Chapter 3 "I hate the beach"

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Have you ever been kissed and kiss that person back because you felt forced to? Have you ever stuck your tongue in someone's throat because that person places his lips over yours first? It's not like you don't want the kiss but you weren't thinking about it. It's not the fact of the surprise but that it wasn't in your plans. Still, once your lips are touching you do it, you kiss that person and it's a good kiss, with some risqué brushes and all, the feeling is warm but somehow... it still feels empty. It's not the kiss. It's not the person. It's just you, and that emptiness someone brought you when he left.

The emptiness is the problem and while you are kissing that person you can just think about when will it leave. You know that it doesn't matter who are you kissing, it doesn't matter if he stole you a kiss or you kissed him first because those aren't the lips you think about kissing. That's what fill the emptiness and prevents it from leaving, the fear of knowing the lips you want to kiss aren't yours to kiss any longer.

"J.D..." I whispered against his lips when he let go of my mouth. "I told you that I didn't want displays of affection in public," I took a step back, putting some distance between our mouths. "Less in the corridors of the fucking high school."

My eyes were fixed on J.D's dark gray ones. He smirked, J.D knew that we were far from dating, we had barely made out five times but that was J.D, a fan of improvising and letting things go with the flow.

"Relax, Iria." The way he ran his hand through his dark blonde hair made me want to get pissed at his lack of care about everything but it was very sexy. "There aren't even two days left for the Mid-Winter break." He came close to me again, surrounding my waist with his arm. "That's what I came here for, we are all hanging out in my house tomorrow after class."

J.D noticed Molly for the first time, she greeted him with false politely before she flipped him off.

"I was inviting the two of you, sister-in-law, don't get jealous yet." He gave Molly a look of forgiveness.

J.D was the young brother of the father of Molly's baby. Andrew's father disengage himself from him when he was born, he went to the university of São Paulo and let her become a single mother. Molly's parents didn't specially supported her in her pregnancy but J.D's mother did, she and Andrew have been living in her house for three years.

J.D is friends with Ethan but I first noticed him when I went to Molly's house and found him preparing Andrew's baby's bottle.

"How thoughtful to invite me to the house I live in." Molly ironized, J.D went to her and took her books, carrying them for her.

"By the way, baby momma, it's your turn to bring the alcohol." He let out walking faster to reach me and left Molly and her reaction behind.

"Tell it to Ethan."

I stopped dead when I heard Molly, J.D frowned when he noticed it, he stopped walking too and faced me, I forced a smile to him as I watched out of the corner of my eye how Molly smirked.

"Ethan doesn't have a fake I.D as you, baby momma." J.D had his gaze fixed on me, I gave him a short kiss on the lips so he would let my weird behavior go.

I didn't want him to see how Molly made all those gestures that would give Ethan and me away. I shouldn't have told her that Ethan and I were superhumans, it was the biggest secret I had to keep but I didn't find it a big deal once I told her about the reason why I looked dead, what included the whole story of how I fell for my Wonder Boy and forgot to check how close was the ground.

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