and i don't know why i becomes like this.

Last night, when i remembered one of the old memories that i have with Jungkook, i felt something was wrong with my body, i felt so weak, my head kept aching, and my heart didn't beat normally.
I got out of the bed, try to walked to the bathroom even i was in the bad condition.
"what's wrong with me" i sighed.

Then i felt something strange inside my stomach, i felt so full, there is something inside that keep forces out, and then i just throw up.
"shit!! why am i become like this?" i said while wiping my mouth.
I walked out of my room to take a water to get rid of the bitter taste.

I staggered, i felt dizzy, i stopped at once and leaned against the wall trying to stabilize my body.
I tried to walk again while keeping my body to stay balanced.

Then i saw Jungkook walking out of his room, i sighed, i hope he didn't noticed me, because i didn't want him to see me like this.

I hope he just walked away without seeing me, but then, i was wrong, i sighed, he felt my sense, he turned his head, i had difficulty breathing.
" y/n what's wrong?? Are you ok? " he asked, walking closer to me.
" are you sick? Your are so pale, and sweating a lot " he said while he place his hand on my shoulder.
I closed my eyes, and touched my chest that was felt so tight, it was very difficult to breathe.
" Yahh, what's wrong with you " he shouted lifted up my chin to facing him, he touch my forehead but i slapped his hand.
" don't touch me, just go " i yelled and pushed him away.
My legs felt weak, I could not hold my weight, I slumped on the floor.
" You are sick, you should go to the hospital " he kneel down, and lifted me, carrying me with a bridal style.
" let me go!! " i yelled, and hit his chest.
" i won't, hit me as much as you want, i won't let you go " he replied and walk downstair, he take me to his car, then heading to the hospital.

At the hospital
he still carrying me with a bridal style I buried my face on his chest while breathing heavily.
" don't be sick, I'm here, so please don't get sick, I can't bear to see you like this " he said. Then suddenly others memory flashed through my head.

I saw a little girl, and yes it was me as a child, it was raining, i sat in front of the gate of a house, hugging my knees, my body shivered and I saw a boy running towards me, and yes it was Jungkook, he touched my forehead, he knew that I already got a fever. He piggyback me, then i heard he said something, that was the same words he said earlier, that words kept repeating in my head, making my head getting more ached, I grabbed his shirt and groaned in pain, I found it hard to breathe.
" Jungkook.... i.... " I could not finish my sentence, my vision went blur, then became dark, and finally I was unconscious.

Jungkook pov
" y/n!! y/n!! Open your eyes, wake up " i yelled at her.
Seeing her pale face on my chest, I'm so worried to her, i run to found a doctor.
" please help her, she's sick, please help her " i shouted, full of worried.
" follow me, i'll take care of her, let's take her to the ICU, i'll checked her condition " the doctor said.

At the ICU
The doctor started checking on her condition, checked her blood pressure, her heartbeat and put the ventilator to help her for breathing.

I could only look at her from afar, she was lying on the hospital bed, her face was so pale, her eyes were closed, I was going crazy for worried about her.

30 minutes later
The doctor came to me.
" can you come to my office? I have something to asked and to told to you " doctor said and i nodded, I follow him to his office.
" please sit " he said
" how is she? Is she fine?? " i asked first
" She was very difficult to breathe, her heartbeat was weak, so I put a monitor to controling her vital signs, and I also put on a ventilator " he explained.
I don't know how to respons to this, is her condition that bad? that's why she should be assisted by the ventilator to breathe.
" and also, i found a scar on her head, and there is an internal bleeding in her head, so I want to know, did she fall or has been hit by object? " he asked.
I just froze, my heart jumped by hearing that, she has an internal bleeding on his head.
" I don't know that she fell or hitted by object, but as i remember, when she was child, she fell from the stairs, her head was hitting the edge of the banister, and she lost her memory by the accident " i replied.
" her head must have been bumped so hard, that's why she he has lost her memory " he said and then he frowning while looking at her medical chart.
" there are some nerves of her brain are tense, it seemed like, she was imposing her brain, it looks like she have been thinking too hard, that's why her nerves become tense, and the internal bleeding happens because of the tense, she has forced her mind too much, maybe forcing to remember something " he explain.
" what do you mean? She has forced her mind? But why? What was for? " i asked.
" Maybe she has forced her mind because she wanted to find her memories back " he explain.
I sighed, banging my head againts the table, she's like this because she forced her mind to find her memories back?
" why are you doing this y/n? you don't need to remember your past, you don't have to find your memories back, it will only make you sick and hurt " i talked to myself.
" then, what should i do, to keep her safe? " i asked.
" Don't let her to forced her mind, just make her relax, if she keeps forcing her mind, it will be bad for her, the internal bleeding will get worse, she maybe able to experience brain nerve paralysis " he said.
My heart was aching, it was so hurting to hear all the explanations, I didn't know that her head was badly injured a long time ago, and it's all because of me, I'm the one who made her like this.
I went out of the doctor's room, walking in hurry, I wanted to see her, I get inside the ICU, I sat next to her, stroked her soft cheek, holding her hands tightly, I can't hold my tears by seeing her like this.
" i'm sorry y/n, you have been like this because of me "

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