Chapter 25: The Phone Call

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Jay continues scrolling through the various contact numbers, surprised at how many numbers were inside of Kelly's phone. He wondered how many of these individuals he talked to regularly. He wondered how many of the numbers belonged to ex girlfriends before Kelly had got with Stella. Was it really necessary to keep all of these numbers?

He lets a big sigh of relief, in seeing the number he was looking for. It had taken longer than he hoped - why did W have to near the rear of the alphabet? Now he just hoped he got answer, and the help necessary. Another glance towards Alex as he hits the number, and he felt every uncertainty coming true before him. What if they were too late?

"Kelly..." Jay hears his brother's voice on the other end. He could hear the worry in his voice, both knowing what this phone call was supposedly about - if it was Kelly indeed calling Will at this time. However, he was about to shock his brother's world a bit - and almost got a kick out of it in the process - with what he was about to say.

"Will..." He simply says, unable to get out the anticipation or need for this conversation to go quicker. Why was he unable to convey the importance of the phone call or reason? Instead, there was relief in hearing a familiar voice, saying a familiar name, knowing contact was made with someone outside of the four walls he was within. Perhaps it was the hope it brought, or perhaps relief in knowing he wouldn't have to fight much longer.

"Jay, is that you? Are you okay? Are you out yet?" The brothers couldn't contain their own excitement anymore in hearing each other's voices, smiles forming, light tears rolling down Jay's cheeks as it was everything he wanted and more at this moment. There was salvation ahead.

"Kelly is working at digging us out. I' be....okay..." Jay takes a series of deep breathes, a single glance at his own hands and the amount of blood covering them telling him everything he needed to know in that moment. What was he doing? Why was he allowing himself to become overcome with emotions? He had to do what was necessary here. He wasn't out of the woods yet, and Alex was far from it. ""

"Like you said, they are working at getting you both out. They'll be there soo-"

"It won't be soon enough. That's why I called you." He then takes a deep breath, knowing he had to stay focused despite every emotion fighting against that, as well as his own pain. He couldn't just enjoy the salvation this was delivering. He needed to do what was right by the man before him. "I need your help, ma-"

"I can get there as soon as I ca-"

"It'll be too late!" He then takes a deep breath, as his fingers reach up to Alex's neck, once again checking for the faint pulse he had felt moments earlier. Sigh of relief, it was still there. He just needed to hold on a little longer and they'd be out of this situation. "I called you because I need your advice. I need you to walk me through something."

"Okay..." He looks at the second box of items he had asked Kelly to drop down following the phone, opening the box to reveal the contents with a deep breath. He remembered the confusion and worry on Kelly's face, but the voice spoke certainty that he knew what he was doing. He just hoped that translated once he got through this phone call so he could do the right thing for Alex. He had to do this. There was no other ways out of this now.

"When the building collapsed, one of the pieces of debris struck through Alex's side, it's still lodged in there. I've been putting as much pressure as I can to slow the bleeding as much as I can. He's unconscious, pulse is weak, but he's hanging in there. The airway was fine and he was breathing - until just before I called you. Will, he has a collapsed lung." He felt himself shivering at the mere mention of everything about his friend, and what he had been enduring through the past several minutes - on top of the weakness and everything from being kidnapped. It wasn't fair at all. Alex shouldn't be here. He wasn't involved in this mess. He never had any previous association with Derek. Derek should've just took Jay, allowed him to feel the pain of everything.

"Are you sur-"

"I know what it looks like - been around it, seen it, felt it." He closes his eyes, not needing those flashbacks to his time serving right now as he knew that'd trigger all sorts of other emotions that would cloud his judgment. He needed 100% focus right now if he was going to get this right. "I got Kelly to send down a knife and a hose. I need to open the airway. I need to make it so he can breathe, Will. I know how - I've done it before. But I can't do this alone, not this time." 

"Do you want me to walk you through the steps in what you need to do?" Jay takes a deep breath, knowing that was exactly what he wanted. He remembered them vaguely. He could see himself helping his fellow ranger in the field that time. However, weakness clouded judgement, and he knew a single slip up could cause Alex's situation to become that much worse. It was why he wanted to do everything right this time.

"Please Will....please...." He pulls out the knife, using the rubbing alcohol in the kit to wipe it off as he takes a deep breath, looking at the man before him. He knew this wasn't right at all to be cutting into his flesh. He knew it wasn't right at all to be pulling to these drastic measures. He knew it wouldn't feel right at all. However, there was only one way out - and Jay wasn't about to lose his friend. 

"Alright, I got you...." 

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