Chapter 1: A Ceremony Gone Wrong

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[A/N] - Hello lovely readers, your favourite author is here with another story. This time, we go deep into the world of Pirates. Do not forget to R&R, I accept and appreciate all kinds of comments. From the good ones to the bad ones to those comments who give me ideas and tell me what they wish to see further down the rabbit hole.

Sometimes, I might use some navy terms and words, especially when I describe a ship but there will always be a translation at the bottom.

I own nothing but my OC.



Port Royal, Governor's House - Morning


The House of the famous Governor of Port Royal was a building that few could truly not notice. With its many rooms, expensive design and stood out against the simplest and often poorest houses of the local island residents. Governor Wetherby Swan was a kind man and was known not only for his good work as Governor but also for his two beautiful daughters; one of whom was adopted but sometimes even he could not truly tell which of the two girls was the wildest.

It was an early morning for a very important day, that his adopted daughter was having trouble sleeping once again.

Dark curtains kept the morning sun rays out and allowed the room to remain as dark as possible when one was living in such tropical climate as they did. The sleep of the resident, however, did not last for long. A few knocks on the closed door made the redhead slowly wake up but she did not attempt to move from the warm covers of her bed.

She could hear the footsteps of her visitor, knowing fully well that it was her main; who had come to wake her up.

She managed to do just that by pulling the curtains to the side and allowing the morning sun right on the sleeping redhead woman. Her reaction...a low hiss and then a groan, before she was forced to turn her body and her head, in hopes of getting back to sleep.

"Lady Artemis, please wake up. It is a special day today and the Governor has already brought you a gift" the maid said, turning her body to face the second 'lady' of the household.

The woman let out a sigh and pushed the covers off before raising her body into a sitting position. Bright red hair was flying almost everywhere and long bangs were covering almost her whole face.

"What gift?" she asked with faint grogginess in her voice, a product of sleep. She started to push her hair out of her way and yawn as her maid brought forward the so-called 'gift'. It was yet another fancy dress in the colours of nice blue with a white accessory she did not recognise but took notice of the endless strings left and right. Knowing too well that she would win something by commenting, she chose to say something else. "Where is he, anyway?" she asked, talking about the man who had taken her in after she lost her original family.

"He said he would check on Miss Swan first and wishes you to meet him at her room"

The redhead let out another sigh before standing up and heading towards the changing curtain at the side of her room. She stretched her body, feeling bones popping and that offered her a small nice relief, while she was mentally preparing herself for the tedious routine that she should have been used to by now.

The maid quickly helped her get rid of her simple white nightgown and then helped her with the dress.

At first, Artemis did not fully focus on what her maid was doing, merely following along to her instructions as she was helped into the fancy prison made of multiple expensive fabrics sewn together. Yet, her trail of thoughts was interrupted when she felt someone pulling her back, followed by a rather sharp pain forming in her chest. Her breathing was reduced out of the blue and her eyes opened wide, while a yelp of surprise escaped her lips.

The Redhead of the Sea (Jack Sparrow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now