Chapter 38 "The minute that my left hand meets your waist"

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I couldn't sleep, it was past midnight for sure, around five in morning what didn't stop my eyes from being wide open. I grabbed the blanket tightly against my chest, my body was laid over the mattress straight as a needle and my gaze was fixed on the ceiling. Among the darkness of the room I could just distinguish a couple of objects because of the few light coming from the street, my room didn't have curtains, I stopped sleeping in it time ago so I didn't find them a need.

I just slept in my room when Ethan wasn't alone in his, like today. I actually didn't sleep when I got into my bed, I didn't want to have nightmares and scare the guest so I would just... look at the ceiling. I decided to get out of bed, it would start to dawn in about an hour and it's been almost two since I last heard a noise.

I left my room wearing just a huge hoodie that reached a couple of inches over my knees, I didn't wear anything more than some panties under that hoodie. I first headed to the fridge, without knowing why when I didn't feel hungry at all, I opened the freezer and grabbed the tub of ice cream.

"Do you remember the first time I took you to New York? I offered myself to buy you an ice cream, it became your favorite food after that."

Ethan's voice sneaked in my head as a slight smile showed in my lips. I sat on the sofa with the ice cream cup and a spoon, I wasn't hungry, I really wasn't but... I let it the start by turning on the TV, I found an interesting movie not too long after, it was then when I tasted the first tablespoon of ice cream.

It's been so long since I last tasted my favorite food.

I continued watching TV for twenty more minutes in which I just got the second tablespoon to meet my mouth. It was silly the way I wanted to smile after every tablespoon.

Ethan would be proud, I thought.

When the twenty minutes went by I heard noises for first time in hours, the door of Ethan's room didn't take long to open. A blonde girl who dressed a misplaced party dress and carried her heels in her hand came out of it, being extremely careful to don't make -more- noise. The giggles she unsuccessfully tried to hold back didn't help her purpose. She notice me once she had already closed Ethan's door meticulously behind her.

I got the spoon in my mouth and licked it holding her brown gaze, as her glare had started.

"Who are you?"

Why was there annoyance in her voice? Was that a threatening tone? Her crossed arms and glares replied yes to the latter. I also notice some unhealthy jealousy. Why not playing with it?

"I'm doing the night shift." I responded with the biggest forced smile I could get.

I got up leaving the ice cream on the table and walked past the girl with that forced smile turned into a smirk, one that continued on my lips once I closed the door of Ethan's room behind me, I leaned my back on it afterwards, overhearing the girl's tantrum.

My smirk grew when I checked she had left the apartment slamming the door, sound that echoed through the small place. That was the moment when I first laid my eyes on Ethan, his room was filled with total darkness but I knew in which exactly spot of the bed he was.

He has been sleeping next to me for ten months.

I walked to my side of the bed without thinking, the plan wasn't getting in his bed but not thinking helped, above all when I didn't have to worry about how my best friend would most likely be naked under the sheets or about how those sheets would most likely be dirty.

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