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Previously on, kamen rider hibiki and suite precure,habiki and others was remained about muse said to them that she have protect to do. Mephisto was appeared on the kanon town and make them sad until hibiki and precure appeared to fight him. Precure was doing finish their own on mephisto but muse was protect him as they cancel their own power and mephisto gathered all the note.



At the hibiki room, habiki and others are moping in hibiki room about the events of the previous fight. The fairy tones are sad that all the notes they had collected were taken as hibiki hold the healing chest and stare at the window.

Fary:all those notes you've worked so hard to collect?

Shirty:mephisto took them all!

Hummy:cheer up!I'm sure they get them back!

Miry:you're too chill, hummy!

Hummy(shocked):what did you say?

Habiki:now, now everyone.

Ellen:we get those notes back..

Hibiki:why did muse protect Mephisto?

Hibiki wonder that why did muse protect mephisto.

Kanade:muse is a Precure, like us. But she's mephisto ally...

Habiki:could it be, she have concern with mephisto.

Ellen:yeah. I'm sure she has a reason.

They seem Surprise that muse have concern with Mephisto.

Ellen:that's what i think. There must be something that force her to stand on the line between good and evil.

Hummy:is muse being controlled by someone?

Kanade:i wonder... I don't really see it.

Hibiki:then there may be another reason.

Before they saw that healing chest start glow light.


Elsewhere on convenient high spire, muse was top of the rooftop as dodory was seat down on her coat while she talk to muse about mephisto.

Dodory:i know that you want to protect Mephisto. But the other kamen rider and precure will think of you as their enemy. Is that all right with you? You should tell them everything!

Dodory begged to her that muse should tell them truth. But muse didn't reply.


In the major land, Aphrodite was getting ready to human world as she summoned the path to major land to appeared path of multicolored piano keys formed as was shooting up into the air.

Otokichi:where are you going?

Aphrodite heard from man and turn back was otokichi appeared.

Aphrodite:the Human world. Muse has forgotten her mission as precure. I cannot have her be troubled anymore...

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