Chapter 10: A Conversation

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With the agreement of full co-operation in answering the questions asked, Jay allowed Bubba to escape his grasp, and followed him into the dining room. The pair sat across from each other, with Alex and CJ leaning back against the wall not far from the table to hear the full conversation.

CJ wanted to hear what was said, and see how everything connected together. However, his eyes kept going to his left to check on his friend. He knew this was a bad idea given the symptoms and pain Alex was dealing with. He knew this was only to be aggravate that, and could see it written all over his face despite how much Alex tried to hide it.  Why weren't they be smarter? It was a bad mistake that got them into this mess to begin with.

"I swear I knew nothing about his drug connections - or have any connections of my own or are involved in that," Bubba states once again as he had been repeating since Jay's initial mention of Daniel's connections. He wanted to take his eyes off the detective, genuinely feeling bad for what it was worth in what had happened to Alex if it was true Daniel was the catalyst.

"Do you have a phone number?" Jay questions, to which Bubba easily nods his head, unlocking his phone which sat on the table between the pair. He brings up his contacts, showing the number to Jay. Jay didn't hesitate, immediately texting it to Hank in hopes tracking would be enabled immediately. "Do you know where he is right now?"

"The last I heard he was returning back to Chicago...." Jay nods his head, knowing that probably meant meeting up with his known associates. It was probably a case Daniel was hoping to deliver information to Anthony, but unfortunately got nothing and was going to look like the empty handed fool. There goes the payment he probably wanted. "He comes and hangs out with me for a couple weeks at a time, either staying here or another friend's place. He has come out to about 10 races a season the past two years. Other than that, I don't see him."

"How did you meet?" If Bubba wanted to insist he had no connections to the drug side of Daniel, or knowledge for that matter, Jay wanted to trace the steps to ensure that was the case. 

"Through a mutual friend. I invited Wayne Kylie out to a weekend - usual practice as high school friends. He asked if he could bring someone, and I said fine not thinking anything wrong of it. That's how we met. I haven't really learned a lot about Daniel except he's a technical wiz in Chicago, works for an electronic company, fixed my computer once. We just normally hang out, laugh, share drinks - nothing serious man." Jay could see that followed the file to which the department had on Daniel from pervious encounters with Anthony and his crew. 

"And there was no way that you knew any single deta-"

"I swear to you..." Bubba then finally takes his eyes off of Jay to look up at Alex and CJ, noticing the stare he had been getting the entire time from Alex in assumption of a bigger connection. "We don't see eye-to-eye, Alex, but I wouldn't dare go this far. I would never be involved in someone going after you, or someone else. I swear I didn't know a single thing..." 

"When Daniel was at the track with you, he spotted Alex and a female companion - Lucy Bennett. He thought she was her twin sister Felicia, though. That's why he showed up at the bar, accusing Lucy for information until she cleared up the confusion, asking questions about Felicia. Someone else, by the name of Randy Day, went after Alex in hopes of information about Felic-"

"Are you okay?" Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the question, rolling his eyes. He knew that was just a playing nice card in the moment as the difference of opinion made him know Bubba didn't care.

"You don't car-" Alex starts, to which Bubba shakes his head no immediately. Clearly there was a line that Alex was missing in the sand of what was possible and not.

"I tol-"

"If you really cared, then you wouldn't thrown the water in my face that da-"

"Are you seriously still bent out of shape about that?" Alex's chuckles only grow in response, as he couldn't believe they were even having this discussion. Perhaps he should have left Jay to handle this on his own.

"If you would've learned anything from that experience, you wouldn't gone after Kyle after wrecking him." Both the jaws drop on the faces of CJ and Bubba in response to the comment, with CJ prepared to offer a high-five in response. He was certainly not a fan of Bubba following what happened at Charlotte, but the incident with Kyle kicked that to a new level. "I'm standing here. That's all you need to know." 

"Have you heard the name Randy Day before?" Jay questions, trying to get things back on-track as he didn't feel like splitting up a fight between a pair of grumpy men today, knowing CJ would probably be no help in trying to get his own shots in. "Have you seen this man before?"

"Nah man," Bubba answers as he looks at the photo pulled on Jay's phone to show him, eyes focused back on the detective. It was clear that Alex wasn't worth his attention or time right now. 

"Alright. Thank you." Jay then reaches in his pocket, pulling out a card, placing it on the table. He knew it probably wouldn't resort to anything, but he never left an interview without doing this. Hank taught him that from day one, and there was the slim chance it paid off. "If you think of anything, or see anybody that's suspicious, or if Daniel comes around, call me immediately. The faster we find Daniel, the faster we solve what's happening so no more innocent people get hurt." 

"What about my front door?" Jay shrugs his shoulders as he stands up, taking a glance towards with Alex with a slight smile. Perhaps there was extra motivation behind offering that step to get inside. 

"That's for you to deal with. The next time a police officer is at your door, I suggest you answer." 

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