Chapter 17: Keyes vs Halstead

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Derek Keyes makes his way in the room, followed by a pair of his men as they look at the pair of men before them, a smile of satisfaction.

"I knew when I was released I wanted to find you, to pay you another visit and make you pay," Derek says as he walks in-between the pair, focusing his eyes on Jay. Jay didn't deter away, keeping them locked on Derek, strength and boldness locked behind despite knowing what may be in the future. "I didn't realize I'd be seeing you so soon."

"Lucky me I guess," Jay remarks back in response, knowing the sly chuckle that followed would fall on deaf ears around the room. However, given his list of cases and trips to Chicago Med, you had to wonder if luck just wasn't on his side sometimes. 

"Now it comes down to what I can with you...." Jay takes a deep breath, knowing a couple of those options wouldn't buy the time necessary for Hank and the Intelligence Unit to locate where they were and save them. He had to buy as much time as he could if not for himself, but for Alex. He was supposed to be protecting Alex from threats like this, but yet walked him right into here. 

"This is between you and I - so let's keep it that way. Alex isn't supposed to be here. He isn't involved by any means. He was just someone I was working a case for, and unfortunately got stuck at the airport with me when you found me. Let's allow him to go." The chuckle he got right to his face made him second guess the hand he was trying to plan in ensuring the safety of his partner here.  What if he fed too much? What if he shifted the target, with Derek knowing that was an easy way to get through to Jay out of guilt?

"I do that, and you know the boy will give away everything that he knows. I know you better than that, Halstead." Jay takes a deep breath, knowing that wasn't the answer he needed, but wasn't the worst scenario. There were some people he'd cross that they'd rid of the unnecessary people immediately - and that wasn't something he wanted to see happen here.

"Fine. How about you just leave him tied up, suffering the pain of being away from those he loves, stuck in this situation? Let it slowly eat at him mentally. Let it take the physical toll in strength - lack of nutrition, food, water. It is sometimes worse than actual torture itself because it's slower. Then while he plays out his future, you can handle the business you have for me." Jay knew it was the only option left on the table - and hoped Alex saw through what he was doing. He wanted to deter Derek away from him, stop him from feeling any of the pain. Then before the rest of the scenario played out, hopefully they'd be paid a visit.

"Are you sure that you can handle what I have in store for you? Because boy, I can promise you it will be no picnic - much worse than it was the last time. And this time, I want answers out of your ass." Jay was expecting that, knowing frustration combined with Derek's deposition would play out very poorly for him. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, and there'd be a lot of pain in his future - but that was what he signed up for with this job.

"I can handle whatever you have for me, Keyes. Didn't you tell my boss that I made him proud the last time?" He remembered the bargain, and phone call to try and ensure the trade. He remembered hearing Derek on the phone, despite all the pain he was experiencing. It gave him a slight smile in being given a compliment. 

"I should just kill you and make my job so much easier, but then that'd be too satisfying." Jay figured that with the control freak that Derek was, and the information he could possibly gather in this situation. So that was why he wasn't worried one bit about death - or the gun he could see in the man's pocket. "You're going to co-operate and listen to me..."

"We'll see about that..." He then watches the gun come out of the pocket, expecting to have it placed against the skull of his head. Instead, a pure look of shock comes over him as he watches it pointed in Alex's direction. So much for the conversation they just had together.

"My men are going to release you from the wall, to place you in the next spot where the fun will begin. Any resistance, and you know what will happen..." Jay nods his head, easily accepting as he keeps his eyes focused on the silver gun, as well as Alex with a calming glance. He could see the fear written all over of him, and didn't want to see it go further.

"Deal." Jay watches the men walk over, undoing the chain to the wall, before pulling it up in a swift motion, bringing him to his feet. They then shuffle him forward, taking him through a rock doorway into another room, pulling his hands above his head as they enter.

"I'll bring him back when we're done...." Jay hears Derek follow them into the room, feeling a bit of relief in knowing that'd secure Alex's safety, as he is chained to the roof, feet barely touching the ground as they tied the clamps as tight as they could go. "I hope you meant what you said in being ready for whatever I had to offer you - because I am going to make your ass crack and give me every answer I want." 

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