Chapter 44: Pain

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Jay adjusts his vest once more, before reaching into his pocket to ensure his flashlight was there. Knowing their latest suspect was in an abandoned warehouse, light would become a question and that's where there'd be regret if not there. He then ensures his gun is in the holster, followed by a pair of cuffs hanging where necessary.

"Please tell me you're carrying Naloxone now-a-days," Jay comments as he reaches into the back of Hailey's jeep into the bag, grabbing a needle and slipping it into the pocket on the left side of his vest.

"I learned a lesson that day to always have it on me," Hank replies as he reaches in his pocket, pulling out the tip to show Jay it was indeed there. 

Jay hadn't let the boss down when he found someone who had 75 balloons of cocaine in their stomach burst and was overdosing - but yet he had to wait until Jay showed up with the Naloxone to do anything other than radio it in. Jay was quick in the moment to take it out and inject the suspect, but he remembered the conversation he had afterwards with the boss. He reminded him it was policy. He reminded him of the window they had to work with. He reminded him of almost happened with Antonio before they got him the necessary help. He reminded him about how Erin was able to help Nadia - until she was unfortunately kidnapped and killed by Yates. 

He takes a deep breath, the flashbacks all rolling through his mind at once, still in disgust at the guilt they all carried for Gregory Yates being able to target Erin as long as he did, and get away with as much as he did in the process. 

"Are you ready?" Hailey questions as she looks over at her partner, taking her keys out of the pocket to hit the lock button once again to ensure they were not leaving her jeep unlocked while inside. 

"I told you I was fine," Jay replies, casting a glance her way, before hurrying to catch up with Kevin, Kim, and Adam. The question did not go that easily for everyone, though, with looks between Hailey and Hank sharing the same concern she expressed.

They make their way up to the door, knocking as they normally did. Kevin called out, "Chicago PD!" in hopes of getting the door answered. That would be the easy way, but that was never the case in these drug busts - even more challenging when a murder was involved.

It was why once Kevin backed out the way, Adam lined up the door rammer with the handle, smashing it and forcing the door to open with ease. The group then quickly made their way inside back-to-back, guns drawn, with Jay in-between Kim and Hailey. 

Their flashlights were not needed once inside as the place was fully lit, with individuals scattered throughout. Guns drawn, they fanned out, causing the workers who were grinding the drugs and bagging them, followed by labels, to each raise their arms in the air with ease.

"Where is he?" Hank questions as he puts a gun to the back of the head of the older woman in the room. She points to the back of the warehouse, where another door lied. "Jay, Hailey, Adam come with me. Kevin and Kim, call Narcartics down here for a sweep."

"This is 5021 David," Kevin starts as he pulls his radio off his belt, not lowering his gun as he keeps his eyes scanning the room. "Can we get the Narcotics to my location?" 

Jay followed the instructions given as he made his way to the door, positioning himself right over Adam's left shoulder. Adam repeats the same process as they did with the main door - except not announcing themselves, but rather just entering via the door rammer.

The group follows their way in - utilizing protocol in covering each other as they do so, eyes scanning the scene before them as it opens into a wide open room. A couple motions of the fingers, and Adam follows left with Hank, as Jay and Hailey go right. 

They then make their way down, looking for any signs of life, not seeing anyone initially. However, their perspective quickly changed as a series of gunshots rang out through the place. Jay ducked behind a building pillar, with Hailey quickly following suit.

"5021 George, we have shots fired at the police at my location," Jay radios over as he glances across the room to see Adam and Hank had taken cover of their own.

A couple more shots are rang out, followed by them delivering a series of their own. They then shuffle their way closer to where the group is, eventually with all four tucked behind a dumpster as the individual(s) stood above.

"Cover me...." Jay instructs, having a plan to sweep from the left while they drew attention and fire towards the right.

The plan worked initially as he made his way forward, reaching the stairs to head up to the second flight - only for two shots in succession to be fired in his direction. He immediately feels a pain up his back, causing him to lose step on the stairs, and fall back a couple steps, lying on the ground.

"Jay!!" Hailey lets out as she runs over to where he had landed, while Adam rang out two shots to take down to the two offenders to the left, as Hank went up to chase the individual to the right which had gotten the shot at Jay.

"5021 Idea I need an ambo to my location," Adam radios at as he makes his way over to where Hailey stood over Jay. "Officer shot in crossfire. GSW."

"Jay!?!" Hailey then reaches down to his body, ignoring any reaction she got from calling out of his name, rolling him over on his side. She reluctantly reaches her hand underneath the vest, pulling it back out with a sigh. "No blood. The bullet didn't pierce through the vest."

"Jay...." Adam kneels down on the other side as Hailey lightly rolls him back over on his back, a grunt being delivered in response to the movement.

"Fuck my back hurts!" Jay lets out, twitching in the process as he bites his lip to stop the scream that almost ensured afterwards. "Fuck! Hails, I can't feel my legs..." 

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