Chapter 31 "Always comes at the worst time"

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I shrug even more in my seat. I feel cold. I wear a coat but I'm cold, I have been cold since I first sat on the bleachers and the game started. Ethan wasn't there, maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm cold... Maybe it isn't. J.D isn't here either, unlike Ethan he came with me, we walked together through Saley High but the second I got lost in thoughts for a couple of minutes J.D disappeared, he went with the hockey players. J.D isn't in any team, he plays hockey as a hobby but I know him enough to know he wants more. Fuck, of course he wants more, he would love to enter a team, he would love to play hockey professionally and follow his brother's steps but that's the problem.

His brother's steps.

The brother who left behind his child for a scholarship in the university of São Paulo playing hockey. He can't do that to Molly. He knows it. I know it. I have always been very observant.

Nobody has recognized me in this hell hole, I bet it's hard, I'm not who I was when I left Canada, neither do I look like the same person. I'm skinner, my hair is shorter and more purple, plus my contacts are blue now, my clothes style isn't the same and I don't own the same postures as back then. The girl who used to held her head high, rigid posture and chest up, she's gone, just like the goody two shoes who stepped on these corridors before her.

I have been many people in this school, from nerd to rebel, from introvert to extrovert, from insecure to confidence. Now I'm nobody, nobody that someone will notice at least.

Saley High is a different school, an English one, every subject here is given in English except French, we had of that too -it's Montreal after all. I'm good at French, most of the students here are good at it though we consider English our first language, that's why our school chose Saley High.

Better communication, I guess.

The game is about to finish and I'm still alone. I have felt alone during a lot of time in my life and I'm used to it, I still feel alone nowadays however there's this feeling... I don't know what it is but it makes me want to shrug when I think that I begged Ethan to don't leave me alone.

Here I am anyway. Where are you, Ethan?

The players start giving a handshake to their rivals, the game ended, they are having sportsmanship -we won. At the time the first player walks out of the rink I distinguished his shape. Redhead. My redhead.

My redhead best friend.

He walked to me, taking a seat beside me without caring about how they separated us, the candidates for prom kings, from the rest in order to make sure there was no one missing, we would 'perform' soon.

Ethan didn't have a good face, he kept frowning and his jaw was clenched though his shoulders were down, beat up. I caressed his arm giving him an empathetic look, he kept his gaze fixed forward but I wanted to comfort him.

Why? I don't know.

Then I remember it, those arms holding my waist as he kissed all my insecurities, how one kiss of him in the right spot took me to the seventh heaven because he knew where to kiss and how to do it -I did too, I wasn't aware that I knew his preferences until I found myself wanting to use that information-, how his hands grabbed solidly my hips when he fucked me, first slow then savage... Savage.

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