Chapter 4: Charlotte Motor Speedway

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Alex takes a deep breath, the mix of feelings as he thinks about how the day played out. It was a great day to start. 

Everything went as he would've hoped, actually better than hoped, throughout his time with Jimmie. The seven-time Cup Champion adjusted to the sprint car faster than Alex expected, but is that a surprise given his natural talent and diversity? They were able to rip around the track, share some laughs and stories, and no doubt prove the dream was worth it. 

They had fun with the kids in attendance, offering some advice and taking photos. Just like when Ally put together the shelter appearances, Alex didn't have a single complaint. 

However, it was in the hours afterwards in which everything just seemed to go haywire.

"I was at Charlotte Motor Speedway for an appearance with my sponsor Ally," Alex starts, focusing on those details as he didn't want to break into everything that happened quite yet. However, those emotions weren't far from the surface, considering the painful reminders still there. "We were giving a friend of mine and fellow driver who shares the partner, Jimmie, a chance to try a sprint car - the car I own actua-"

"A list of those in attendance was provided," Jay cuts in, as he flips to the sheet behind the initial statement in the file. He read the statement on the plane to get himself familiarized with the case, as well as others in the file. However, again, it was standard process to ensure every step was taken as the smallest thing missed could make or break a case. 

"They were all gone by the time this happ-"

"However, they were all in attendance as they were aware it was happening. You aren't just found by random if you're somewhere. Someone or something had to share your location. Outside of this list, are there others that knew the truth?" The question went over Alex's head immediately as he didn't even process it, eyes focused on the table, reaching for his phone. He always had his phone, always playing on it at times. He remembered when they were in-between runs, he had taken it out, logged onto twitter. On top of perhaps a broken heart and needing a release causing a bad judgment call, he had also possibly followed another so simply.

"I sent out a tweet during the test, sharing some stupid comment about the fun we were having and for fans to stay tuned for the final product." Jay nods his head, accepting, as he watches Alex scroll through his various twitter posts. Landing on the one in question, Jay takes a screenshot with his phone in knowing that'd be possible critical evidence. The location was now certainly placed. "I didn't even think about it when I did it. It's what we always do at these things - all about drawing the fans in, sharing the good times. I couldn't wait to share how much fun we were having." 

"You couldn't have had any idea it would've turned into what we have here...." Alex lets out a sigh, knowing that was certainly the case as the surprise by all of those with knowledge was beyond anything. This was nothing anyone expected for him to find himself involved with. "So when did things go wrong?" 

"After Jimmie, the Ally reps, the kids thankfully had left." Alex feels another wave of guilt, not knowing what he would've felt or experienced if they would've been around or harmed in anyway. Beyond anybody here, they least should be harmed in the process of anything. "We finished everything for the day, loaded the car up. Everybody left - even my guys. I told CJ and Jake that I'd meet them back at the shop where we'd unload, wash down, and put away neatly - maybe grab a pizza. I was the only one there with the trai-"

"Is that common practice for you to have nobody around you at times?" Alex looks over, nodding his head. Clearly this was someone who didn't understand who they were working with.

"I'm a very simple person, and when I say that nobody would expect me to be wrapped up in something like this, I am insisting that." Jay was about to say something in return, though bit his tongue. It went along the lines of you have to expected the unexpected in this line of work, which very much included even sitting at this table right now. "I checked the back door lock, and then the side door lock on the trailer. I was leaning back against, checking a message when I saw someone walking my direc-"

"The individual you described for the sketch artist?" Alex nods his head, remembering how strict and detailed they wanted him to be with every bit of the physical appearance. 

"I thought he was just coming to say hello, shoot shit like we racers all seem to do together, maybe want an autograph and photo. So when he called my name, I paid attention. Though when he got closer, he repeated the same question I was asked in Chicago about where is Felicia. I repeated the same response, as I kept my phone clasp in hand, fumbling with num-"

"Trying to place an emergency call?" Jay just got a head nod in response, followed by a careful deep breath from Alex as he recalled the details.

"I was just about dialed when he smacked my hand, sending my phone flying. He then pinned me against the trailer, demanding the same thing. He asked repeatedly if I knew anything about where, details about her - just so many questions. I kept repeating I knew nothing, didn't even know who this person was. Fuck, I mean I remember screaming in hopes someone would hear and he'd let me go. It got me nowhere." Alex takes a deep breath, the same pain burning up his side that had remained in the week since. "He punched me repeatedly in my side, demanding the answer. Just demanding. The pain ripped through me as I swore and pushed back against, just wishing he'd do something to let me go. When I say I tried to fight against him, I mean those words Jay - sorry, Detective Ha-"

"You can call me Jay if it's easier for you. Considering we're going be spending some time together, we better get used to each other." Alex nods his head, accepting, though could care less in that moment as flashes as of everything flew through his mind, as well as a couple painful remainders. The headache he was feeling right now was the biggest.

"He then slammed me to the ground, grabbing me by the back of the shirt, and whacking my head into the trailer - still demanding answers. CJ and Jake must've spooked him because he heard them rolling up and he let me go, running off." Jay wouldn't be surprised, in one regard, as that'd probably create bigger problems if it was just one person. However, there was relief in knowing it didn't go a step beyond with guns or other weapons involved.

"You said the boys went home to wait for you...." Alex nods his head, as that was the original plan as discussed at the track.

"20, 30 minutes go by and you haven't arrived when it's just a 10 minute, they begin to worry. CJ told me they drove back in worry that I broke down or something." Jay wasn't about to argue against that as he watched Alex closely, seeing the emotions written all over him.

"Could you by chance set up a meeting with myself and C-"

"He was my ride to the shop. Jake and him haven't left my place since this happened." Alex focuses his eyes on the table, feeling his knee tap the floor underneath. "It freaked me out so I didn't want to be at the house alone - and the doctor sort of recommended against that right now, too." 

"So the concussion isn't faked as part of the cover-up?" Alex shakes his head no, though immediately regretted it in feeling the headache that was there. "I'm surprised nobody has questi-"

"Kurt Busch suffered a concussion just a couple weeks prior with a wreck that saw him back the car into a wall. I had a wreck just a couple days before the incident so it just wrote itself. I'm out of the car due to the concussion caused by the crash is what we told everyone. Meanwhile, the truth is I'm out of the car because of the concussion, bruised ribs, and what happened. I hate it. I want to be driving, but not allowed with a concussion." Jay nods his head, sympathizing as he knew the days he was stuck on desk duty at the office were not fun.

"My boss said it was better to keep this quiet to not draw more attention. If they released what happened, and the connections, it may draw more people to come after both you, and those around you in hopes of information. Meanwhile, we can put an alert to keep an eye out for those we believe are involved through other wrongdoings of their own." Jay opens the file, placing a photo before Alex. The look in the eyes of the man before him said everything necessary. "Clearly we were right as this is your attacker - Chicago Drug Cartel No. 2 hitman Randy Day. He was looking for Felicia Benoit, whose the ex-wife of his head rival." 

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