Chapter 44 "Just us, you find out"

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I fought to keep my eyes opened, my eyelids felt heavy, all my body felt heavy actually... I didn't bother to speak because I knew there was no voice that could leave my throat. In my mind I sat up, I moved and jumped off this surface I was laid on, which took me a minute to realize it wasn't rigid but neither soft, the surface was padded, that for sure. Outside, in the real world, I wasn't able to figure out how to move my arms or legs, I didn't feel them, my mind ordered my arms to raise above my head but they didn't. It took all my might to be able to turn my head to the side and see my arms, they were there, attached to my body but motionless.

In that moment when my mind felt as heavy as my mind, disoriented and tangled up, I thought about Ethan. I don't know why I thought about that conversation... The reason behind the peculiar way we met, twisted and disgusting but it crossed my mind.

Babies, that word echoed throughout the walls of my head hurting me. It was too loud, I wasn't ready to have a baby even if my body was, neither was Ethan.

He was in my head, I thought about that one time he described me what he felt when he first tasted that joint. We were too young, both of us, yet here we were, I was seeing colors in a white light just like Ethan said, I felt how everything around me had a shadow similar to a flash when I moved my head. I felt like I didn't have the control of my body. Ethan hadn't told me that, I was the one who felt it.

Ethan... How did something as beautiful as our friendship started this way? How did the boy who was brought to meet me with the only objective to become the father of my child became my best friend? That first week locked in the opaque glass jail was the calm before the storm, neither of us knew why we were there and I preferred it.

I believed I had finally lost my mind when I distinguished his shape in the distance. Was he handcuffed? I think he was... for sure he wasn't alone, there were two 'doctors' walking beside him, he talked with them when they stopped.

That was the last image I saw before my eyes gave up and finally closed, it took me some minutes to be able to fight my heavy eyelids.

When I opened my eyes Ethan was on top of me, his breath close to my ear would have given me goosebumps if I had felt my skin.

"And if you were my little girl..." He sang in whispers, I heard him as a background sound yet I could deduce what he intended.

Ethan always told me to cover my ears and sing when he was going to do something I shouldn't witness. I was sure that was what would happen, so now that I couldn't cover my ears I continued singing The Neighbourhood's song out loud.

My eyes closed and didn't opened again, not enough time to notice everything that surrounded me, I just realized a few things during the seconds I got to open them, just by the time I stopped feeling Ethan's breath.

I thought I saw blood, a lot of blood that I suspected it splashed on me or at least on my arm.

I thought I heard screams, even though I didn't recognized any as Ethan's voice.

Finally I thought someone carried me in his arms, taking me out of there. Then I started to think differently.

I thought I wasn't alone anymore.

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