Chapter 37 "Left the bad taste on your tongue"

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I was drying recently washed glasses with a cloth, that's what being a waiter has, sometimes apart from serving martinis you have to wash the dishes. I actually enjoyed running the cloth over the glasses, polishing them, I found ironic to look at that piece of glass and think about what could happen to the person who laid their lips on the filled glass.

Luckily keeping the costumers alive wasn't my job.

As I mentioned I liked my job, I worked in a dive, no one with much hope crossed the doorstep and walked inside, my job was drowning that little hope in alcohol. However, right now I just cleaned the glasses whose future content would fill someone's emptiness.

I would have continued cleaning glasses if it weren't for the fact that the girl sitting right in front of me, on a stool of the counter, doesn't stop giving me pity faces. Her lips are pursed and her eyes try to copy a sad shine at the same time she slowly run the fingertip of her index finger through the rim of the glass in front of her.

An empty glass and endless circles over the rim of said glass.

And the pity? I can assure she doesn't pity me but the other way around. I'm supposed to pity her.

"I won't give you free alcohol, cabin boy." I reminded Evelyn for the thousandth time.

I won't give you more free alcohol, is what I should have said.

Evelyn changed her pity look for a smirk and the sad shine in her eyes for a joyful one, she stopped outlining the rim of the glass and slid it down the counter to me. She still grabbed it in her hand when her gaze met mine, hers now accompanied by an innocent smile.

"If there's not free alcohol then why do I need you, captain?"

Again that seductive gaze.

I grabbed her glass and slid it back to her. "I'm working, I can't give you for free what my bosses pay for."

Evelyn snorted, for a moment the straight posture she had gotten deflated, until she stopped shrugging. I could see the moment in which whatever idea she had crossed her mind. The next thing I know is that she bent down under the counter, when she appeared again in my field of view she carried a bottle of pink gin in her hand.

"Now you have the alcohol, prepare me a gin and tonic, bartender."

I denied with my head as I grabbed the glass Evelyn had handed me back and the pink gin, I gave up.

"Your powers are getting too used to me." I pointed out the little show she put up. "I just hope this bottle hadn't teleported from the shelf behind me."

She batted her lashes in innocence. I believe the dive will miss the pink gin.

"Don't pretend I haven't learned the trick from you. Today you look pretty responsable... Tired of such a funny week? You have spent it between alcohol, sex, skipped classes and maybe even a few drugs."

I clenched my jaw without noticing it, Evelyn eyes were fixed on how I prepared her drink. It's true this week has been pretty crazy for me. I went back to live to forget and forget to die.

I almost forgot about that last part but bad habits always come back.

"First, I always skip classes." I refuted her with her drink ready under my grip, she was anxious in front of me.

I actually believe I don't have enough credits to graduate what doesn't worry me. I never wanted to go to prom, I have left that clear.

"And second?" She rushed, reaching out to grab the glass. She took it from my hands before I could stop her. "Were you going to tell me what happened to you in that school trip?"

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