Chapter 18: Torture

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Jay took a series of deep breathes, eyes debating whether to close and be surprised by what was to come, or to watch the scene that was about to unfold before him with what the next series of minutes.

He could already feel the soreness of his wrists from being tied above his head, arms stretched at full length, ignoring it, pushing the pain aside, as he knew it'd be bare minimum to what he'd probably be feeling in a matter of minutes. His feet barely touched the ground - enough so he wasn't dependent on the weight of the ropes, which may cause them to rip, but not enough to give him the solidity to plant his feet as he wanted.

Bang. He felt the pain before the sound as the wooden bat wacked off of his left ribs. He felt another seven whacks in succession, knowing there'd probably be some bruises and cracks to follow, the pain coursing up the side of his body. 

Focus was all he told himself as he kept taking deep breathes, gritting his teeth, ignoring what he was feeling as he didn't want to show early signs of weakness. That'd just make him easy pray.

"I told you I wanted information," he hears Derek's voice rang through the room, knowing this was coming. It was how he played the cards before - ask for information, offer a beating if he didn't get what he wanted. "I want you to tell me every single detective involved in my arrest." 

"You could get that off a police report," Jay snarls back in return, knowing Derek's lawyer would have access to information. Perhaps this was a way to perhaps gain trust, easy delivery of information in hopes of being tricked into giving away what was necessary.

"Wrong answer." He feels another whack off of his ribs, causing another searing pain to shoot all the way up to his side, as he bit his tongue, fighting every urge to scream.

"I told you the truth!" The response was simply rewarded with another whack, as Jay was pretty assured that broken ribs were in his future, instead of just bruised or cracks like the last time around. Derek was not kidding this time was going to be tougher. However, that didn't mean he would crack, either.

"I want to hear the names out of your mout-"

"Hank Voight. Antonio Dawson. Alvin Olinsky. Adam Ruzek. Erin Lindsay. Greg Gerwitz." He knew he didn't have to add Mouse in there as he wasn't an official detective, however he was certainly very valuable in locating the location of the mansion so Hank and the team could show up timely. Taking a deep breath, he knew he could certainly use Mouse's help and guidance right now. "I dare you to walk your ass into the 21st District and speak about your displeasure to their face, and see what would happen."

"We both know that I am smarter than that." Jay chuckles, debating that as he was surprised to be stuck in the same situation again. You'd hope Derek would've learned from the experience to not mess with the Intelligence Unit. "Sergeant Hank Voight. Give me his home address."

"I don't know where he lives." That was a lie, but he figured he'd give it a shot as it'd be some sort of answer. It wasn't like Derek knew the unit hung out outside of their working hours, and cared for each other deeply.

"Wrong answer." He was expecting another whack of the wooden bat, though instead felt a pulse course through his body, causing a scream to immediately escape his lips as he felt the electrical current against his back. 

"Part of me wishes I could give you the answer, and watch his ass rip you apart." He almost was tempted to deliver the address for that reason, knowing it'd keep Derek busy for a bit and perhaps extend the chances of survival. However, he knew better than that. He was trained to not give up a single drop of information that could not be found publicly, and he intended to stick to those intentions. He didn't need to help Derek expand his war path. 

"Wrong answer." The pulse coursed through his body once again, almost feeling as though sending a shock up his spine. He bites his tongue, feeling every bit of pain as the scream escapes his lips once again.

"I could give you his phone numb-"

"And watch them trace my location? I'm not stupid, Halstead!" The same feeling coursed through his body, followed by a whack of the bat to his knees, only causing his scream to grow an octave louder. "Erin Lindsay. My partner said she'd be a good fuck. Where is she?" 

"Not in state - that's all I know. She transferred to another unit and state." He wished he knew more. He wished he knew more back when she transferred, remembering it may have made things easier if they could've talked before she left - or more. However, instead he dealt with months of wondering what if in feeling the love they had together at the time. 

"Give me the name of a couple of your CIs." Jay knew he could probably bullshit his way through, but thought that'd come back ten-fold if Derek ran them and found them out to be a bucket of fake names. He also knew he couldn't give up the real list because there was a reason why they worked anonymously with trust.

"You know I can't do that." He felt the coursing pain through his body once again, screaming out in the process, knowing his back was probably covered by a series of burns once again. Focus on deep breathes was all he could tell himself as each pain coursed through his body.

"So you're willing to subject yourself to what I have for you to protect them?" Jay slowly nods his head, hoping he didn't regret the decision as he knew the series of pain that'd probably follow would be endless - and never ending.

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