Chapter 1: The Return Home

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Hank Voight looks up from his desk as he hears someone knock on the door. Only a smile can cross his face in seeing the similar face standing before him.

"I never thought I would see you back in my office," Hank comments to which only earns a small chuckle back in response. In reality, though, it was a sight that he very much welcomed any time, but especially now.

"You always did say the door would be open for my return if I wanted," Jay Halstead reminds him of one of their last conversations before he left the Chicago Police Department and headed off back to the Army. It was a day that remained in Hank's thoughts ever since, knowing he had big plans for his detective if he would have stayed.

"So does this mean you are returning?" Jay knew he couldn't straight up answer that, as it was the prying phone call of curiosity in knowing he was back in town, combined with Lindsay's suggestion which made this visit happen. 

"Can't I just come say hello to a friend without any motive?" The question brought a chuckle from the man behind the desk, as he poured them both a shot of whiskey to sip in toast to each other. It was common practice in the office, but only for special occasions.

"I know you better than that, Halstead. I can already see in your eyes that you have questions...." It was always hide to keep secrets from the boss - it was why Hank saw through each of his relationships before he and Lindsay connected and made things work. Although he hated it in the first couple years, he had to admit the bond was great now.

"Why is it this particular case that you want help on?" There was no sense beating around the bush, considering they would have all this upcoming time working together to make that happen. Besides, it wasn't like Jay shared any details of war with anybody anyway.

"It's a high profile case, and the FBI is given me leeway to have full jurisdiction anywhere because they want it solved just as badly." The comment only filled Jay with intrigue, as that never seemed to happen anytime he was involved with the unit in the past. Everything was always done in house, nobody else involved, and most of the time upsetting those outside the four walls. However, normally all was forgiven when they were done as they always got their target. "I also feel that your expertise could be necessary for this." 

"Alright. Give me the detai-"

"I can't do that until I know you are fully committed and onboard. The details in these files do not go outside of our offices to anyone as when I say it's a high profile case, I mean it, and they're keeping it very low key right now." The confusion was immediately across Jay's face as he knew there was cases that they kept off the books, hidden, but always for some underlying reason that was connected to one of them. It was not like they ever treated an individual outside of that circle with the same regard. 

"I know better than to waste your time." Hank just smiled as he knew from the minute Jay walked through the door, he was going to be on-board and involved with everything.

"A gang cartel that we have been chasing for years through the streets of Chicago, slowly picking away their men, decided to change their approach recently. An individual dated one of the girls' associated with the gang - perhaps a sibling or past significant other. They were looking for information, wanted to make a point, so therefore they went after this individual. It's our job now to find who went after him, and what details they are so badly wanting for whatever reason." Jay knew the drill as it was along the lines of previous drug cartels they had chased in the past - figuring out their connections and motives, and then entering their circle posing as buyers to take everything apart from the inside. He had been successful each time with his approach - except for the one time he got kidnapped, so it made sense as to why Hank wanted his knowledge here.

"Those details are very vague...." Hank picks up the stack of files on his desk, sliding them across in front of Jay. Everybody on his unit was always briefed with the full details and knowledge, as he never wanted his men to walk into something they were not expecting. After all, the number one priority was ensuring they all went home every night. 

"The individual is a NASCAR driver. You have a flight paid for by the department to head down to North Carolin-"

"When did we cross state lin-"

"The original attack happened in our streets. The original attack is based off one of our gangs as I stated. The original attack also deals with the girl who grew up in (Kevin) Atwater's neighborhood. As I was saying, you are to meet with him and speak with him about what happened. Perhaps you could use the flight down there to brief yourself on the situation." It all seemed strange as normally Hank liked to send his most knowledgeable people on the case to ask the questions, ensuring every bit of necessary information was shared. The finger being pointed his way was still met with confusion.

"Why aren't you going yourself?" Hank had thought about that, and knew those involved would prefer to deal with the boss. However, he knew that wouldn't bode well for the case in his eyes.

"Because I need to work my CIs and these streets to see what else I can dig up on this group. Because I need to focus on the streets of Chicago. Oh, and you know a thing about protecting people from trouble. The case has you staying with him at all times after you speak with him to ensure we don't have something happen again." Jay was now shell shocked as he knew that was normally a job of a regular police officer in a situation like this. However, to see himself selected for this duty while he was home to see his wife - and now taken across country from her, it still had him confused.

"This better be worth it - actually, I am going to make it worth my time because this is not what I had planned for my leave of absence." Hank knew that, having heard  a couple ideas from Lindsay in what they were supposed to be doing. However, when she agreed it was okay to have him on-board, that came with the knowledge of this plan - something Hank knew both would understand, and be fully involved with. 

"Consider that your motivation to find everything sooner so you can make the most of your time." 

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