Chapter 5: The Future

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Alex takes a deep breath as he watches Jay make a couple notes through the scattered piece of paper that lied on the table before him in the file. He knew what the file contained - statements, photos, contacts, anything dug up since they had looked into everything. He almost wanted to read it all himself and study it, and figure out this mess so he could solve the anxiety that was bothering him.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was scared. What if the person came back again? What if they didn't get the information they wanted and did something else? What if he wasn't so lucky next time? Every bit of his anxiety was pegged, and he didn't know if that was due to what happened, himself as a person, or a side of effect of the concussion.

"So what happens now?" was the only question he could ask as Jay gathered everything back up and placed it in the file that laid in the midst of all those papers just moments prior.

"My boss wants me to stay with you," Jay states, which followed the same protocol as explained to Alex via the video call with Rick and Sergeant Hank Voight before this meeting. "Normally we just have a member of patrol run duty, but given the significance of these people, how high they are on the most wanted list, and the information we would like to gather, they felt it was right to have a member of the Intelligence Unit do it themselves. So that's why I'm down here with you, while the rest of the unit works in Chicago and around trying to find out information - why this happened, why they want Felicia, who Felicia is, and to catch them to arrest them for it." 

"So when Hank told me I'd have a personal bodyguard that will be you?" Jay nods his head, having not put it that way in his thoughts - but it was basically what the task was being here. It was a role he had never played in an investigation before, however this was a totally different scenario given the layers involved.

"I will stay with you. I will go wherever you go. I will always have my gun and badge on me should something happen to handle it. That said, I will not be dressed in any uniform or something special so that way it's just business as usual at your end. Let's just consider me a personal assistant." Alex could only chuckle at the thought, as he could've never imagined reaching a height in his career where that would be required. 

It wasn't long after until rather than sitting inside the walls of Hendrick Motorsports, the pair were back at Alex's house. 

The strain of traveling over to the shop, and sitting there recounting those events, had an effect on the young man. He was feeling tired, a little out of sorts, emotions running high, and on yeah, the pain of those pushes and punches. It was why following another couple Tylenols, he was back lying in the same spot he'd been the past couple days - his bedsroom, with the dogs curled up on either side, in the dark. 

Alex entrusted the help of CJ, who hadn't left the house since everything that occurred. It was his friend's task to show Jay around the property in places he needed to know, including all access points and hot spots. The tour ended with Jay being shown the spare bedsroom, which would become his sleeping quarters for however long his time there endured.

"Alex said you might want to ask me some questions," CJ starts as he stands in the doorway, watching Jay set down his stuff on the bed in the room. "Listen, I'm willing to do whatever I can for my best friend. I hate watching him go through this. It pains me just as much. It's why I haven't left since." 

"Alex was pretty detailed in everything he shared and I learned what I needed to know," Jay starts, pulling the file out which he had ensured to pack at the top of the bag when leaving the shop. "Is there anything that stood out to you when you returned to Charlotte and saw the events happening?"

"I saw the guy had Alex pinned, glanced towards my truck, and then ran off. Jake and I jumped out and immediately ran over to Alex, not giving a care where the guy had gone because all we cared about was our friend. Jake then called 911 while I checked on Alex to ensure he was okay..." CJ takes a deep breath, remembering the series of questions and concerns as he watched Alex sit against the trailer that day, pain written all over his face immediately.

"Is there anybody that Alex hangs around with that is concerning? I mean, I just want to make sure there's no drug or mafia connections that I should be worried about." CJ chuckles as he couldn't even imagine Alex in the midst of a mafia war. 

"I can assure you he would not survive a minute in that life, man. He is as kind hearted, simple, quiet, be call him darling as they come. That life is certainly no where near what he could do or handle. Myself, on the other hand, well I am known as the asshole for the guys for a reason but I wouldn't do that stuff." Jay nods his head, easily accepting the explanation. However, he wasn't set to totally rule it out as he knew people could be good at hiding their true colors and secrets if warranted. 

"And before that day, you hadn't seen Randy Day, the man in the photo, around Alex at all?" CJ shakes his head no, still caught off-guard when he saw the image as he expected it to be someone they'd recognize. "Have you heard the name Felicia Benoit before?" 

"Nope, and trust me - I know all of his ex-girlfriends as I meet them and I offer my opinion. Emily was alright but it just didn't work out chemistry wise as she felt he spent too much time in the shop; we still see her at the track and there's no hard feelings. I told him that Lucy was not a good idea from the start, but I understood the want for a rebound after having his heart ripped apart - not intentionally as Emily was polite about it. Then there's Crystal." CJ takes a deep breath, unsure of what to say as it was weird in the time they spent apart, but yet always great in seeing their chemistry when together. 

"Thank you. If you think of anything, please do let me know immediately." CJ nods his head, accepting. He takes a glance up the hallway towards where Alex's room was and he slept, before turning his eyes back to Jay.

"Just promise me that you will protect him, and you will find who did this. We want assurance that you are doing the job." Jay takes his eyes off the file, to look straight over at CJ in the eye. It was few and far between that someone asked whether they could trust Chicago PD's Intelligence Unit to get the job done. The answer was the same every time.

"We make sure we get the job done, no matter what the means necessary are, and we are going to ensure that happens again. I can also assure you that if I hear anything from my boss or the team, I will let Alex know." 

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