Chapter 11: The Lecture

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"What is this that I am hearing from the Charlotte Police Department?" Hank questions to Jay on the phone.

Following the conversation at Bubba's house, Jay had called the sargeant to brief him on the full conversation and what he had been able to learn about Daniel and his connection to the racecar driver circle if you will. He was hoping to hear that a ping had come back on Daniel's phone, but that wasn't the case. The fact he had traveled by Chicago, and was not using his phone could only spell a few explanations from Jay. 

"He's probably back with Anthony and they're up to no goo-" Jay replied in response to the news, but that didn't distract his boss from what he was wanting to know.

"We can all assume that, but you haven't answered my question," Hank cuts him off, knowing an explanation was necessary. He had sent Jay down there on a simple task - keep an eye on Alex, ensure his safety, handle things from that angle. He wasn't supposed to do anything that would set off triggers, but that seemed to be the opposite within the first week of being there. 

"We followed the protocol. I announced myself as being there on official police capacity not once, twice, but multiple times as you can ask Ale-"

"Wait a minute. You take the target to see someone who could possibly be the reason why the target was in place in the beginning. Did you forget everything that you're supposed to be following and doing while you were away, Halstead?" Jay lets out a sigh, still regretting he had let CJ and Alex convince him to make the trip over together. However, the reasons at the time just seemed to make sense and he rolled with it. This business was all about making certain decisions.

"We were certain Bubba was not behind anything so therefore no threat was felt. In fact, Alex wanted to utilize himself to establish the connection to ensure conversation happened. Was it the best decision? Maybe not, as I could have done it on my own - but we are supposed to stay together as all times, right?" Hank hated when any of men used his own words and plans against him, trying to undermine his authority or way of doing things. 

"And here I thought you'd be great to replace me down the road...." Jay knew Hank's tactic was to make him feel bad about things and play on Jay's sympathetic side. However, they'd worked together long enough that he wasn't about to let his phase him.

"Anyways, I stated multiple times that I was an officer of the law in an official capacity and got no answer. We both know the protocol that is to be followed if someone does not answer." Hank hated when he couldn't say anything wrong in return, even if he didn't agree with the exact actions being taken. 

"You were sent down there with simple instructions, not to create waves or issues. Just don't allow another pone call like this to come my way. And for the record, they just have the incident on record, nothing else as the guy plans to take care of it." Jay couldn't help but smile, glad his last words got through to Bubba. Besides, it was a small price to pay considering everything he was learning about the guy.

"Keep me posted, boss...." 

Jay lets him go as he glances back towards his notes, before looking towards where Alex stood, going through another one of the exercises that he was supposed to be doing twice a day in hopes of helping the concussion. It had become usual practice - get up, eat breakfast, follow Alex to the garage where he did this task, and then worked on a trio of midget racecars. 

It felt like the lowest of totem pole work to be doing, nothing he felt he would get stuck in through all of his years with the unit. However, it was certainly a nice break and change of pace with how hectic the past several months had been since returning back overseas. It was giving him a chance to weigh a lot of thoughts at once, including his future.

"Are you in trouble?" Alex questions, having overheard parts of the conversation, catching Jay's attention immediately.

"Nah," Jay replies, not needing any more reasons for Alex to worry about things in knowing he had enough on his own plate. "He knows I was right in the steps that I took. He just wanted to make sure my focus was where it belonged - which it clearly is. Don't worry about anything that was said. I have it under control." 

"Okay - but I am sorry for insisting that I go over with you." Alex takes a deep breath, as he finishes the exercise, shaking his head at the score as it flashed on the screen. It was certainly nowhere close to where it needed be, and a headache in place as he was doing it fit well with his thoughts. "I admit it was the wrong decision. I shouldn't be doing anything to increase my chances of danger, or exposure to anything, and here I am forcing you to take me to his house." 

"I'm not upset with you and I still stand by the decision for you to come. We both know Bubba is not the reason as there's no signs to show otherwise. In fact, it's pretty crystal clear now. Felicia was married to Anthony - and either Anthony's group pissed off a rival gang, or Anthony feels Felicia is screwing him over. They want access and answers and are willing to ask anyone they feel has a connection to find her and him. Daniel is part of the circle, sees a sign, decides to play hero - just like Randy Day thought you had a connection through Lucy who is a twin to Felicia. It's just a matter of us finding any of those involved with whatever necessary means we can, and solving the matter - plus arresting Randy and Daniel for harassment." 

"All the pieces are put together. So how long do I have to worry?" Jay takes a deep breath, knowing that was a loaded question as the situation could go several ways.

"Considering they don't believe you're involved anymore, I don't see them coming around to see you again. Lucy, on the other hand, she may get a second visit with being related. But just for safety, they want me to stick here until they land some more pawns and officially clear your name off the table - which I am fine with." Jay glances back at his notes, those past couple months flashing through his mind. "It's a good break for me from a lot of things, and you're not terrible company." 

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