Chapter 58 "I do too"

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She didn't take her hands off me, she touched me up in a way I thought I missed but that didn't tell me anything. I also touched her, I held her tight from her thighs to keep her closer, deep down knowing I wouldn't really care if she stepped back. Her tongue took over my mouth, she kissed me with intensity, as two strangers kiss each other, by that time I had already figured out I preferred familiar kisses.

I preferred some hands that I loved to touch me. I preferred some lips whose taste I remembered to swollen mine, even better if they left stamps of her deep red matte lipstick on my mouth. I preferred someone else, that's the only summary I could do.

I wanted a couple of diamond eyes to look at me, shinning of lust, I haven't even paid attention to the color of the eyes belonging to the girl with whom I was making out.

The boys' restroom was empty and calm except for the loud music that sneaked from the outside, it was a very noisy club, I could heard the songs I didn't really like from the stall the girl and I entered. She got her hands inside of my pants wanting to take them off, or at least to drop them enough so we could have sex. I had gotten my hands under her dress some minutes ago and now her panties hung on her left foot.

She stopped kissing me for a moment, she turned around to search in her bag, from which she pulled out her phone, she removed its case taking out a condom. She kissed me again with the metallic wrapper in the hand, handing it to me. I stopped doing so, I pushed her away gently without any intention to accept what she offered me.

"I'm sorry..." I ran my hands through my face while she looked at me confused. Confused and horny. "I know I'm going to sound as a completely asshole but... would you believe me if I tell I don't get over my ex?" I looked at her with my guard up, not sure of how she would react.

I never thought I would call my rough diamond my ex. It hurt, I had to gulp to soften the shooting pain in my chest.

She didn't look happy but I think I saw some empathy in her gaze.

"You are an asshole." She assured convinced of her words. She had crossed her arms and looked at me with haughty. "An honest asshole, what is more unusual."

She pulled up her panties and grabbed her bag, when she had unlocked the stall's door she turned to me.

"I have no idea how did your girlfriend became your ex, but if you miss her even when you are about to fuck with someone else, then maybe she shouldn't be your ex."

She walked away after dropping that piece of advice. I stayed in the fucking bathroom stall a little longer, I buttoned up my pants and pulled out a cigarette from its pocket, I lit it putting it on my mouth not wanting to think at all, it never ended well.

When I released the smoke there was just a sweeter thought on my mind. I leaned my head back as my back was leaned against one of the four walls of the stall.

My girlfriend... that sounded way better.

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I tried to not make a noise when I entered 'my' house. I was soaked, I walked all the way back 'home' in the dark while it rained. It always rained, Emily was tired of reminding me to take off the wet shoes when I entered the house. This time I did it, I was about to go upstairs to 'my room' when the hall's light switched on, I turned around to find my aunt leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Have I woken up Luca?" I tried to guess though I didn't hear any kid crying. She didn't change her stern expression, however I would say she was more like concerned.

"You smell like tobacco and alcohol." She pointed out wrinkling her nose.

"That might be because, after the third drink, I smoked a cigarette when the girl whose panties I had taken off walked past the door."

Emily tilted her head to the right, she used to look me like that when my sarcasm didn't please her.


I rolled my eyes, I hated the tone with which she said my name. I knew what would follow it.

"Don't tell me that you understand what I'm going through. You are human, and something more than a year ago you didn't even know that your nephew and niece weren't. I don't want to hear it, Emily."

Emily pressed her lips together, probably holding back many answers. She clicked her tongue then disappeared in the kitchen. I saw her opening the fridge to grab some water, I left upstairs once again realizing the mess that was my life.

I meant what I told Emily, I didn't want to hear how she scolded me for quitting high school when I was some months away from graduating. I just hated it there... I hated the United States.

I looked in the mirror when I had gotten rid off the wet -and apparently stinky- clothes, the hot shower hadn't helped at all, plus my hair was still wet. I got closer to the mirror analyzing the color of my hair.

I will have to dye it again soon, keeping a realistic jet black color was very hard considering the whiteness of my natural hair.

I hated black too.

I laid on 'my' bed with the phone in the hand, facing the ceiling when I dialed that one phone number I have known by heart since I was thirteen. I spoke when the device indicated me I could.

"Hi, Chris. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you like crazy... I tell you that whenever I call. I miss my soulmate, sister. I have always known I needed you but now that you aren't by my side I'm more aware of how lucky I was..."I sighed, I didn't want the weather to feel what I felt, that had been the hardest part for the last year. "Today it's been a year since I last saw you, I'm still as fucked up as the first day without you, without her... How's your side of the world? Where I am the weather looks as dead as I feel most of the day." I couldn't say anything more because that one annoying sound let me know the voicemail was over.

There it was, another voicemail that wouldn't even be sent now that the mailbox has been full for some months now. I didn't even know why I bothered to leave messages on her old phone, dad forced us to get rid of them a year ago.

It all felt as lonely as it looked.

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