Chapter 19 "Head in the clouds but my gravity centered"

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"Come on, show me..." Ethan insisted rolling in my bed, I had sat on the rug and grabbed tightly the paper without intention of showing what I wrote on it.

"You are going to laugh." I predicted. Ethan made a gesture downplaying the matter, trying to make me believe he wouldn't make fun of me but I knew it wasn't true.

"Baby, pretty please, the whole point of making lists in showing them to each other." Ethan also held his paper in his hand, fanning it as he made me curious with his expression.

"This one ain't a list." I pointed out taking a look at what I wrote in the paper. "It's just writing a dream."

My gaze got lost in the two words I had wrote in the sheet, Ethan was impatient to read them, he went to the bed's edge and reached out so that I would give him the paper.

I gave in and handed him the sheet.

"Prom queen." He read out. A short laugh escaped him before he could remember to try hide it. "Sorry." He apologized with traces of the laugh, fighting for his lips to don't curve into a smirk.

"I knew you would laugh."

I didn't bother to read his 'list', I left the sheet on the rug and crossed my arms not wanting to meet his gaze with an indifferent expression.

Deep down it annoyed me. It kinda hurt.

Ethan gave me a funny look, he crossed his arms too copying me.

"Don't take it to heart." He avoided my gaze as I had done with him, then he faced me leaving the posture behind. "Baby, I just didn't know you were interest in receiving a crown as a shown of human's approval."

Ethan suddenly disappeared, I discovered seconds later he went to my closet when he showing up with a long dress in his hands.

"Are you into mermaid dresses or better a simpler one." Ethan looked down to the dress he grabbed, he put it close to his body pretending that he wore it.

He was indeed teasing me. I didn't want to be prom queen for the crown, in fact I just wanted to fit in, the cool kids got popularity, they could be themselves and they were close to perfection.

I wanted to be perfect as mother craved, I wanted to be prom queen and prove being different isn't always as bad.

It was just a silly dream after all...

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The girls' locker room was deserted when I ran to it, kinda slamming the door when I walked in. The loneliness I found myself into after was normal, it was break time, everybody was eating in the cafeteria or doing anything but sitting on the locker room bench, putting their feet up and their knees to their chest.

I haven't been able to stop thinking since Monday. J.D rushed me to give him an answer while all I did was giving him the runaround. I started to feel again as if everything overwhelmed me, I didn't stop rekindling the fuck with J.D, that make out session in the shower with Ethan and that kiss with The Neighbourhood filling the room.

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