Chapter 6: A Connection....

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"I got something!!" Adam Ruzek lets out as he looks at the computer screen before him.

It was the common call from any of the detectives to let out if they came across any information to be shared immediately. IT caught the attention of everyone as it would be the next step in where they'd take their case moving forward. Sometimes it was an address, sometimes it was a phone number, other times it was key information about the individual involved that helped find the next step.

"I was searching for any information I could about both Lucy Bennett and Felicia Benoit," he starts, having put both their names, together and separately, in several different databases they commonly used. "I figured I'd cross reference them school wise to see if anything hit - nothing. However, I inserted Lucy's full name and just Felicia." 

"Felicia changed her last name...." Antonio Dawson summarizes, knowing it was common practice when it came to chasing people while spending time in Vice. It was meant to fool the police off their trail in hopefully not being able to find everything they had lying out there. However, it seemed no matter what they did, it all came out at the end.

"Felicia Bennett is her birthname." Adam brings up the image of what he found bigger on the screen as the group gather around for a closer glance at the latest information. It was normal practice for whomever found it to print off enough copies to pass around the room, but Adam's excitement over finding something had changed protocol. "Felicia and Lucy are twin sisters. Just look at this image." 

"That's why Randy or one of his associates saw the images of Alex with Lucy, and thought he was with Felicia." Adam nods his head as it was the logical explanation that linked everyone together, considering Jay kept insisting Alex was clean as anything based on what everyone had shared in North Carolina. 

"Bennett..." Hank Voight repeats the last name out loud as he walks back into his office, ripping open the file drawer. He sifts through the files, landing on one that was near the back with a deep breath. "Anthony Bennett. Felicia married Anthony, hence her connection to why Randy wants information from her." 

"Is Anthony still running around?" Antonio questions, remembering all the time he spent with Hank and Erin chasing this guy, in hopes of taking him down anyway possible. It seemed he was one of five that could transfer drugs around the city with barely a trace. 

"He got out on the last charge due to a technicality." Hank places the file on his desk, ripping through it as he pulls out the address at the back of the folder. "Last known address. Why hadn't we connected this before as soon as we heard the name? Why haven't we knocked down this guy's door already?" 

Antonio grabs his coat, followed by Kevin (Atwater). It seemed when they came across those known for past drug connections, it was always Antonio taking the lead due to his time in VICE. Now if they needed someone to blend in and be looking for some, that was when Jay got the call as he seemed to have a natural ability of playing the role.

"Ruzek and Burgess!!" Hank's voice catches Adam and Kim's attention as they look towards the office doors. Adam was reaching for his coat, wondering if back-up was necessary considering this guy had a history. "I want the last known address for Lucy Bennett. I want the last known address for Felicia Benoit. I want their parent's address. I want everything else you can find on both woman because if we find Felicia, we find out why they were so keen on attacking Alex to get the information." 

Hailey Upton crosses her arms as she watches the boss closely, knowing she was the only person in the unit with a handed task right now. However, she knew what to be doing anyway - she was tasked with finding any information that could track down Randy Day's location. That included past addresses, phone numbers, known associates - as there were obviously questions to be asked about his actions against Alex. 


"I got an update...." Jay comments after getting off with Hank, catching the attention of the pair before him. He was actually glad the update came through when it did with Alex just getting back from a doctor's appointment to give him the next steps of his concussion healing. It meant he was fully awake, as he enjoyed lunch, before focusing on recovering from injuries.

"They caught Randy?" CJ questions, hopeful this nightmare would be over sooner than later. Obvious the response he got from Jay meant the unit hadn't been able to work the miracle he had hoped based on their reputation.

"Lucy and Felicia are twin sisters. That's why they saw the image of you both together, and thought you had information.." Alex glances down at his plate of food, feeling his stomach flip upside down immediately in processing the information. He was always careful. He always got to know someone before getting close or allowing other things to happen. The one time he takes a chance, does something out of character, and it just seemed to get worse.

"So I decide I need to get laid to forget about a break-up, and I sleep with a mobster twin," he says with a chuckle to himself in disbelief. CJ could see the reaction immediately as he placed a hand on Alex's shoulders, knowing where this was going without another word needed to be spoken.

"It's not your fau-" CJ starts, but the words were getting nowhere as Alex had already lost his appetite.

"I allowed the connection. I talked to her, allowed her to be with me without a single word or question of judgment. If I hadn't gone off like a lost puppy, we wouldn't be here." CJ lets out a sigh, knowing that part of those words were right. However, he wasn't about to let Alex swallow in pride right now.

"Perhaps, or perhaps she would've checked off the boxes and we still would've been here. For all we know, Lucy is a great girl, innocent, the perfect one who just so happens to have some bad family ties. I'm sure Jay - sorry, Detec-"

"Jay is fine," Jay interrupts, knowing with all the time they were to spend together, they better just get on first name basis. Besides, it'd make it easier to cover he was a plain clothed security in other public places much easier. He was just a friend, brought along as a guest who was staying with Alex for awhile. "CJ is right, by the way. We've seen it several times. Unfortunately, you cannot control who you grow up with and what they do. But sometimes it comes back to bite you when their wrongdoings catch you in the middle. We're handling it, we're finding those involved, and figuring it out. That's all that needs to be said." 

"Except the fact that thanks to this, I am stuck out of the car for at least this weekend, probably more," Alex lets out in frustration as he stands up from the table and heads down the hall towards his room. Jay could only glance over at CJ, curious as to the next course of action. If it was him, he knew he'd want to be left alone, allowing the emotions to come out in their own way but unwilling to ever share and show weakness.

"Classic racecar driver response," CJ comments as he begins cleaning up the leftover dishes on the table from everyone. "We care more about the fact we can't be in the car than our own damn health. Is that smart? No, but that's what gives us the drive and determination we have." CJ glances down the hall, debating what to do himself, before allowing his eyes to drift back towards Jay. "He'll be fine. Let him start feeling better and getting back to his normal flow, and things will be fine." 

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