Chapter 48 "Nobody does it like you do"

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Three days... One weekend and it was Monday again, the real world beyond the wall of our apartment where I had responsibilities, such us the prom queen program. I couldn't put into words what happened last Friday after everybody left. Well, I could. Sex. Sex and sins. I had vented all those emotions that would end up making me break down in that night, when the door of his room closed and we were left alone with the songs of The Neighbourhood, I had vented everything in him, those thoughts weren't the only thing I got off my chest.

But what about what got in my chest? What about who got in my chest?

Being the third time I already knew what was sex like with Ethan, what I hadn't figured out yet was how was the afterwards. The first time we probably fell asleep at some point of the night, the second one my tears made me got off him before I could find it out but the third time... The third time we flopped exhausted on the mattress after there weren't sins left to confess.

The one with the worst life? We left it in a draw.

We looked at each other and our eyes decided we would stay like that, laid naked over the bed, listening to our favorite band and talking until we fell asleep. On Sunday I woke up with my body over his, it was the first time we touched during the night.

Then I went to work, he did the same when his night shift started and on Sunday we went back to be the same ones as always. Why was so easy to be with Ethan? Why didn't I want to do something to stop this thing between us?

Our friendship hasn't changed after all... at least that was what I thought.

I sighed when I saw the two girls who were taking their turn in this last face-to-face, about to finish their debate. The last event of the program were the debates, in front of the students of course. They divided us prom queen candidates in pairs, we went on 'stage' with the girl we have been assigned to debate with though we took turns, my pair was Erin.

Surprising, right?

I was going to speak first and then her, we were supposed to be in front of each other but we couldn't interrupt our speeches.

Why it was call debate when just gave a speech looking at each other's face was something I didn't understand.

Erin and I weren't the last ones, the girls who had just debated had almost pounced on each other with words, they literally exposed all the dirty laundry of the other, a reason why I had to sigh again when we were finally called to get on 'stage'. Erin went up the few steps by the left side, I walked in by the right one.

I had just known that Erin won the last face-to-face, she got the teachers' vote what meant I better wrapped all these students around my finger if I wanted that crown. I tested the microphone's volume by tapping it, it worked what meant I had to start this little speech. My gaze met Erin's before the first word escaped my mouth, even though she tried to seem strong, I saw the fear hidden in her eyes.

I knew a lot after all.

"Good morning, I don't know if I should introduce myself, I'm sure that some of you have been told a girl named Iria Quinn is candidate for prom queen and you didn't have idea of who I was. I can't blame you, I have spent most of my senior year wanting to be invisible but, raise your hand who has not wanted to be invisible this year."

In front of me Erin raised her hand discreetly, I averted my gaze from her to watch how there wasn't a single hand raised among the students. I grabbed the microphone from its place and leaned on the wooden structure they put on the stage so we could leave our notes, feeling more comfortable as I averted my gaze from Erin to the students.

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