Chapter 36: My Return

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Alex walks through the doors of Hendrick Motorsports and makes his way upstairs. He smiles as he passes by the series of offices, offering some hellos along his way. There was only one place he wanted to go, and he couldn't be more excited to do so.

It'd been four weeks since he was trapped in the basement, chained to the wall, watched as Jay went through a series of torturous events, building collapse around him, followed by a stab wound in his side nicking his spleen.

Thankfully, the recovery period had been the shortest that the doctors expected as Alex was back to his usual self. He had just spent the previous day re-arranging the shop, getting ready for the move to the new headquarters. He was back to the gym, following the usual exercises, feeling the strain on his side going away with each passing day. 

The document in his hand, though, was all he needed. And thankfully, it had come early enough that he could make the trip to Daytona where he wanted to be.

He knocks on the door, smiling as the boss looks up at him and motions for him to come inside. He does so, smile not leaving his face as he drops the piece of paper on his desk.

"I've been given my clearance papers to return back to racing, beginning with Daytona," Alex states matter of factly, even if he knew Rick would probably read the papers before him anyway. "I'm ready to get back to work boss." 

"After the winter you've had, you'll probably absolutely take a return to normal," Rick comments, earning a chuckle and nod in response from Alex. Nobody could've predicted following the season finale at Phoenix Raceway that he'd be attacked, have to hire security, get kidnapped with that said security, and be stuck dealing with pain for weeks. "I'm glad to see you are doing better, Alex. It'll be great to have you on-board for Daytona." 

"I plan on bringing you not only a pole this year, but maybe a win for a change." Rick nods his head, as Alex knew anything would be better than the usual spell of wrecking out of the 500 each year like they had in the past. 

"I know you are going to try your best, and that's all we ask. That's also why I have a gift for you...." Rick then reaches in the drawer, pulling a series of papers, placing them before Alex. "Ally agreed to the contract extension terms so the papers just need your signature." 

"Seriously?" Rick nods his head as Alex couldn't help but smile even more, knowing that would solidify the next three years of his career. It was amazing to go from a guy fired in a Taco Bell drive-thru to a multi-year contract with one of the biggest teams in the business.  "Man, I don't even know what to say...."

"You've earned it, honestly, Alex...." Alex nods his head as he takes a deep breath, feeling his eyes get wet sitting there. He then finds himself taking another series of deep breathes, words taking up every thought process in his mind. There were few things that he could think of. "The wins, the consistency, running up front, and the way you've treated them - this is all you, Alex."

"I know..." He then swallows the lump in his throat, willing the emotions that threatened to break through and take over away but yet knowing he was losing the battle with every single second that passed. "It feels surreal, honestly. I watched my life flash before my eyes. I would've been dead if Jay hadn't saved me, Rick. I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be getting this opportunity. I just.....I don't know what to say...."

"Be thankful..." Rick then stands up and makes his way over to Alex's side of the desk, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Be thankful that you have the chance to do this. Be thankful that it worked out the way it did. Be thankful that you are okay. Take it by the horns, grab it, and do what you can with it. That's all you can do, Alex. It wasn't your time, and now you got to show why you still had more of your story left to write." 

"That's what I plan to do, sir..." Rick looks into his eyes, as Alex wipes away a couple stray tears. 

"It's okay to admit that you were afraid. It's okay to admit that you were affected by what happened, Alex. You don't need to hide these emotions as I get it. I heard what you went through, and I know I'd be scared out of my min-"

"You have no idea. I literally was shaking at the core, but yet trying to be strong. I just tried to keep that face because I can't even describe how far he went for me. He let them do all that - just to protect me, someone who he just barely knows. And yet while he was Mr. Strong, no emotions, I was literally shaking at the core and scared beyond anything...." Alex takes a couple deep breathes, a couple more tears trickling down the cheeks.

"Have you talked to Shannon about this at all?" Alex glances up, with a nod of the head. He remembered the advice from Jay. He knew the sessions with Shannon were important before a season started anyway. It was why he made sure to bring it up when they had met a couple times over the past series of weeks. "That's good. It's going to take time, Alex. I hope you realize that." 

"I know...." He then lets his eyes glance back to the contract that remained on the desk. "But I also know that I am going to make good on that contract and this season. I'm ready to kick some ass, sir." 

"That's the spirit." 

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