Chapter 9: Bubba Wallace

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Alex walks up to the door, knocking as hard as he can on the door immediately as Jay glances towards CJ with a bit of intrigue and curiosity. 

He was allowing Alex to take the lead, having been given certainty that it'd be fine and nothing crazy would come of it. Both Alex and CJ assured Jay that nothing too harmful would come from this that would require the usage of his force as drivers were not that way to each other, even if they hated each other. Then again, CJ could just picture the fight with Bubba and Kyle in his mind repeatedly.  So for now, Jay was trusting the pair he was with, but couldn't help but have his hand on the holster if necessary.

CJ, meanwhile, had different concerns of his own. He had tried to just allow Jay to make the trip to Bubba's and question about things. It wasn't that he didn't believe Alex could hold his own. It wasn't that he was worried about his safety. However, he didn't want to do anything to make things harder right now. Wasn't he supposed to be taking it easy and care of himself with the concussion?

"Oh man...." Alex comments after a couple thuds, his hand almost reaching for his head as CJ immediately went to step forward for support. He didn't want to show he shouldn't done this, but Alex knew the headache coming on right now wasn't pleasant. 

"I knew you shouldn't come," CJ muses quietly, earning a nod in agreement from Jay. There was still enough time to change the approach as he glanced between the pair, wondering about CJ's concerns now.

"Maybe I shouldn't - but he doesn't deserve to get off on things." Alex then ignores all the signals his body was sending him, allowing his fist to pound on the door once again. "Open it, Bubba!"

"He's home...." CJ honestly wanted to see Jay take charge, knowing the results from what would happen to no response would be a good start of the revenge that should be delivered Bubba's way for his actions - towards Alex, Kyle, others, and certainly if he was connected to Daniel.

"Let me take a try - he's probably ignoring not wanting to see you," Jay suggests, catching the drift from CJ. Taking charge would accomplish a couple goals in one - taking care of his client in making him back off something he should not have done for starters. Why did Jay let these two convince him otherwise? The other goal? Getting the answers they wanted for the investigation. "Detective Jay Halstead with the Chicago Police Department Intelligence Unit. I need to speak with you, Darrell Wallace Jr. You need to open this door right now!"

"You gave him warning," CJ comments, only having one solution for this matter in having watched enough of the police and their antics. Why were they wasting time today when they could've been inside with answers already?

Jay repeated the phrase a couple more times, not hearing anything in response that sounded like a door opening. He also noticed the movement inside the house, easily equaling being ignored. 

Taking a deep breath, he knew walking away without taking this step would only catch the ire of his boss as he was supposed to do whatever it took to get the answers as necessary. It was pulling the gun out of the holster, there was only one thing left to do.


Jay slams his body full force into the wooden door, watching it fly open as he holds his other arm out to stop Alex and CJ from running in full force. He then makes his way into the house, eyes on a swivel watching for any movement, one hand on the trigger ready to fire as necessary, another on the radio to call for back-up if necessary. Sure- the boys said they could trust this person, but this person was associated with a known drug cartel member. How well could he be trusted?

"What th-" Bubba says out loud as he walks down the hall, before being slammed up against the one wall, Jay keeping him solidly pinned there. Alex and CJ could only smirk in response, Alex wishing he would've had his phone out to record the scene for Kyle's enjoyment.

"Don't move," Jay states as he keeps him pinned there, only causing the confusion to cross Bubba's face as he looked down the hallway to the pair that stood there. 

"You better be fucking paying for my door! Prank or not, this is bullshit - way over the line. Are you fucking kidding me, Bowman!?!" Alex could only feel his headache growing with the yelling causing his brain to feel as though it was splitting. However, he put that aside for the moment, making his way down the hall to get in Bubba's face himself.

"So you think it's a joke and a prank that I was attacked?" Alex questions, causing instant shock to wash over Bubba's face. "You think it's funny that your friend went after my friend at a local bar? You think it's funny that someone went aft-"

"Dude, I know nothing about that!" Bubba yells back in response, growing frustrated in the inability to move courtesy of the officer pinning him against the wall. "Dude, can you get the fuck off me?"

"That's not how you talk to a police officer," Jay states, slamming him against the wall once again. He then pulls out his badge, flashing it before Bubba's eyes. "I declared I was at your residence not once, not twice, but multiple times. You didn't answer so I used the necessary force to get my answer. Now are we going to co-operate, or am I going to have to take you down to the station?" 

"I'll co-operate..." Jay backs up slightly, giving Bubba enough space to not be pinned against the wall, but the inability to leave where he was standing as he wanted to ensure the necessary answers were given. He was done trusting the antics of those he was with - but rather doing business as he knew how. "I know nothing about Alex or his ex getting attacked. I didn't even know that happened. I couldn't tell you a single detail, or person involved. I had nothing to do with that. I may not like the guy for some things that happened on-track, but for him to think I'd go after hi-"

"That's not what I am here." Jay puts his hand up, knowing Alex wanted to interject and say something. However, they had wasted enough time and he knew the quicker he got the answers, the quicker he could find Daniel and maybe solve the issue. "Daniel Ivy is involved, and the girl he approached recognized him from the track. We tracked that to you, as he is part of your posse at the track. Do you have a location, a phone number, where I could find him? What can you tell me about him? Do you know of any drug connectio-"

"Drug connections? Dude, I am not involved in any of that...." 

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