Chapter 3: The Truth

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Alex takes a deep breath as he reaches the door, glancing through the window as he eyes both Rick and the other individual at the table. 

He could only shake his head at the entire experience and everything which had happened in the span of the past week and a half. Now he had to go see someone else, take them down the same path which he had led the police officers, and see the importance of why the individual was here.

He remembered the conversation with the initial officer, as well as Hank and Lindsay of the Chicago Police Department Intelligence Unit. He knew exactly why this officer was sitting here right now. However, nothing about it felt right or comforting.

He is going to make sure nothing else happens to you as we figure things out were the details shared in regards to everything. However, there was no way it could cure the nerves coursing through him with each flashback, each reminder that he wore from the experience.

Another deep breath, and he knew he couldn't remain outside of those doors all day long as that would not get anything accomplished. He reaches for the handle, turning it slowly as he opens the door, entering the meeting room. He had been in this room several time - at least once a week with the other drivers and crews. However, the feeling he felt right now didn't compare to any of that.

"You must be Alex Bowman," the individual to which Alex assumed worked for the Chicago PD Intelligence Unit - given they said he would be making the trip down to North Carolina. Alex simply nods his head back in return, glancing him over. He was so used to a certain appearance and look for officers - and this person did not fit that description. "Jay Halstead, detective for the Chicago Police Department Intelligence Unit." 

"It's nice to meet you," Alex says quietly, shaking his hand as he extended it out. "Thank you for making the trip down here." He then takes his seat in the chair alongside, feeling the anxiety build as he does so. It only increased as he watched Rick slip out, allowing the pair to discuss things as warranted. "I hope I didn't make it difficult meeting you here."

"Not one bit. Besides, if I am going to be around you, I might as well get used to where you work." Alex felt a little chuckle almost escape - but it never materialized with the nerves eating those up immediately. "I want to assure that my sergeant Hank Voight is doing everting in his power back in Chicago to dig up information and find who did this to you. Actually, the whole unit is doing what they can - whether talking to past associates, current associates we have connections with. They're also doing everything they can to find your ex-girlfriend." 

"I appreciate it. Thank you..." There wasn't much else he could say in response, except wishing this nightmare was already done and over with. However, that wasn't the case as here they sat together. 

"I know you spoke with the officers at the scene, but we at Intelligence always like to hear the story first hand ourselves to hear the words as you say it, and perhaps catch something they missed. Are you okay telling me what happened?" Alex just nods his head back in response, taking a few more attempted calming deep breathes but not feeling any anxiety draw back in response to those. 

"NASCAR announced they were going to be racing on the streets of Chicago this summer, our first street course on the schedule. As part of the promotion and build-up, they are getting drivers to make appearances. That's why I was in Chicago and I was there. I was simply making my appearance, promoting the event, doing what they asked of me." Jay nods his head, having read the details on what he was supposed to be doing with the full schedule - including times and locations - provided. There were also notes made with any changes that happened on the fly.

"Did anything seem odd before everything happened?" Alex shakes his head no, actually remembering that it was going smoothly and he was excited to be done soon to head back home. However, the certainly changed in a string of events.

"Every appearance went off without any problems, which is a big surprise in my business. Normally it's me screwing things up for what they want." He then lets out a sigh, wishing that was his only concern right now. "We got done, and they told I was done for the day. I knew I had a couple hours before my flight left so I figured I'd check out some things, grab a bite to eat." 

"That's where things went wrong...." Alex slowly nods his head as he flashbacks to the trail of events which happened.

"I had to go to the bathroom while waiting for my order to be ready. I went into the bathroom, ready to do my business like anybody else. Shortly after, I heard the door open, didn't think anything of it. It's probably just someone else who needed to go - or some fan wanting an autograph and pict-"

"Do fans seriously ask in those places?" They both chuckle together as Alex simply nods his head in response to Jay's surprise. "That's insane."

"I haven't had it happen, but I know others that have. Trust me - not comforting place at all." Jay couldn't help but agree, though also was simply glad they could cut the ice and share a chuckle together. "The individual was wearing a black ski mask - I told the physical features that I could remember to the sketch artist but it wasn't much. But he asked me if I knew where Felicia was. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. He then asked me once again, to which I gave him the same response. He then pulled out a knife, shoving me from the back into the wall, holding me against there, demanding to know where she was - same answer in response as I tried to push back against him. He put it against my skin, and said to me that I dated her. She was my ex-girlfriend so I had to know where she was if I could hook up with her. I had to have her phone number - but I've never dated anyone by that nam-"

"Everyone that you dated, though, is listed in the possible connected list that you gave the officers already, correct?" Alex nods his head, as he remembered handing over all that information. He could not wait for Chad Boat to call him ringing him out after they contacted Emily. However, she was included - along with four others, dating back to high school.

"He then told me I dated her last year - to which it wasn't Felicia I dated but Lucy. I told him that. So he then demanded to know where Lucy was." Jay brings out the list, seeing how the note was made to check into the possible name changes for a Lucy Bennett in relation to Felicia. "I told him I had no idea. Listen, we dated - but really didn't date. I was going through a break-up, needed a distraction, hooked up with this girl from the bar about four or five times in the span of three weeks. That was it. We didn't talk about our past, current, or future together - and haven't seen each other since. I haven't even seen her at the bar when I've back gone there. He demanded a couple more times, before leaving without a thought. So I reported the incident - simple as that." 

"A lot of people wouldn't think to report a simple incident like that, but I am glad that you did...." Jay then flips it over, going into the next section of the file - the real reason why they were sitting face-to-face together. The first incident would be enough to catch attention of a regular officer. However, he knew what was before him that Alex would be walking him through was the real reason why he was there. "So, nothing happens until you make the trip to Charlotte Motor Speedway...." 

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