Chapter 13: A Magnificent View

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Alex and his PR rep Janet, as well as a NASCAR representative, NASCAR photographer, and a representative from the Chicago street course committee arrive at the Willis Tower, which was their first stop at the day. 

A smile forms on Alex's face as he sees Jay standing by the front doors, leaning back against the building, eyes scanning every single inch of the area to see who was coming their way, who was leaving the building, and if anyone was taking an extra glance at the entourage approaching.

"I thought you ditched me," Alex comments, surprised he had not met them at the airport per the original conversation on the phone. When Alex wanted Jay to be with him all-day, he was pretty clear on those expectations.

"I may have slept in a little thanks to getting in late last night after a case," Jay admits, shyly, disappointed in himself. In all of his years of assignments, whether Chicago PD or army, he had never missed a roll call or arrival time. That was an interesting statistic, considering the many times he would've had reasonable reasons, from injury to emotional grief. So to be late for the first time, and something he considered very low on the totem pole of expectations - just a simple favor, it didn't sit well with him. He knew he had to hold himself to a higher standard.

"I'm not upset or anything...." They then head inside, with Jay following closely behind Alex as he watches the various people around them. Some of them were simply there, trying to go about their daily business as a lot more happened in the tower than a tourist attraction. Others were tourists, hoping to catch the amazing view and embrace it, as everybody enjoyed what was possible once you reached the top. It was up to Jay to find if one of those thousand was possibly there for the wrong reasons. "You met Janet at Martinsville and Phoenix. Then you have Jennifer, who works for NASCAR, as well as Mills from the Chicago street course organization."

"We may have to look into having your services for the weekend with the various VIPs and everything involved," Mills comments as he shakes Jay's hand, to which Jay could only chuckle He remembered the one time Roman tried to open his own bodyguard off the books assignment, and just how well that turned out for Antonio. It was why Jay knew he'd never try the same, knowing to never cross behind Hank's back.

"You can come to the 21 district and leave a note, expectations at the desk with Sargant Platt and I'm sure she'll make sure it's handled accordingly," he comments, though knew that may not satisfy with the man was saying. After all, a general note to a police station would probably just result in a couple regular officers running patrol. While they certainly had great eyes and knew the warning signs, they didn't have the extra training of the army - which came in handy with some of the tougher guys in Chicago.

The elevator ride up to the 103rd floor was quicker than they would expected, as well as the fact it wasn't as crowded as Jay was envisioning being one of the top tourist attractions. Now standing 1353 feet above the city, he smiled in realizing some of the appreciation that Hank had when he went for a view of the skyline. It was certainly a nice place to call home.

He couldn't help but feel nerves as the photographer asked Alex to stand out on the glass edge, which spanned 4.3 feet outside of the building's exterior to give you the view that you were standing over the city clearly. He knew if anybody had him as a target, this would be the prime opportunity, as the glass should shatter with a single shot, resulting in everyone plummeting all those feet - dead immediately.

Taking a deep breath, that wasn't a fear he had to worry about that. Alex wasn't that big of a target for someone to go that far. In fact, he wasn't even a target anymore with everything being cleared and information relayed. He was just there to calm Alex's anxiety over returning to the city, and he was fine with that, knowing all to well what PTSD would force you to think about times when you didn't want to.

"Isn't the view just wonderful?" Alex questions after posing for a view photos, before taking a glance at the city above for himself, sharing a couple on his Instagram. Jay couldn't help but nod his head in agreement, getting the same feeling from where he was standing, safely on the ground not taking a chance on the glass. 

"You could stand with him for a photograph," the photographer suggests, to which Jay shakes his head no. For one, it'd break the protocol to never be featured in the news, photograph, or video. If you were spotted, you could no longer do your job of hiding in plain sight as people would recognize you. You'd never be good for undercover missions as everyone would know your role. However, he had bigger reasons than that, remembering a certain trip overseas that turned ugly in a matter of seconds.

"Are you okay?" Jay nods his head, accepting, though takes a deep breath as he glances back towards the glass again. The images kept reappearing in his mind no matter how much eh wanted them to disappear.

"I had a bad experience with glass floor overseas. We were trying to get a captured soldier back, scaled a building, and got up there - only to be just mere feet away before the floor was shot out from underneath us." Jay takes another deep breath, shocked the words had slipped out of his mouth so easily as he never told anyone anything like this, not even Hailey or Hank.

"I understand. I'm not going to make you do it." Jay smiles, glad and accepting Alex understood where he was coming from. "For the record, that is scarier than driving a midget..."

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