Part 27

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One Day Before the Wedding

My mom told me that her friend will come to Aunty Jeon's house today, who will handle all of the wedding.
And today is the day for me to try on a wedding dress.
I have told her about my taste, and she said that she would bring some dresses for me to try on according to my taste.

I just wondering about the look when i wearing the wedding dress, will i look dazzling or will I look weird?
I feel nervous while i was waiting for her to come, I can't stand still, i bitting my nails while i keep walking around my room.
Then i heard someone knocked on the door.
"come in" i said.
Then i see my mom and Aunty Jeon walking inside, but wait, i see another woman following them at the back.
"baby, she's Elyah, she is my friend, who will handle your wedding" my mom said.
"hello y/n, nice to see you" she greet me.
"oh hello, nice to see you as well" i bowed.
"She is beautiful" she said to my mom.
"Yeah, she is beautiful, I can't believe that she has grown so fast, and she will married tomorrow" my mom said and held my hand.
"And I'm so happy that i have a beautiful daughter-in-law" Aunty Jeon added.
"Thanks Aunty, i'm happy too" i smile to her.
"but baby, i would love you to stop to called me aunty, and start to called me mom" she replied and cupped my face.
"of course mom" i said and hugging her.
"ok now, let's try your wedding dress" Elyah said
started opening her suitcase and took out some dresses.

After I saw some of the dresses she brought, my eyes immediately fixed on one dress.
I looked at the dress with the wide eyes, what a beautiful dress.
"omg, it's so beautiful, so i'm going to wear this dress tomorrow??" i said, i just amazed by the dress, a white, open-back dress.

"omg, it's so beautiful, so i'm going to wear this dress tomorrow??" i said, i just amazed by the dress, a white, open-back dress

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"A beautiful girls should wear a beautiful dresses as well" elyah said.
"so let me help you to wear this" she added and i nodded, and she helped me to get dressed.

I keep seeing the dress, the dress was amazing, fit on my body, the dress is pretty simple but elegant with the open back.
"you look so beautiful y/n" Elyah said and smile to me.
"baby you are so so so so beautiful" my mom shouted.

I keep looking at the mirror, seeing how beautiful the dress is attached to my body, I didn't believe that the girl I see in the mirror is me.

Jungkook Pov
I finished my work, and I rushed to go home, I wanted to see my future wife soon, I miss her so much.

When I got home, I was confused, why the house was quiet, I called my mon, Aunty Min and also Y/n but none of them answered.

I decided to go straight to her room hoping to find her there. I walked to the upstair, and saw her door room already open, i keep walking to reach her room.
I peeked into the room and saw my mim, Aunty Min and another woman in her room.
But wait.....suddenly my eyes fixed on the beautiful scenery in front of me, I saw a beautiful girl standing in front of the mirror, with a beautiful dress stuck on her body.

She has a perfect body, the back of the dress was open, revealing her bare back skin, I was so fascinated by her.
"What a waste, Jungkook's not here, he still at the office, If he were here, and saw you like this, he would be crazy for you" my mom said.
"I'm already here" My voice made everyone shocked.

Y/N Pov
"I'm already here"
I know the owner of that voice, my future husband was here, my heart was beating so fast now, i feel my cheek get burn.
"You are here son?" Aunty Jeon said.
"Mom, can i asked you something?" he said.
"what's that son" she replied.
"Is the beautiful girl who's in front of me now is the one who will be my wife tomorrow?" he said, his words make me flutter.
"ekkhhmm, then i think we have to get out of here now" my mom said, they're smile, they understand very well, that Jungkook needs private time for us, they get out of my room, leave me and Jungkook alone in the room.

I saw his reflection on the mirror, he walking closer to me, keep staring at me with a soft gaze. My heart pounding to see his gaze.

He touch my bare back, running his finger up to down on my bare back, his touch make my body tremble.

He pulls me closer, back hugging me, his hand wrap around my waist, then he kiss my neck, i was shivering when his lips touching my neck, i close my eyes, placing my hand above his hand.

He turned my body to facing with him, he pulled me closer, he place his hand on my waist while his other hand lifted my chin up:
"Do you know how much I want you now? to see you like this, make me want to feel every inch of your body, I want everything's on you to be mine, only mine" he said.
I want to talk to him but he didn't give me a time to let a single word out of my mouth.

He silenced my mouth with his lips, he kiss me full of passion, he bite my bottom lip, asking access into my mouth, i open my mouth then he slide his tongue into my mouth, exploring all of it, our tongue meet, licking and sucking each other.
He already gave me pleasure just by the kiss.
"I can't control my hormone, you make me hard babe" he said between the kiss then he pushed his member into mine, he rubbing his member there, i feel his member already hard
"Did you feel it?" he said with a husky voice.
"you perv but i love you, so much"
i said then i place my hand around his neck, and kiss him.

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