Chapter 21: Investigation

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Hank Voight stood outside of his office, glancing through the room as his various detectives, sourcing through files and computer databases in search of anything.

"So it was Guard Lamont Tyrm who orchestrated the release from prison for Dere-" Adam Ruzek starts to which Hank can only roll his eyes. The guy's name and photo were already on the bulletin board. How was that supposed to put them closer to finding Jay?

"I want new information!" He barks out, the obvious frustrating showing through with each passing moment as his face scrunched more with each passing moment.

"You said to look into his past, boss. So I did. It turns out he has ties to the same gang that Derek is in charge of, turning up in a couple of their investigations before becoming a prison guard. Since he has joined the state staff, they have seen four other inmates under the same gang either go missing or dead - but questions surrounding the pair of deaths." Hank takes a deep breath, as the pattern was formed, meaning Lamont Tyrm wouldn't have a chance of allowing more people out on the streets of Chicago in the future. That was great for down the road, but didn't help the current situation.

"Have we located Mr. Tyrm?" Adam nods his head, having taken the trip to see him with Kim Burgess just an hour earlier.

"No matter how much we drilled him, he swore he didn't know anything about Derek's plans or location or anything. He also doesn't know where any of the men are at this point. He's locked up downstairs if you want to use him to find their loca-"

"That won't be necessary," Kevin Atwater states as he puts the phone down, after having confirmed some useful information. It paid to have some good CIs that he could trust, as well as favors owed from other people and cases. "I got a tip from a CI that Derek, as well as three of his guys were spotted. He also told me where the second in command - Bosgo Alda - can be found. He's supposed to be at Tao Chicago at 9pm tonight for a drug trade worth around a million dollars. He has to be there to occastrate it, despite showing initial hesista-"

"Because he doesn't want to leave where Jay and Alex are, or have someone follow him back from the club to the location," Adam finishes off Kevin's comments. He only gets a nod in response from everyone else in the room as they had put the pieces together.

Hank was in favor of the idea in tracing Bosgo and utilizing him to find where Jay and Alex were. However, he knew that just added more time on the table, knowing it'd be practically 36 hours by that point if they waited until tonight. He trusted and believed in Jay, but didn't want to risk any longer of a stay than necessary.

"We're going to arrive at Tao Chicago at 8:30pm," he tells the team, to which they all nodded in agreement. They were willing to do whatever the boss wanted necessary for Jay. "We're going to wait for Bosgo to arrive, go inside, get his shipment. We aren't going to do anything about the shipment, got it? I know it'd be a big drug bust for the unit we cannot take any chances here!"

Hank knew how everybody worked in the Chicago. A slightest mention of police presence at one of the recent drug stops, and a notification seemed to always quickly work its way through the grapevine quicker than imaginable. It's why he didn't want any traces, until safety are absolutely solidified.

"We're going to follow him, allow him to take us to the location where Jay and Alex are," Hank continues, knowing he only had one idea in mind once that happened. "We are going to make our move, and assure that both men come out of their alive - no matter what it takes. You have every permission to do whatever necessary. So gear up, and be ready!"

There was nothing else that was needed to be said as Hank made his way back into his office, shutting the door behind him. It was clear what was going to happen that night, one way or another, as he wanted to ensure the message was clear - you do not touch his men without an issue.

He only looked up when he saw a familiar face at the door, nodding for her to enter.

"I heard you're going to bust Bosgo tonight," Sergeant Trudy Platt states, to which Hank nods his head in agreement. He hadn't been aware that Trudy was listening in on the conversation, but didn't worry - they both had a similar understanding in how to handle business. "If you need any of my uniforms, you can hav-"

"We have this handled as the more involved, the bigger the issue," Hank cuts her off, knowing it was the right answer for many reasons. He didn't want Bosgo to realize he was being followed, and that was why other uniforms would just create conversation. He also didn't need more people asking questions when a body ended up in the morgue.

"Did you make Erin aware that Dere-"

"I called Olivia and she assured me that she'd tell Erin, and they'd be on the watch if necessary." Trudy couldn't help but smile a little as without saying it, it was revealed where Erin had moved to those six years ago now. She wasn't about to share the information outside of these four walls, knowing it'd just create a bigger headache for some others.

"I should've known that if you couldn't watch her, you'd in trust Olivia to take care of her." Hank couldn't help but smile a little, as Trudy was one of a few that understood the relationship that he had with Olivia. They both worked in the same line of work. They both dealt with the same type of animals. There was more understanding than he could find with a lot of others, even if they both went about business a little different. 

"She was the only person I could think of...." Hank then lets out a sigh as he sits back in his chair, remembering how those 24 hours played out - from everything going down with the case, to him knowing he had to get Erin out of there asap to save her career. It was without second thought he made a phone call to Olivia, as well as a favor by both at their ends to instill the transfer happened quicker than normal. There was only one regret over the situation, and it stung more than it had in a long time knowing Erin's connection to Jay with Derek. 

"Hank?" Trudy could Hank was lost in his own thoughts, emotions looking as though they'd boil over on his face, which was a very rare sight only a few in the unit ever got to experience.

"Jay has become like a son to me. I've watched him grow in many ways, helped him ways that I know he realizes and doesn't. I could've seen him taking over the unit one day if he didn't leave..." Hank then allows his eyes to leave the desk and look at Trudy, emotions obviously showing more than he probably realized. "I've let him down once before. I made one of the worst mistakes. I don't want to do that again."

"Hank Voight doesn't repeat mistakes. Hank Voight always gets the job done, and makes sure those that deserve to pay do pay no matter what. That's the reputation you've built for yourself, and that's why you're going to get Jay back. He's going to be okay." 

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