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Previously on, kamen rider hibiki and suite precure,Ellen was become precure and join member when she reached her answer and apologized to them about what she done. Habiki and others was doing practice taiko as torodoki is having doubts accompanying habiki. Torodoki said to habiki what's reason to play the drumstick as Habiki doesn't know said to him about drum.



At the same, habiki and others was saw new makamou was dorotabou as he was summer makamou. While they position and torodoki tell habiki.

Torodoki:habiki-san!what is that?

Torodoki going charge forward at makamou as hibiki tried to stop him.

Hibiki:stop it, torodoki-san!they're dorotabou.


He charge forward at them as they step away from dorotabou. Dorotabou tried to punch on them when they block attack as Hibiki and others swing drumstick on makamou chest. Dorotabou tackle on them when they counterattack with side kick on their chest. As torodoki swing on dorotabou chest and they notice it.

Hibiki:stop it.

Before torodoki stab on Makamou back to doing finished move, but the venom was hit on torodoki step away and they saw venom was transform into dorotabou as they surprise.

Melody:what the?

Rhythm:he can multiplying makmou?

Hibiki swing on makamou chest and downward on forehead to the ground. As hibiki was stay away until he take breathe as the mist surrounds him to appeared red flame on his armored to become new form. But he take look at news form on his arms was red as the form wasn't complete yet.

Hibiki:damn it!my form wasn't completed yet.

Two makamou charge forward at hibiki while habiki dodge attack and slamming drumstick on two makamou causing burning. He swing on makamou chest multiple time to creating fire and side kick on hiqa chest.melody and others precure swing on dorotabou 1 when he hold their weapon until they side kick on his chest to let go to crashing on the tree. Dorotabou quicky run away as they notice it.

Hibiki and melody take buckle form belt and put on dorotabou 2 chest and it enlarged to become big.

Hibiki, melody:bakuretsu kyoda kata.

Hibiki and melody beat two drumstick on multiple time to make oni symbol bigger and slamming drumstick one more with their fire, causing an explosion.

Hibiki and torodoki was reveal their head while they go toward torodoki as he still kneel down on the ground. Habiki reach his hand as torodoki took his hand to stand up. Torodoki was feel embarrassed About he wasn't follow habiki warn.


At the bridge, ibuki and akira was in the mid dist of fighting an ittanmomen while ibuki blow tone one o purification sound at makamou and riding on their motorcycles and it exploded Right as it dived at them.
Ibuki reveal his face and take breathe.

Akira:good job.

Ibuki:thanks. Alright. Let's contract headquarters, then meet up with habiki-san-tachi.

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