Chapter 47: ...48 hours...

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Jay hears a knock on the door, glancing up as he looks to see Gabby and Stella standing there. He smiles at the pair of the paramedics, motioning for them to come into the room without hesitation.

"You don't have to knock - especially you Gabby," Jay comments as the pair come alongside his bed. "We both know you've seen me naked."  Stella looks over at Gabby with a bit of surprise, only causing an eye roll to be offered in return. "Aww someone didn't tell her about the little sleepover we had." 

"Some people don't kiss and tell," Gabby responds in response with a smirk as Jay can only smile in return. It had only been a short time they spent together, with Gabby breaking it off in learning what job he was pursuing with the unit, scared of falling into the same trap her brother had. There were times she regretted it and wondered what could've been. However, the part of her that adored Matt said she'd done the right thing in knowing the chemistry they always shared together.

"You gave Gabby - well, both of quite a scare when Hailey called us to the scene," Stella reveals, as Jay looks between the girls, the smirk not leaving his face. They both knew he was readying a sarcastic response as normal for that. "We had to come check on our favourite patie-"

"I think it's to the point that we can call him a frequent flyer now." Stella nods her head as Jay just rolls his eyes, but had to admit he always had a flare of finding trouble. It was why anytime he went to see a doctor, they stood there amazed at the injury list. "Is there any feeling in those legs, Jay?"

"I wish...." He lets out, taking a deep breath as he glances down at them, still having the same blank expression he had offered since collapsing down in the warehouse. The pain in his back had not let up since he was admitted, the spasms being delivered until the drugs at least took the edge off. He had hoped for something during those periods, but his legs continued to remain the dead part of his body. "Connor said he is in the process of talking with neurology about the quickest date they can get me into surgery for the nerve." 

"Recovery time is also no fun," Hailey comments as she returns back to the room with food in hand, placing Jay's drink and food before him. He had gotten annoyed of the hospital food very quickly, with both Will and Connor agreeing an outside treat before he went under the knife would be alright. It may make him less grumpy about the situation. "Per inch repaired is equal to a month recovery time, and they say it can anywhere from six months to a year in a good situation to heal." 

"Jay, I'm sorry to hear....." Gabby lets out as she sees the frustrated and upset look on his face immediately as more details are revealed about the upcoming surgery. Everybody knew he hated hospitals. He absolutely hated needles. He could be shot by a bullet, but don't dare think of a bringing a needle near him. Now on top of that adding the fact he would be laid up that long, and who knows how long in that period taking to regain the usage of his legs, it was not a pretty situation. "Look at it this way. You have Hailey to take care of you. It will give you time to spend together." 

"We both know that you have to make up for lost time together," Stella adds, as Hailey keeps her eyes locked on Jay. The expression did not change on his face, but Hailey knew where she was coming from with the comment. 

Everybody knew how much Hailey hated him going away. Everybody knew how much it stained that much more with how he left things. It was no question that regaining lost time, and finding their marriage groove would be a good idea. 

However, the expression on his face remained what it was as he didn't want to think about that. He didn't want to think about why he made the decision to leave. He didn't want to think about how he left things, pretty much ghosting her in the final hours before leaving. He didn't want to think about what happened over seas - from the dead partners to innocent lives lost along the way. He didn't need another reminder of the young girl he failed to save. Throwing in everybody noticing Hailey's pain while he was suffering that before returning? That just made it feel like torture all over again.  

"I wouldn't want to get in the way of her saving the world like the badass detective she is," Jay comments, wrapping an arm around her as he pulls her close to him. The thought of her being upset and pain hadn't escaped him, as he brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes, lightly kissing her cheek. "Hailey, you know I'm sorry for what happ-"

"You don't need to apologize," Hailey cuts him off, before placing a kiss on his lips. "I knew why you needed to escape at that point. I understood every bit of it. I get it. I've worked right alongside. I know you better than you know yourself at times. I'm not one bit upset. I'm just glad that you're home now - and in one piece. We're going to get through this - together. Besides, maybe I will send Platt over to babysit you." Jay rolls his eyes as Gabby can only chuckle at the thought, knowing how Trudy could be at times. 

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